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Everything posted by Hibahere
@puporing I second you ?
@zurew I honestly feel like the previous advice was best suited to me. It's clear now that I can never win in an argument with her. Whenever I used the argument tactic I would say harsh and true things to her regealing her own hypocrisy to her but then she would come this close to throwing hands because she would feel threatened and exposed. I think I can do the maneuvering argument thing but it will definitely require patience on my part. It's something I need to practice. And you are right she is super controlling and impatient. As far as moving out goes, I just can't do it right now because I don't earn anything. And mainly also because Asian parents would kill themselves if they heat that their child wants yo live separately. The only way out I have is marriage. I definitely want to get married along the late 20s or 30s. It is something that is on my checklist, but obviously I need to earn myself first and stabilise myself in my career prospects, so that I have a solid foundation under me that can support me even if nothing goes as planned
@Arcangelo pay my rent then
@Gesundheit2 wow, never actually thought of that thanks mate ?
@Arthogaan Thats a unique perspective, i appreciate this. Yes what helps me be more at peace is realizing that she can't know any better, so i just go with the flow mostly. Minimizing interactions is a hard part but i'll definitely try it out
It seems like you are open minded and you can introspect as well. I would advise to be mindful while you are conversing. Try to observe yourself while go about your daily life. And definitely like @Ninja_pig said, try to listen more or listen well. People can perceive it when you are actually listening vs when you just want to prove your own point. Good luck
Whatever you do, don't listen to andrew tate
Hibahere replied to Potential's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura idky I get scared sometimes when hearing about this. Is this my ego ? -
Yes I used to do this when there were two conflicting opinions inside me. For example when I really wanted to achieve something but some fear was stopping me from doing it. I would record myself from the perspective of that fear and then from the perspective of my progressive self. I would later listen to both recordings and come up with a solution where it's a win win for both perspectives. (Without bulldozing my fear I would make a solution to go forward with the goal where my fear either dissolved or felt more secure). I would repeat it a few times for the same problem and then the issue would disappear completely.
From an actualized perspective, and an open mind, what is the main problem(s) here, mainly on a deeper level (other than those stated in the video)? and what can be the long term solutions?
@sda and plus I am very proud of you! Living in lahore is a hassle in itself I can't imagine peshawars culture
@sda dude, hit me up. Your story feels very close to home. Pm me
Making the subconscious, conscious basically. Practical ways of doing that would help a lot. I've only read about parts work and jungian psychology so far there has been very little data on this.
@HarikrishnanI appreciate it ?
Seeing everyone here makes me feel more connected to this community
@Leo Gura you are a hopeless romantic omg
@Manusia thank you so much you really motivated me with the intuition part. And yes I definitely have some goal I wanna achieve.Im at my best when my belief is strongest
At 21 I have had my first shair of so called relationships which are more accurately called disappointments. Living in a third world country also comes as a handy surprise because I've come far in my actualization journey and will rarely find someone with the same mindset. Been through 2 serious relationships and others were disappointing flings. I am thinking of giving up but I will share my experience with you. And I would especially like to ask the single people, are you happy!? And those who have found the one, are yo happy, and what steps did you take? I recently got out of my most serious relationship with a guy I dated for 1.5 years. Its been four months and didn't even take a month to jump into another situationship. This guy I met was at uni, where I barely ever expect to meet good people because everyone is usually pathetic and short minded. My mind matches with barely anyone and most of my friendships are surface level. Anyhow, I know for a fact I manifested this guy into my reality. His mind matched mine, the time I spent with him was about 2 months and it was absolutely amazing, I thought I had found my soulmate all the while ignoring red flags. Everyone around him called him a fboy and acted weird around him. His best female friend tried to clear all my doubts and I was immediately persuaded by her and I thought the guy was my end all be all, she told me he wanted to marry me and what not. Anyways idk what happened yesterday but I lost interest in him. I ended it on a polite note, cried later out of the disappointment in love life..today is my exam and I'm still distracted. With a few bouts of regret and also dslespair I do get a good feeling that if I remain single for at least a year someone worthy of my time would come in. The guy did seem to tick 80 percent of the boxes however I still got a very strong gut wrenching intuition that something was off so I ended it. I'm at a stage in life where I wanna get out there, make countless friends, earn money, stand on my own 2 feet, actualize myself, and get to a healthy mental state and actually BECOME something but it all seems so hopeless idky. I have strong manifesting abilities and I've also lost hope in them. I'm at a dead end. Please advise .
@Girzo I really like your reply. Its something practical and wise.
@soos_mite_ah thank you that was so inspirational
@Leo Gura I would agree with you on this. Maybe ill have to live with some regret for a while like others are saying, or maybe ill make the stupid decision of asking him to come back...my monkey mind is all over the place lol. Cognitive dissonance but I'm definitely more pulled towards being single for a while.
Hi I'm hiba! It feels like something I have never expected or experienced before. I went through a painful relationship that finally ended 3 months ago and after that I have experienced great change in my personality, worldview and character. I never thought about this change or bought it on consciously it just happened. I usually go through awakenings when they are triggered by people, or relationships, so I was also expecting this a little bit. I feel like anew person and i am in love with my own company. Mentally: It seems that there is this new found balance between my logical mind and my emotional mind which used to be very fragmented before. I can hold more than one perspective at a time and now I'm does not cause me any emotional distress like it used to. There is generally more acceptance that I have for myself now. I have noticed a high increase in my self esteem and a lowering of my general social awkwardness. I feel more connected to the world and people in general, the good parts and the bad feel one. I see everything as not one big chaos or shortcoming but as a system that needs to be studied deeply. People always told me how I go too deep into things and that has seemed to increase too. My understanding on some topics has also been enhanced. I feel relaxed, more myself, and as if I'm slowly discovering myself and my new facets of personality. I am more unbiased in general. Things that triggered me (some of them) don't anymore. In general physically inside I feel bigger and more full, I am better able to interact with my family and parents. People genuinely seem to enjoy my presence. Personality: Very open and confident now, very energetic, I feel as if I have loads of energy to give around and as if I have huge ammonium of energy stored in myself that can be used for a greater cause. Sometimes I do get reckless and risky...but that's just my psychotic side. IQ: Just finished my mid term exams for uni. I was the type of student who used to struggle with memory and focus, I used to be anxiety ridden and full of despair while studying and never been able to score as good as I wanted. Now...it feels like a new ability has been unlocked. I can fathom how I studied the whole syllabus in 1-2 days and aced my exams. My focus was brilliant, I was still distracted but I never panicked or got anxious which helped me a lot. Side note: I used coffee too and survived on 4 hours of sleep. Accomplishing things: In general I feel like I can Accomplish things more easily now. Especially because I like to get to the nitty gritties. In general I have been attracting many people and things which are a match to my mindset (which I lost hope in after my painful break up). I never believed that I my stage blue dominant country I would find people like me but I did. Random ideas or inspired thoughts would pop in my head...the catch is to remember them though which I forget. My intuition seems sharper and as if my mind is being trained to listen to it more. I'm more cautious with my ways and my neurosis has decreased. I "manifested" someone I beleive they call a soulmate although I have now refrained from believing is such ideas because I'm more towards logic but when it happened I was shocked myself. My very close friend of now...he randomly approached me in university a month ago. We clicked instantly and I got close to him as if he was my friend of years. Its very shocking and scared me to a point how much our minds and worldviews match, down to little things like habits and some minor health issues. But I won't get into that too deep as I'm still recovering from my break up. He has been a great catalyst in this period of growth, he did inspire me to study well too and he usually does with my side business too. I never expected to meet someone like this person before and I never actually did meet anyone like this in my life before. He has opened my eyes to a lot and made me respect myself more in general idk who he is...haha. Lastly I am better able to grasp the psyche of and interact well with people who are less self aware or on lower levels of the spiral dynamics. This was my story. What are your views on this and am I on the right track so self actualization?
@inFlow thank you for the wisdom I truly appreciate it ❤
@Holly Jean Hi Holly! Thanks for your appreciation. Yes I do get that feeling that fundamentally everything is perfect and bad and good is a mental construct! But its not constant because I'd say I still get stuck in neurotic thinking at times but I do manage to move on better than I used to because after these experiences my belief that I can manifest things easily has been strengthened
@kag101 I still have a few moments like that but I manage to move on