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Everything posted by HMD

  1. Tehran, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Hezbollah, Hamas & others will operate under joint command. thoughts?
  2. @Leo Gura I haven’t seen any of these supporting each other fully. I mean, Yemen, Palestine, and Syria have been bombed since a long time and I think If there was a unified agreement like this one at least yemen would have been safe.
  3. I have been doing personal development ever since I can remember. I was very young when I was practicing the letting go technique and also doing various forms of self inquiry. But then I stumbled upon Leo’s work. Things were going pretty well initially, I was having insights left and right. I was having mystical experiences I can’t explain with words. But then I reached a point where I had to take care of my survival and couldn’t focus too much on personal development and spirituality. Ever since then I started using Leo’s teachings to fulfil my own desires and needs. If I was doing something that was wrong I would rationalise it away by saying something like “there is nothing wrong or right”. Slowly it all started adding up and I started justifying bad habits, addictions, and being an asshole to others around me. And only recently it hit me what have I really become. I was fully aware of this trap and yet I was knees deep in it. Because of all this, I had locked myself deeper in my addictions, become harsher to those around me, and strayed farther away from God than I was prior to following Leo’s work. I am writing this to humble myself and also as a warning to those around me. Perhaps you think you have gone very far in this work, but you’re actually just fooling yourself. I am still on my way to recovery, and it’s a painful path.
  4. This point doesn’t get talked about enough. One key player supporting and even driving Israels rampage is the US. We all know that there is a bias against everything Islam in the west, particularly after 911, and the US is still acting from that bias by supporting a nation that’s shaking up the whole Arab world. That’s like these best case scenario for them.
  5. You’re welcome @Something Funny
  6. @Something Funny Don’t be hard on yourself. Learning how to prioritize is really tough. You have to learn how to sacrifice. Sacrifice is scary and you may not have thought that it’s something you would have to do one day. Give yourself some grace. You are learning the game, it’ll be fun once you get a hang of it.
  7. Imagine you were in a video game, where you had like 10 things you could upgrade. But you had limited coins. You’d want to upgrade everything all at once, but that would make the game too easy and not worth playing anymore. So you quickly start paying attention and learning which thing to upgrade according to your style of play and the specific requirements of the part of the game you’re in at that time. You learn to prioritise.
  8. I recently got into a long-distance relationship, and I am working on getting my counseling career started while also working as a Freelance writer. I have to do freelance work to get money for the bills, but I also have to work on building a career as a Dietitian because that's what I really love doing. But the money I am making right now is not enough compared to the bills, so I have been putting in time to increase my income. The career also requires plenty of time and money to get the right certifications and knowledge (I already have a degree in Dietetics). On top of this, I am also in a long-term relationship so I have to invest time and money on that too. And finally, there is spirituality, without which I just can't function properly. My question here is, what would you guys recommend I do? How do I balance all of these? Are there any books that I can read that would help me in the balancing process?
  9. @jacknine119 I don't want to jump the gun and make assumptions, but this could be because you are used to numbing yourself instead of feeling your emotions deeply.
  10. @Davino The concept of discipline often receives a lot of attention, particularly because many of us in the developed world may lack a solid foundation in this area and therefore need to prioritize it (Undeveloped stage blue). However, it's important not to overlook the significance of motivation. Getting the right balance between discipline and motivation is crucial for achieving success.
  11. @Ero I understand your point. @UnbornTao Wouldn't that just be an instance of introjected motivation, like in the Self-determination theory @Carl-Richard shared?
  12. @Ramanujan Thanks for the suggestion. I'll check it out.
  13. @Ero Can you explain that a little?
  14. @UnbornTao Wouldn't that make your intention the motivation? If I intend to close my fist, that intention acts as the motivation for me to close my fist, doesn't it?
  15. There is a reason behind why "you just have to," and that is your motivation. There is a narrative you've concocted on why you have to do that thing; this might not produce a natural drive that propels you into action, but you only get up and do the thing based on that narrative. The reframing as a life purpose didn't really work for me. I have a much stronger drive to do something if I align what I am doing with Learning and excellence, two of my highest values. Congratulations on your success! And I have been studying these two for a while now. Thanks for the suggestion, though.
  16. @puporing At least you guys don't have malaria and constant power outages.
  17. @Raze @CARDOZZO @Ulax Thanks for sharing
  18. @Ero I am getting a feeling that you're taking my use of the term motivation in the wrong way. Because technically, you cannot do anything without motivation. Motivation is "the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way." I think it is essential to understand your motivational systems and develop the ability to control them intrinsically if you want to go anywhere in life. Discipline and life purpose are important, but they are closely tied to motivation. @Joshe The reason why you can work for longer on your projects is because you have a stronger motivation to work on them. Forcing yourself is just another term for motivating yourself.
  19. @PurpleTree Technically true. But don't mix the absolute with the relative, especially with someone who is still in the process of developing their nervous system to meet the requirements of higher-level cognition.
  20. @Kokorec Ideas are worthless if not put into action. Instead of just thinking and having 'AHA' moments, focus on creating tangible results. Otherwise, your self-esteem will suffer.
  21. @Michael569 I truly appreciate you taking the time and sharing your wisdom. I will be saving this and coming back to this from time to time. Some of these are super relevant to my situation. We really do. Right now it's a messy situation in the nutrition world. Where are you right now in your journey, if you don't mind sharing?
  22. @Realms of Wonder I took this approach and let go of spirituality, meditation, etc. But I have found that I slip into a chaotic mess as soon as I do that. It took me years and years to deconstruct my identity and see through its illusion. This left me with an emptiness inside, which is something that both terrified me and brought me immense joy. But as soon as I drift away from my spiritual practices, I tend to fill that emptiness with all sorts of hedonistic things. In other words, I am overly susceptible to addictions if I "let go."