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Everything posted by HMD

  1. @Razard86 Finding ways to minimize it is all we can do. But being careful about it becoming a bias against bias is tricky.
  2. Nice. One thing I recommend is to try to make things practical for yourself. Like observing the principles in action through experience. Watch That video about exposing yourself to new experiences.
  3. @PurpleTree When you reject a particular thing in other people, you are rejecting a part of your present experience or yourself or of God. This is because you are biased towards a particular way things ought to be, and if things remain to be that way then your survival is ensured. But this comes to bite you in the ass. For instance, if you are biased toward people being “good”, then when people are not “good” you’ll reject them when they come up in your experience, this means you are rejecting your experience or present moment or yourself or God. And then of course this produces suffering in multiple ways beyond the obvious ones. For instance, you start shaming yourself and producing guilt when you’re not “good” which leads to neurosis and insecurities in addition to other pathologies. If you were truthful and less biased these things wouldn’t bother you because you understand the illusion of your bias toward survival. So, a good practice to develop is accepting the present moment (Eckhart Tolle style) and being satisfied with it. Also, meditate on bias.
  4. Why do you want to convince yourself? You can intuit that backpill has ruined your game but you still keep believing that blackpill is right, why?
  5. @Liliaimplicating that the globe is alive and conscious. And you were open-minded enough to let that impact you.
  6. @Lilia oh I get it now. Well, this can be an interesting development if it actually happens. But I think mathematician are so close minded that it’ll take 1000s of years fir it to happen, if it happens at all. I think poets and novelists do this already to degree. They are really good at describing things from a different person’s (or sometimes, thing’s) persepective. And as a kid I saw math as a utilitarian tool which is important for society to funtion (Think about trading etc).
  8. @Lilia A pattern of selective identification ... Can you elaborate on that a little?
  9. @Dodo or consciousness is manifesting limitation and separation so that it can hold the capacity to be ignorant and limited.
  10. What are some of the problems you face/used to face when dealing with normies? And also, how did you overcome it?
  11. Hedonism: Focus: Hedonism is primarily concerned with the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain as the ultimate motivators of human behavior. Nature: It's a moral theory that places pleasure and happiness at the center of ethical decision-making, suggesting that the morally right action is the one that maximizes pleasure or minimizes pain. Application: Hedonism provides a guideline for evaluating actions based on their ability to bring pleasure or reduce suffering.
  12. Definations: Oxford dictionary: the ethical theory that pleasure (in the sense of the satisfaction of desires) is the highest good and proper aim of human life. Standard Encyclopedia of Philosophy: The word ‘hedonism’ comes from the ancient Greek for ‘pleasure’. Psychological or motivational hedonism claims that only pleasure or pain motivates us. Ethical or evaluative hedonism claims that only pleasure has worth or value and only pain or displeasure has disvalue or the opposite of worth. Wikipedia: Applied to well-being or what is good for someone, it is the thesis that pleasure and suffering are the only components of well-being.
  13. @Princess Arabia Nah, copywriting is mostly about persuasion and getting more sales through the written word. I write copy when the pay is REALLY good else I stay away from it. Blog posts are about providing information to the reader in an interesting way so they don’t log off the website halfway through. That’s called engagement. Sometimes the client asks you to push a particular product on their blog so they can make money through affiliate links, and that’s where you write copy.
  14. Well, Math and English are kinda different animals when it comes to describing the real world. Math is all about precision and those weird-ass symbols, making it a global deal with strict logic. English, on the other hand, is more subjective, capturing feelings, stories, and stuff in a not-so-structured way. It's a bit more chill, but also, like, not as universal. Math’s the go-to for exact numbers and science stuff, while English does the whole emotions and everyday life thing better. They both have their place.
  15. Of course! I enjoy writing a wide range of content, from blogs to YouTube scripts and everything in between. Currently, I'm working on various projects for different clients. On top of that, I like to share my thoughts in a somewhat poetic way on my Instagram account. It's a fun way to express myself and connect with others. What about you? Do you write?
  16. @Princess Arabia It’s a pleasure for me. I would also like to thank you for the acknowledgment. That’s exactly why we are here. IMO, It’s just that everyone has a way of communicating that was shaped by their survival needs, and hey, it works for them. I am a professional writer, so that has shaped the way I write. It has taught me that writing is radically different than speaking, and you have to be precise, or else you may convey an emotion or sentiment that you didn't intend. Therefore, it's easy to come across as dismissive and excessively assertive, which usually makes the reader recoil, and we generally try to avoid that. Anyways, that’s some meta information to contemplate on.
  17. @Dodo I mentioned “unique expressions or forms of this singular consciousness”. Unique expression with unique problems and unique solutions. Ultimately it’s the expression of the same consciousness/Self, so in that respect, the Self is the only thing that can be known.
  18. @Dodo Consider the idea that everyone shares the same consciousness, that it's essentially one unified consciousness. In this view, EVERY individual, including the avatars representing them, can be seen as unique expressions or forms of this singular consciousness. Therefore, it leads us to the notion that the self is the only thing that can be known to exist or may be the only true reality.
  19. @Lila9 How are you currently coping with this?
  20. @Princess Arabia Invention is also ‘ising’, and vice versa. The distinction between these two collapses in the absolute context. You may attempt going one level of abstraction above the point from where you create/notice the distinction between being and invention.