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Everything posted by HMD

  1. 100%. Breath seems to me like a portal between the relative and absolute realm (which are ultimately just one realm). For me, it is the quickest way to switch between these two. But you can actually control your breath, you can even pass out from holding your breath for too long.
  2. Of course, @itsadistraction. The questions are supposed to be rhetorical. I have noticed myself becoming too absolutist at times, and this line of questioning helps me keep the relative realm in mind.
  3. @rachMiel That’s what we’re trying to do here, mostly. Creating a better reality.
  4. Every perspective holds a kernel of truth, but most have a lot of BS alongside it. Distinguish wheat from the chaff, don’t throw out the whole thing.
  5. @rachMiel Yes. However, the “matrix” (relative) and “Zion” (absolute) merge and bleed into each other in a strange loopy way. So, the desolate wasteland (and all the “evils” it holds) is also infinitely beautiful. Developing this perspective of seeing beauty and Love everywhere is why we must go beyond the stories. To eradicate evil.
  6. @Fluran That’s a lack of understanding of complexity, which truly begins at late-green. So, most of them are probably at stage orange (as the statistics suggest).
  7. You can do both. Realize what lies beyond stories, and then also enjoy the stories. No problemo.
  8. @jdc7733 Do you have a meditation practice that you do everyday
  9. @Dodo Because I woke up from the final dream and was fucked up for a while that shit, that was a crazy ass dream. And then I woke up again and was back in “reality”. I never saw reality the same again.
  10. Well, you can experience this tonight when you sleep. You’ll be dreaming inside a dream. I’ve had times where I slept inside my night-time dream and had another dream. That's the whole plot of Inception lmao. And it actually happens to people yk?
  11. @An young being Oh yes, for sure. But I have a feeling that his skepticism might treat it in a similar fashion.
  12. That’s approximately how we create reality or, rather, the illusion of it.
  13. @An young being Probably. But it depends on the person, because both words are great pointers and can lead to truth if they are contemplated seriously. But usually, it’s a combination of various different pointers that actually take you there.
  14. @Dodo Well, in this dream you can. Why do you think it isn’t possible to dream such a thing? Also, this waking dream is not a continuation of your sleeping state. In fact, you are also dreaming that you go to sleep and have dreams where you can’t read. Try to grasp that.
  15. @Dodo In this dream you are dreaming that you can’t become lucid and break the laws. That's part of your dream. You are also dreaming this text and the persona behind it that you believe exists, telling you that life is a dream.
  16. Consider this: You can dream all kinds of limitations and rules within your dream. You can dream the limitation that you need sleep and then you would need sleep (or need sustenance, or have consequences to your action, and you also dream each and every consequence). Similarly, you can dream a lack of limitations in your sleep dreams (lack of gravity, etc). Obvious stuff.
  17. Masculinity is commonly associated with order. This concept, as expounded by Jordan Peterson and others, extends beyond a single thinker and is a prevailing cultural theme. In contrast, femininity is often linked with chaos or embodies it in some cases. While this is a duality, it is perhaps the most fundamental and central one to explore. Thus, let's avoid approaching it from an absolutist standpoint for now. When a man predominantly embodies masculinity, he tends to gravitate toward constructing and safeguarding existing structures. He values stability, routine, and discipline, characteristics that might resonate with what's referred to as "stage blue masculinity" (an aspect to be addressed later). The masculine essence aims to bring some semblance of order to the natural world, be it through physical or mental means. It strives to impose order on the inherent chaos of the infinite and establish predictability in the midst of unpredictability. The masculine perspective embraces this worldview and inherently requires a dose of chaos or femininity. Without it, excessive order emerges, resulting in suffering – a theme evident in various aspects of life. Overly stringent order can lead to tyranny and dictatorships, manifest as boredom, passivity, and stultification. In practice, very few individuals are purely masculine; such imbalances usually self-correct. Most masculine men naturally find themselves drawn to feminine women, and the polarity between them fosters attraction. The emotional depth found in the feminine psyche, along with other qualities, often introduces a degree of chaos that the masculine can then shape into order or use to balance his inherent masculinity. Contemporary women have increasingly embraced their masculine energy, making it somewhat challenging for men to maintain their masculine energy around them (which translates to performing specific behavioral patterns). Nevertheless, many genuinely feminine women still exist, though it may require additional effort to find them. Returning to the core idea, searching for femininity externally can become a trap because it ultimately fails to provide fulfillment. The masculine psyche need not seek external chaos and femininity since what it perceives in others exists within itself. Others merely act as stimuli to trigger the inherent chaos or femininity. Our journey should involve developing our own masculinity and femininity and learning to harmonize the two. Balancing these polarities is one of the most vital tasks that can lead to a fulfilling life. The analogy of balancing the oil in your spoon (masculinity) while enjoying the view (femininity), as presented in a Paulo Coelho story, provides a practical model to ground this concept and apply it to our lives. Moreover, cultivating the flexibility to shift between these poles is crucial, as each offers distinct benefits that can be harnessed for various purposes. This adaptability can only be nurtured by transcending both and viewing them from a meta perspective
  18. @Razard86 So, then, the best course of action is to find balance, like in every other area of life. Thanks for clarifying!
  19. @Lila9 These people don’t understand that one can entertain an idea, study and inquire about it, without believing in it. They can’t distinguish between belief and inquiry because that takes higher order abstraction abilities. So perhaps that’s the deeper problem related to classical primitive primate behavior.
  21. @michaelcycle00 That’s courageous of you, my man. I think you handled it better than many. And out if curiosity I can’t help but ask a couple of questions. Do you have any meditation practice to keep your mind steady? What about your diet/exercise? Do you have stable friendships/relationships? Do you have a fixed sleep schedule?