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Everything posted by HMD

  1. Get rich first, build some business solely focused on money, then pursue whatever you want. Easy. Never quit.
  2. @mike41 That’s the norm, buddy. You’ll get answers to the questions that you don’t want to ask. Btw, this community is great to “take all this”.
  3. @UnbornTao still working on it. So far, this line of contemplation has led me to realise absolutely that I as an ego am a complete illusion. Whatever I think I am inside my head, that whole identity is a thought that’s illusory. When seen from outside the ego’s perspective, reality is infinity, or a part of it. It is beyond “me”. It is. isness. Impersonal but very personal at the same time. breath is this infinity too. It is also isness. No one is breathing, breath isn’t there, it’s just isness. All of this used to give me panic attacks but now I seem to accept it. I accept my own reality. But I’ll keep going until I have some cool 1 liner as an answer for the initial question
  4. I now understand what’s wrong with hedonism. Ultimately, it’s selfish. If you go down the path of hedonism, you’re going down the path of devilry. I saw a man hit a dog with his car and then run away. At that moment it dawned on me that most people care about themselves and themselves only. Their pleasures, their wellness, their happiness. They don’t take responsibility of the suffering they cause, their hedonistic attitude blinds them to this.
  5. @LastThursday @Davino @An young beingthanks for the insight guys. Helped me a lot
  6. “You are fooled by your mind into believing there is tomorrow so you may waste today.“-Anonymous
  7. @Breakingthewall There is no point in arguing with them, they are blind and justifying shamelessly.
  8. That's the fool-proof trap of devilry. No matter how well you justify it with “facts” and “reasonable arguments”, it ultimately consumes itself. You can say that morality is relative and all of that, but when thousands upon thousands of innocent lives get butchered, we learn why a central ethic in society is crucial.
  9. @Princess Arabia I found it amusing lmao. You don’t get to hear the word donkey anymore. Simple yet effective.
  10. I hear ya mate, I was in a similar position until I realized that rushing only gives you the illusion that you are moving faster.
  11. Israel is being brutal, and the world is watching it happen. Tragically, these conflicts require complex resolutions, and most folks in that region are incapable of that. Things didn’t have to go down this way, but they did. God works in mysterious ways, man. But I am predicting that Israel is going to fall sooner or later. They have been shooting themselves from the start, and now the boil is reaching its head.
  12. @Breakingthewall Great response! As far as I have observed when the sense of self disappears, your experience itself becomes infinity. Experience is recontextualized into the existence that creates itself. I know it sounds wacky but that’s how it was for me. This explains the point you made about perfection, experience is God so it must be perfect.
  13. @_Archangel_ That’s one characteristic of breath that makes breath useful for grounding oneself. And yes, there need not be a limited “I” for breath to happen. Appreciate your input. @Inliytened1 This also includes the control “I”have over my breath, which “I” actually don't have. Because let me see... The “I” and the breath are one.
  14. @Razard86 You are pointing toward a radical possibility. Tell me more about it.
  15. @Dodo Certainly, what you said holds a lot of truth. Especially that parroting part. But what motivates me to pursue this no-self-inquiry is not just other people but also my own experiences of no-self. I was in that state for months (it was terrifying), so I was forced to develop a sense of self again, deliberately. Even if that state of no-self was terrifying, It was the right direction for me. Now, I can’t seem to find my way back to that state. And this is why this question is important, because it was through this that I reached that state the first time. There is no answer to this question, it's a pointer.
  16. The query would still remain. People will still shout “there is no you!”. I would still have this question, “if there is no I, then why breath? For whom” @Princess Arabia There is supposed to be no “I” @UnbornTao I arrive at I don't know, every time.