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Everything posted by HMD

  2. @BlueOak Makes sense. But homosexuality as a population control mechanism? We won’t have the control when it becomes too much.
  3. @Princess Arabia Everything is an assumption. It’s just an alternative perspective to yours. That’s all. More perspectives, better understanding.
  4. @Princess Arabia It certainly appears as a rejection. Generally, men take rejection to heart because women’s validation for them is the proof that their genes are good enough for propagation. And when a woman rejects us, at a subconscious level it’s like saying “you may be good as a friend but I don’t think your genes deserve to be carried on”. And this forces us to improve ourselves. I think women rejecting men is a good thing. If men start seeing it as just them making another choice they’ll become lazy and egoic.
  5. @BlueOak Yes, it’s obvious that homosexuality serves a purpose. Some people are born gay and they get no arousal from the opposite gender. And some (asexual) don’t get any arousal at all! But my point is that this is a deviation from the norm. We accept this deviation. We can’t fix the complex problems that gave rise to pseudo homosexuality, like technological impacts and unreasonable standards, so we accept what ensues as a consequence.
  6. @SalvijusYes, this makes a lot of sense. We have deviated from “nature”, whatever that is. And we have accepted it as the new normal. But in truth there is no deviation and there is no normal. But to have a sense if reality we have to create this dualistic distinction. This is a never ending, infinite cycle between normal and abnormal (or deviation).
  7. @The0Self Okay, so can I say the same thing to you about rape? If you can’t wrap your mind around rape, you’re not using your imagination? You can argue rape and homosexuality are not the same and yes, they are not. But it’s just a matter of degree of deviation And the distinct meaning we attach to each one. @Osaid Feet are more of my kink. @Carl-Richard It is! But we accept it. We accept gays as well. But that’s it.
  8. @Princess Arabia Yes, it serves the bigger purpose. My problem is that we are drawing a line at homosexuality.
  9. @kenwayYes, I was thinking following that similar line yesterday. It was what osho was trying to teach. Once we get past this whole sex thing we can move forward to higher stuff as a society. Then we can move past even more radical stuff as well.
  10. @Lauritz Bewer Whatever it is, it’s still way better than an arbitrary, inaccurate, and ignorant judgement.
  11. @Thought ArtAgain, that’s just the secondary purpose of sex. Mainly, primarily, and first of all it’s for ensuring the sperm reaches the egg. The physiology of the sexual organs says this. You don’t need to ask any scientist to see this. And the whole animal kingdom is not homosexual. Just a small portion of a few species. So, from that standpoint homosexuality is a deviation. And we accept it by presenting various rationalisations and also because it doesn’t cause much harm. It shows our loving nature. But this is just a milder for of Love when compared to accepting more extreme things live pedophiles and rapists. If we are growing spiritually then we have to be willing to Love these things as well. Don’t we? Why do we draw the line at homosexuality? Because we are not Loving enough or spiritual enough? And if we have already grown past these things, then is spirituality actually good for society?
  12. @Adrian colbyDo you see the contradiction in your statement brother? That’s what I am saying, why are we okay with universe experiencing itself in this way (homosexuality) and not in other ways (cannibalism). If you say that because it imposes on others or hurts them, then again why draw the line here? Homosexuals impose themselves on the beliefs of conservatives and Radical religious people. Now you may say it’s not a physical threat, to which I say that survival is not physical. Are you getting me? I am talking about something deeper, and not asking anyone to justify homosexuality to me. I am a bisexual and have been for the past 5 years. So, I have no race in the horse, so to speak, on either side. Infact, if I was biased it would be towards the liberal end, but I am not.
  13. @An young being But the main Question here is if radical open mindedness actually good for society? The question that who marries whom is irrelevant here. And I never said it’s all the same thing. But the point is if society grows in the direction of Love and radical acceptance to the point that they accept people who marry their daughters, is that good for society? That level of radical open-mindedness? If not, then it shows us radical openmindedness is not an arbitrarily good value for society.
  14. One of the most engrossing trip reports i’ve read.
  15. Having no sense of time is terrifying from a typical person’s perspective. I once spent a month in that state and I had plenty of panic attacks because of it. Untill, I accepted it and created some rituals that would give me some sense of time. (Watching sunset and sunrise etc)
  16. This is after India lost the cricket world cup final to Australia.
  17. That’s a cool perspective. Not sure if it’s practical at all or not, though. But I get what you are saying: Sex doesn’t have to be about reproduction and if we look at the animal kingdom, sex serves other purposes as well. But again, primarily it serves the purpose of ensuring the sperm reaches the egg. Now, we can use it for other purposes and I get that.
  18. @An young being yeah, and a radical one. I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but is advancing spiritually in this manner actually good for society?
  19. @Adrian colby No, I understand why some people would be gay and how unconditional acceptance plays its role in advancing people spiritually. But at this rate would pedophilia or incest become normal? And cannibalism? Would that be an advancement?