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Everything posted by HMD

  1. What are your thoughts on dieticians? I have almost completed my degree in dietetics and I am observing that only a minority of people are actually interested in listening to what dieticians have to say on nutrition. They believe that dieticians are mostly delusional and have no idea what good nutrition really is. On the other hand, the same people would go on to trust doctors that give them unnecessary pills to please the pharmaceutical company that makes the doctors rich. What are your thoughts on this?
  2. So, I posted this on reddit on the brandnewsentence sub, and people were fumed. It seems like a reasonable thing for me.
  3. @Sandhu Which city? I am from Islamabad.
  4. @Nivsch I wish that was enough to stop them. Apparently, nothing is going to stop Israel.
  5. Bernie Sanders urges Biden to revoke unconstrained financial support for Israel: 'Killing children is not the solution' Sen. Bernie Sanders says President Joe Biden needs to be tougher on Israel amid the war in Gaza. Sanders admonished Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu, who recently promised "nobody will stop us." 100 days into war, Israel's retaliation has killed nearly 24,000 Palestinians, 10,000 of them kids.
  6. Those who are ready to transcend will find you. The others need more time to cook. Let them cook. You don't really need to force others to see your enlightened status.
  7. @Yimpa It is. Having sight is superior to having insight and outsight.
  8. Has any one of you ever been aware of yourself as pure infinite abstraction? I know this is just a label and consciousness can’t really be fully described, but this particular label was all that I can think about when I do extensive self-inquiry and become directly aware of consciousness. I have become aware of this recently, and its mind fucks me like every day, in a good way, though. Like, now I can see the physical things around me as that pure abstraction. But the best part is that my understanding of things has increased stee,ply. I can just observe something and suddenly, I will just grasp the implicit structure which is now visible to me as pure abstraction. This sounds crazy when I write it out, but well, nothing about this journey has been normal.
  9. Is this post a joke? Or are you seriously asking this? If you are serious then you should really be asking why you need others to perceive you that way. That's the real question here.
  10. Friend
  11. I mean, the whole purpose of sexual pleasure, evolutionary speaking, is to propagate humanity. So, from that perspective homosexuality is a deviation.
  12. This guy says Hitler didn't want to kill Jews, he killed because a Muslim told him to do so! At this points he is obviously making shit up to build a narrative against Muslims. And he is pretty good at it too. No wonder so many people are blind to the atrocities going around.
  14. @An young beingHaha as much as I would love to have that kind of crazy tech around, we’re better off just asking others what they mean. Yk, so we can improve our communication skills too.
  15. @nuwu Oh boy, unpack the second sentence for me, please. Like, which attachments are you referring to? And what do you mean by relativizing it?
  16. @Danioover9000 justifying the means with the end. But he is a child of light, now, isn’t he?
  17. @Thought Art Maybe some fascist right wing extremist scholar did because Islam teaches Love and Peace. But he is using this to build a narrative against the Muslims of Palestine so he can justify killing them. And I want to bring attention to this, that’s all.
  18. @Leo Gura I have been trying to open myself to that possibility
  19. Mongolia’s highest is at 323 AQI. Lahore (Pakistan) is at 392!
  20. I actually live in Pakistan and the situation here is bad. I didn't notice it until I started having difficulty breathing and only after that did reality hit me. I actually live in the capital, Islamabad, which is much better than the rest of the country in terms of the environment. But even I felt the consequences of this shit.
  21. @PurpleTreeAutomobiles have no regulations and most of them can be seen spewing hazardous toxins into the air (think of black smoke coming out of every other car). A lot of deforestation and a rapidly expanding population that leads to rapid urbanization. @Leo Gura And getting worse
  22. @Leo Gura The problem with all this UFO business imo is that we assume the aliens are trying to hide from us and they don’t want us to catch them. At least that’s how it seems from my perspective. But why would the aliens want to do that? Are they afraid of us? Are they afraid of disturbing us? Is there some sort of Harry Potter thing going on where they can’t disturb the muggle world? Why do we assume that they are capable of fear?
  23. @michaelcycle00 You have not been adequately bored in life. Just sit down and experience deep nothingness, and then try climbing stairs. It will move you to tears. As @Inliytened1 said, being God is boring. And you can experience this for yourself and then everything will make sense. You’ll develop gratitude and integrate that stage green. This might not answer your question directly, but may lead you to the answers directly.
  24. I’ll be watching those first