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Everything posted by HMD

  1. Heartbreak is rather the side effect of your resistance to being saved.
  2. @Leo Gura You probably already have a supercomputer on steroids (or psychedelics rather) running at full capacity, in your skull.
  3. @MisterNobody It's not a dumb quote. It's a law of the Universe. It's the 80/20 principle. Open your mind. You asked to be challenged, I didn't know you were going to disqualify the challenge in your spiritual arrogance.
  4. So I met a girl online, she was a 7 or an 8 (According to herself). We texted for a day or two on instagram and there was plenty that we had in common (she listens to Leo as well). And after this back and forth, I asked her out by saying if she was looking for a relationship or not. And she politely declined by saying that she didn't feel attracted to me physically. She said women have a type physically, it doesn't depend on big muscles, and that she didn't feel attracted to 10s in fact, most of her exs' were 6s or 7s. So, what do you guys think this is? What role does physical attraction play in a relationship?
  5. Have you tried chat Gpt ?
  6. “For to everyone who has, more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but from the one who does not have, even what he does have shall be taken away." Explain this.
  7. @Leo Gura Exactly. There is no way to be sure. ... which is much more rewarding, imo, then just catching her in the right mood. For sure.
  8. @flowboy Yeah, that's pretty clear now ... Of course. Direct experience outweighsthe rest. But it's interesting to observe how different women precieve themselves, especially in terms of attraction and being charmed.
  9. @NoSelfSelf Hahah no, it wasn't negotiation. Just for the sake of understanding.
  10. @Leo Gura @NoSelfSelf @flowboy So, It's the same thing pointed out by all of you. Too much Logic, too little emotion. Noted. I already knew this principle, but this time I thought maybe, just this one time, because we hold the same values and follow the same teachings etc, that it would be enough. And Btw, I discussed all of this with her, but she insisted that it was purely physical, and that she has been through the phase where all of this works, and now she can see through it. She also insited even if I had been more charismatic and less logical, her decision would have been the same.
  11. Have you realized that the distinction between death and life is an illusion, just like rest of the distinctions ?
  12. Try to build focus. Incorporate a concentration practice.
  13. Setting a routine helps a lot. Sleep and wake up on a fixed time. Build focus. Don't try to take on too many projects. Just limit yourself to 3-4 important things per day on working days and leaving the rest for the weekend. Eleminate all distractions (social media, youtube, Tv, Netflix) leave that for weekends.
  14. Have authentic conversations with people (Friends and family). Don't try to do too much and guilt yourself for being unproductive, forget about all of that for some time. Spend time trying out new experiences (preferably with other people). Fix your sleep schedule. Get Sunlight. Vit D supplements. (Vit D helps in the production of seretonin). Eat a high-protein and high-fat breakfat everyday, google is your friend for recipes (skip the simple carbs). Go on a walk. Write down whatever's going on in yopur mind. Don't try to edit it, just keep writing.
  15. But don't we need ideals to actualize ourselves? Don't we need something to look up to? The "natural Masculine" varies from person to person. If a guy is at stage red on SD, for him the masculine would be something tyrannical and manipulative and so on. So, It's not exactly easy for many to understand and be aware of what exactly masculinity is, and in that situation, ideals serve a great purpose.
  16. Yeah, that's a radical realization. Probably takes a lot more than an acedemic to reach there by themself.
  17. Let me know what are your thoughts on this. The guy criticising him is mostly stage orange, so keep that in mind. Do you think Jordan is just trying to stay relevent to the stage orange community (or the academic community) by not admitting being forthright about his believe in God, OR does he really believe that "God is the ultimate fictional character", or is there a third or a fourth perspective that I am missing?
  18. I have no idea how it works. However, I read power of your subconsious mind at the age of 17 and have been using it ever since, and it works. 100%. It's not easy to get it right. You have to visulize, do affirmations, and so on. But if you really believe strong enough, it works. Nobody can change my mind on that, as I have used it personally to acquire stuff that I would not have acquired otherwise.
  19. Going to the gym is not just a fad as it provides a controlled environment for exercise, which can be beneficial for individuals with specific health goals. However, exercising in nature can also be an excellent way to stay fit and connect with the outdoors. Muhammad Ali's comment suggests that true exertion and fatigue can only be achieved through pushing oneself to the limit, regardless of the setting. It's important to note that everyone has their preferences and motivations for exercise. Some people find the gym environment motivating and comfortable, while others prefer the natural beauty and fresh air of outdoor workouts. It's not fair to generalize or judge someone's choices without understanding their reasoning. As for arrogance, it's always good to consider both sides of an argument and maintain an open mind. It's possible to have a strong opinion without dismissing opposing viewpoints. Ultimately, the most important thing is to find a form of exercise that works for you and supports your overall health and wellbeing.
  20. @Someone here Let me start by saying that I quit weed, cigarettes, and nicotine pouches, all withing the span of a few months. The most important insight for me was this: The more connected I am to reality (to what is, to the present moment, to the beauty around me, to all the shapes and states that consciousness takes, and finding the beauty in that, Finding the crisp and juice in that) the less dependent I was on chemicals and substances to give me joy and a sense of self. It is something you Identify with. It's part of your story. "I am a smoker. It has become a habit, it is a pattern. So, firstly, try to be more aware of this. Place your full attention on this ( by placing your attention I mean observe it). Smoke more mindfully, with emphasis on the flavor, how your body feels, and how your lungs feel. Really do this for a week. Secondly, try to identify with something higher. don't say that you are a smoker. Try to see that you are everything there is. Try to identify with that.
  21. what do you mean by this? Do you mean order and chaos ?
  22. @Leo Gura I see. Thanks for the answers!
  23. @Emerald Can you please give an example of how this phenomenon would manifest in the material world?
  24. @Leo Gura I meant that stage green people will love almost anyone, unlike blue, who are usually stuck within their community, family, country, etc. Because after you have spent enough time being alone and focusing on yourself (stage orange) you develop the capacity and need to exercise a more mature type of love. Does this make sense?
  25. Well put! But i would like if you could expand on this theme of Judging (or misjudging) Love.