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Everything posted by HMD

  1. @Razard86yes sir! It's the same for me, cycling between humbleness and arrogance. Recently, I swung toward humbleness because of some excess arrogance. Nonetheless talking to you has ensured that I’ll never have a bias against arrogance lol. And yeah, an imbalanced or toxic environment can make you seem out of balance even if you are well-calibrated. The environment expects us to calibrate ourselves to it. I’ve heard Dr. Gabor talk about something similar in a podcast.
  2. Now we are talking. That’s what I am saying: Arrogance has its place. It is NOT bad. But often it is overused, people don’t back it up with anything solid, and those that do, win. It's about balance and as you said, in the correct context arrogance is healthy. Similarly, in various contexts, arrogance can be deadly.
  3. I said towards, not against. It's Ironic that you’re calling me dense. You should just quit at this point 😂
  4. Now you can go on and tell me to be okay with people being rapists, and to that, I’d say piss off. To reach a high level of consciousness you have to strip all identity and embody full acceptance, but we are also part of a collective and we have to live in society and look for its betterment.
  5. Yes, and I also laid each one of them out so you can browse with ease. See, you assume that I am biased against arrogance because I pointed out how it can be harmful. But you are biased toward arrogance in pointing out how it's advantageous. Imo arrogance does more harm than good. Similar to rape. God creates rape and rapist and all of the dark stuff. Now, I understand that it’s Love and Truth. I see how its consciousness manifesting in a particular way and it fascinates me. But would I advocate for rape? No. Do I think it’s bad? No. Do I want people to become rapists? No. Similarly, I don't want people to become arrogant.
  6. No, I am absolutely not. Your argument is a tangled mess of logical fallacies and oversimplifications. First, you offer a false dichotomy between blindly accepting authority and being unfairly labeled as arrogant, a simplistic view that ignores the nuances of real-world discourse. You then delve into ad hominem territory, attempting to undermine my credibility by questioning my understanding of history and knowledge. This tactic avoids addressing the core of the argument. And btw, all this appeal to tradition is useless and is a tired excuse for resisting progress. Just because something has been done a certain way historically doesn't automatically make it the best or most valid approach. Also, Drawing parallels between personal disputes and the American Colonists' rebellion is a reckless oversimplification. Complex historical events don't neatly map onto individual disagreements. You also claim that bias against arrogance is itself arrogance, but this is circular reasoning in disguise – an attempt to deflect criticism without substance. Overall, I’ll give you a 3/10. Which is disappointing because I thought you were good at using your mind.
  7. @Razard86 I understand why falsehood is also the Truth. Arrogance: “having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.” Exaggerated is the keyword. Also, I didn't say it’s bad. It's just false, an exaggeration. You can’t have strong integrity and be arrogant. Arrogance is immaturity. You’re equating having a backbone with arrogance, which relatively speaking, are not the same.
  8. @Razard86 I am not sure about that. Arrogance is falsehood. It’s an exaggeration.
  9. @Razard86 haha yeah that’s a difficult, bitter-tasting pill to swallow. The ego (or the perspective we have) is committed to believing itself as true all the time. This has caused me so much suffering, until I realised that the clinginess of the ego is merely creating my suffering. Arrogance is a sin for a reason. Do you know in Islam they say satan was an angel and it was arrogance that led him to become what he became. Arrogance is the most iconic, satanic characteristic according to Islam.
  10. @PurpleTree Try to be fascinated by it. Consciousness manifesting in a strange way. This is only possible if you are aware of Absolute Truth.
  11. @Razard86 Yeah, that’s exactly what bothers me too. The blatant self-rejection that branches in a myriad of manifestations and ultimately hurts themselves the most. However, I am starting to acknowledge the aforementioned phenomenon as fascinating.
  12. @Razard86 I think Robert does or has done LSD, at least. But he is way too pragmatic to realize the ultimate big picture.
  13. @Razard86 when one awakens, they start to see everyone as themselves. And that’s mirroring done on a large scale. Because if I identify with my ego self, then only the people who behave in the confines of what my ego accepts as similar to itself will seem friendly and attractive. But if I identify with nothing, which is also everything, then I find everything equally friendly and attractive.
  14. @Rishabh RNot knowing is to shut your mind off and get to higher states of consciousness. (Not just this of course). You must learn to use your mind as well. Shutting it off is cool. But also learn to use it effectively. For instance, you can contemplate what is Truth and what is responsibility. If you have developed your mind’s ability you will be able to get a deep understanding of what these terms denote, and in doing so you will be able to incorporate those concepts in your life fully. Start with not knowing, but try to get the best understanding through contemplating. The understanding should Not be anything 100% conclusive. Always being open to more insight on the particular concept being contemplated. And this answers your initial question as well. Understanding these two concepts well (Through contemplation) is a good place to start to apply them in your life.
  15. @Rishabh R Sit down and contemplate on what stupid behaviours you have been doing. And then choose at least one of them and commit to stop doing it. This will challenge your honesty and integrity while adding more responsibility.
  16. @Javfly33 I overcame this same issue simply by facing more people, looking them in the eye, and a lot of introspection. I was bullied in my earlier years a lot. So I started seeing others as hostile, something to be careful around. So, it was difficult for me to look people in the eye and I had intense anxiety with people around (especially if new). But then I started pushing myself and challenged my fears by saying that no matter what happens it’ll be Love. And now I am miles ahead. Still haunts me sometimes though, deep trauma leaves some marks.
  17. @Snader what is the most challenging aspect of that embodiment process?
  18. @DianaFr consider this: Nobody can hold the truth. Some people have better facts than others. But what matters is the level of self-deception and some people are obviously and deeply self-deceived. They have not trained their mind. And dealing with those people is half of life’s challenge. Because you can unconsciously give them the power to take you down. And btw, spiritual bypassing is a normie move.
  19. @Arthogaan Yeah, that actually works great. Unless the other person is closed and perceives any advice as a slight. And that’s where non-attachment comes to place, helping us move on.
  20. I am always with me, but I still miss Myself. It's more like I miss not being myself anymore. The me that I become when I am not Myself yearns for the Me that I am when I am not myself anymore. I long for the bliss of being Myself but this self that I am stops me from not being myself anymore. My tongue has tasted the forbidden fruit. The fruit that led me to Myself when I was not myself anymore. The gold shimmers and the birds sing beautiful songs.The merchant sells, and the addict buys Is it them, or is it Me? I truly can't seem to tell me from Myself any more. I quit all the drugs so I could experience more of Myself. Only to discover the strongest of drugs: A state where there is no me, myself, or I anymore.
  21. @itsadistraction That’s decent. @Arthogaan I understand. This way of behaving is slightly tricky for me because unconditional acceptance may lead to the perpetuation of certain behaviors on the partner's end that are practically unhealthy or damaging to all the parties involved.