Jehovah increases

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Everything posted by Jehovah increases

  1. There are infinite aliens just as there are infinite Universes. I will give this much away we live in a so-called universe that is 13.7 billion years old. There are other universes whereupon there are aliens 1000 billion years old. It goes beyond that. How long have they been here? forever. How many different species are there? Infinite. Do they get along fine with each other? They do now. Are they dangerous Aliens? No Are they also beautiful Aliens? Always my beautiful friends forever. Can they speak our languages? Yes BUT THROUGH A DIFFERENT WAY OF COMMUNICATION which you already know. What kind of mind-bending physics are at play to even come to us? Beyond antigravity propulsion. How old can they get? AS OLD AS THEY WANT TO. FOR SOME OF THEM FOUND THEIR CREATOR WHICH IS ALSO THEM. And he just wants to be left be. THE MANY MASKS OF GOD. YOU ARE NOT HUMAN AND nor are ALIENs aliens AND ALL OF YOU ARE INFINITE CONSCIOUSNESS YOU ARE ALL of the ONE mind. What are their hobbies? Exploration. What is their way of showing love? INFINITE LOVE WHICH THEY ARE ALL THE TIME.
  2. If you go deep enough on psychedelics all materialistic stuff and I mean everything means nothing to you anymore and even money. But one has to live in the world of Caesar. Very insecure humans that need to draw attention through avaricious or vaunting their so-called luxury items it makes me guffaw with delight. I agree with you.