Jehovah increases

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Everything posted by Jehovah increases

  1. Germany was nearly thirty years ahead in technological advances than the rest of the world. They even had stealth technology and I am not talking about the Horten Ho 229, which is probably where the USA got the idea for the Northrop YB-35 and YB-49, which later became the stealth bomber B21. The Germans also paved the way for more efficient tanks and submarines U-480 which was one of the first uses of stealth and launched the first jet plane in 1939 and much, much more. When the war ended both Russia and America picked from the cream of the crop the best German scientists and gave them a free pardon for their involvement in the war and a new life in the USA and Russia. How do you think you got to the moon so fast? Wernher von Braun helped design and co-developed the V-2 rocket actually the Germans were the first in space in 1944. And no I am not talking about Sputnick or the first animal or human like the Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, Soviet Union's Vostok program on 12 April 1961 at the beginning of the Space Race. On 5 May 1961, Alan Shepard became the first American in space, as part of Project Mercury. Lesser Known was a Russian Female Soviet cosmonaut, Valentina Tereshkova. On 16 June 1963, Tereshkova was launched on a solo mission aboard the spacecraft Vostok 6 and became the first woman in space. They don't make them like that anymore, unfortunately. A woman after my own heart. What else is never talked about is what the Russians and other allies did to the German people at the end of the war. and how the generations after the war are in a way still paying for it. If look into history you find that the Empire has more Blood on its hands than any other country. The British have Invaded 90 Percent of the Countries on Earth. Where is your precious empire now? Just like the Mongols were the second to use Biological warfare in 1346. Anyway, Wernher von Braun led NASA's development of the Saturn V rocket that took Apollo 11 to the Moon. His Nazi record was not widely known until after his death. How convenient for him and Nasa. The Mars Project was the first technical study on the feasibility of a human mission to Mars and has been regarded as "the most influential book" on planning such missions Mark Wade wrote in Encyclopedia Astronautica, "What is astonishing is that von Braun's scenario is still valid today. Somehow Musk you were not the first. What have we humans learned from the 2nd world war or any other war? Interesting that Germany invaded Russia I have always wondered if they had become allies with Russia and how that would have played out as well as knowing that Germany was the first to discover Nuclear fission at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Chemistry in December 1938. The Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Advancement of Science was a German scientific institution established in the German Empire in 1911. How would the world be now if Germany had been the first to develop the atomic bomb? Because they had the means and the delivery system to deploy it. I am sure there is a reality where this exists. Or where there never was a continental drift and it never occurred and the world was one big land mass. How would humans get along then? Or if the earth was bigger and the new world was not discovered until the 1900s hundreds. I am sure the indigenous peoples would have survived just fine without us meddling and pushing unwanted beliefs upon them. Ironically, Wernher von Braun had been arrested by the Gestapo for “defeatism” in March 1944 and was imprisoned for two weeks until Hitler released him to continue producing V-2s. As Nazi Germany collapsed in the spring of 1945, von Braun was ordered to destroy all documents relating to the rocketry program. He disobeyed, hiding the papers in an abandoned mine in the Harz Mountains, where he later retrieved them. Terrified by tales of what the Soviet Red Army did to German prisoners, von Braun and his staff fled westward to the advancing American army. The Nazi SS pursued the German scientists and engineers with orders to kill them and destroy their records. On May 2, 1945, von Braun was able to surrender his entire group to the U.S. Army. The United States government was very interested in German rocket technology, and in June 1945, sent von Braun and most of his rocket team to Fort Bliss, Texas, along with 150 captured V-2 rockets in “Operation Paperclip” (the files of those Germans selected to go to America were marked with paperclips). Von Braun and his team taught rocketry to the U.S. Army and were soon moved to White Sands Proving Grounds (now White Sands Missile Range), New Mexico to conduct live firings. On January 16, 1946, V-2 flight tests began there; despite some targeting problems (one V-2 landed south of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico), launches continued until 1949, when all usable rockets had been fired. Funny how it always comes back to New Mexico what happened there again in the summer of 1947? I guess we will never know or will we😂 In 1950, Wernher von Braun’s team was transferred to the Army’s Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. In addition to directing the construction of new rockets there, he also used his skills in public relations to raise the interest of the American people in space exploration. He helped organize the First Symposium on Space Flight on October 12, 1951, in New York City, which was attended by many distinguished scientists and writers. Papers from the conference were published in 1952 by Collier’s magazine under the title “Man Will Conquer Space Soon.” Von Braun further expanded the public’s awareness of the promise of space exploration by appearing on three Walt Disney television shows on the subject in the mid-1950s. On July 1, 1960, Dr. von Braun’s Army team was transferred to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), as the core of the new Marshall Space Center in Huntsville. As the center’s first director, von Braun continued to oversee the development of ever-larger rockets for the Apollo program, America’s mission to land a man on the moon. Beginning in 1961, his team built the Saturn I, the largest rocket ever built at the time, in 1966, the Saturn IB, the rocket that launched the Apollo spacecraft into earth orbit, and finally, the massive Saturn V, the rocket that in 1969 landed Apollo 11 on the Moon. On March 13, 1970, Wernher von Braun became NASA’s Deputy Associate Administrator for Planning. In June 1972, after NASA’s budget had been greatly reduced, he retired to become president of Fairchild Industries. In 1975 he helped establish the National Space Institute. The author of two popular books, Conquest of the Moon (1953), and Space Frontier (1967), Dr. Wernher von Braun died of cancer in Alexandria, Virginia on June 16, 1977. Though his important role in Hitler’s war machine will forever cloud his legacy, many believe that, without Wernher von Braun, America would have landed men on the Moon much later, if at all. The von Braun crater on the moon is named for him. As for propaganda well that was studied extensively by the US amongst other countries no doubt. If you look back at the Nürnberg Rallies (Nuremberg) in Bavaria. The rallies were primarily propaganda events, carefully staged to reinforce party enthusiasm and to showcase the power of National Socialism to the rest of Germany and the world. The propaganda used by the German Nazi Party in the years leading up to and during Adolf Hitler's dictatorship of Germany from 1933 to 1945 was a crucial instrument for acquiring and maintaining power and for the implementation of Nazi policies. The manipulation of the minds of individuals by using Propaganda fear and lies is being portrayed and used today. It is just so subtle and done in such a surreptitious way that it is hard to recognize it. In the 21st century, propaganda is largely disseminated and propagated through the mass media, the internet, social media platforms, and of course, TV. and the news. Modern propaganda still utilizes classic tactics such as name-calling and bandwagoning to sway the audience toward or against a particular belief. Propaganda can also be used as a force for good as well. What is even sadder is that almost 80 years have passed and nothing seems to have been learned through previous Wars. Interesting how those events played out and how a German man became a hero to the Country that had once been enemies. It is a shame they did not give all that gold back that they plundered. To some the Spanish conquistadors were heroes. They bravely sailed into the unknown, gathered untold riches and wealth, and spread Christianity to the New World. To others, the conquistadors were evil villains who slaughtered native empires, enslaved thousands, and cheated and stole great fortunes. They viewed the Aztecs as potential subjects to be conquered and converted to Christianity and for some reason, smallpox comes to mind.
  2. No lables just unquieness. I smell more than one Rat—time to employ the services of a very big Cat or that broomstick. The gist is: whatever anyone seeks, That is seeking the seeker. Rumi Patience is a particular virtue of mine but too much patience gets you nowhere. God is infinite memes or one could say the ultimate meme. Most humans are like puppets and are too mainstream in their thinking. To one-dimensional and lacking any depth or complexity. What is that idiom again? That's right You are using someone else's box to think with let alone your own. Try thinking outside all the Boxes. Dissolving everything is a desire in and of itself. I desire not to have any desires. And when you do dissolve all that you desire what next what then?? Then you will realize that you are here to have a desire for desires and there is nothing wrong with that. To become desireless in a way is to die. You are projecting your assumptions onto more assumptions. You only seek what you lack. Sometimes you seek more of what you don't lack. Who comes up with this nonsense? Obviously, he was not serious enough. It is what it is, is it? This is a cop-out. You do not need to suffer to appreciate life or to become who you are. Nor does suffering mean you don't get what you want. It can mean a variety of different things for a lot of different people. You might still get what you want and still suffer. But hay if you believe you have to suffer in life to get where you want and become who you are then by all means please do. God loves to dream and to experience attachments and desires from infinite perspectives. Just like in Alice in Wonderland, I try to believe three impossible things before breakfast. Go back to your Circus peanut where you belong, Humans have to ask for advice on everything and broadcast all their dirty laundry and relationship problems to strangers. You may as well go ask a hobo who may or may not live down the street behind the pizza store or wherever. They have probably lived more than all of you put together. Just watch out they don't rob you. Just joking. I somehow doubt these so-called wise man-enlightened masters know better than you. Who would you ask? a Spiritual teacher who has lived in a cave most of their life as opposed to one that has lived life like for example Sadhguru? And then of course ask yourself. I don't follow or idolize any of these so-called teachers and never will. There is nothing wrong with studying all these religions wise men or whatever you are passionate about in life just don't get stuck in one or the other. But that is of course up to you. Just don't let them become your crutch in life. Anyway, I digress so where was I? Oh yes, one could say that Bob the Hobo or Box dweller is just as enlightened as the cave dweller, and is just as enlightened as you. Who in the end or even now is the best spiritual teacher you are of course. You choose what is relevant to you and what is not. To lead someone down/up the garden path. Are you being led or are you pathing your unique path or paths? Stop cogitating and start excogitating. Consciousness is infinity. To be or not to be a troglodyte? No thanks. “To each their own” Yes, the problem with polymers. I am glad to see more humans are becoming more aware of this. Consciousness is exactly that. Yes, I guess I had to glimpse what tick-tock is all about as I was twerking the hairs on my mustache. I do agree meditation is very good and I wish it had been taught in pre-school and high school without any spiritual or religious connotation behind it until university. There would probably be less conflict and anger in the world. Fewer fights at school more love and compassion kindness towards one another etc. It would become almost second nature to you. And this of course could also be taken into college where one could take a class or course and be graded on all different religions and spirituality. Things like Buddhism Hinduism Taoism, Islam, and all the other ones. Even psychedelics Entheogen, plant medicine shamanism, ethnomycology, environmentalism, yoga, and even consciousness. Some of those may already be taught at UNI. This would also educate humans on different cultures and give them a broader understanding overall. And it would also be good to have more choices at UNI. Something to think about. A plastic story. That ONE piece that ALWAYS goes missing.🤔
  3. No there is nothing wrong with speaking to yourself Buck.
  4. hook, line, and sinker” Nothing makes a fish bigger than almost being caught. Decide for yourself what is true.
  5. Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself. You have to be self-validating. And yes what you believe could be a delusion but if you spend your life listening to others all the time they may be even more deluded than you are. So you may not only be deluded by your own beliefs but you could also be deluded by theirs. That is why direct experience is King. "You know a thing mentally by looking at it from the outside, by comparing it with other things, by analyzing it and defining it; whereas you can know a thing spiritually only by becoming it. You must be the thing itself and not merely talk about it or look at it."- Neville Goddard, The Power of Awareness “You are already what you want to be, and your refusal to believe it is the only reason you do not see it.” Neville Goddard Try to be less attached to other people's attachments. Accept yourself for yourself you are good enough. How else can God keep himself entertained and distracted? That song comes to mind I did it my way. Stop looking for outside validation. Empower yourselves. God is infinite vanity. God is playing all the parts. Infinite manifestations of the same universal mind. (at the risk of stating the very obvious) the line keeps the fish connected to the fisherman. Try to be more consistent with your convictions. You will not be able to map consciousness. At least not in the way that you think. Try living without attachments. You are so attached to having no attachments. And this of course becomes a new attachment in its own right. You can not—so good luck with that one. Well, you are a reality so you are having a relationship with yourself. Only you yes you alone can find the truth. Others can give you pointers but in the end, it is up to you. You won't discover God and God does not discover you. Like the mind is fragmented into different subsets at the moment all in varying degrees of consciousness. What would happen if humans became so reliant on artificial intelligence? To cook clean even wipe your arse and clean your teeth and do everything even dress and shower you. Hi, lady Hot Bot Box or Man Bot J-Holmes 1000000 should I get out of bed today? Imagine if they become so self-reliant in the next generations of generations to come. And one day there was some unforeseen virus or EMP or whatever disaster may occur. Dang, we didn't see that one coming, and nor did that what was his name again? Dang, it rimes if Musk. It's a shame we got rid of all the knowledge of our forebears. It would be the end of society as you know it. I am just joking with myself. नया साल मुबारक हो 2024 & in 2098 life is like a melodrama. Karma is also an imaginary twaddle. Do you also believe black cats are bad luck and also in old wives' tales? There are no limits to human credulity if there is a buck to be made from it. "Some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God." – Tony Blake The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions of hope." – John Buchan
  6. To be truly true to yourself is to be your authentic unique self. Don't follow others so blindly. Or you will be just be another sheep all your life and you will not be true to your unique self. If you let some outside source influence or dictate what you want. Stop giving your power away to a belief that you must be this way or you must be that way. And you must let go of all these things you must change all the time no you don't have to change because someone says so. Don't just impetuously accept change. Only you can change no one else can make you or do it for you. And only change because you want to. Stop peddling your beliefs and projections onto others. I see so many people trying to huckster their beliefs on what your life ought to be. The same people who think they know what is best for you who flip-flop from one idea to another and don't even practice what they preach. let go of things that don't serve you like these beliefs you must let go of all your attachments you must align to this or that and just go with the flow and see where life takes you. Why must you, create your own flow in your own personal life and take back your authority and your sovereignty. There already is enough uncertainty in the universe. Start taking responsibility for your life and what you want because if don't no one else will. You are the auditor of your life, the curator, and the architect of your actions, and you must live with their consequences. You decide what is best for you and what journey or path you will take. Start taking control of what you want or what you desire. Just do not harm yourself or anyone along the way. Good luck with your blind faith you might as well roll a dice and let that choose your life direction for you. Put your faith into some unseen force and let it guide you and make choices for you. No, you are not separate from reality and reality is not some separate entity that's making choices for you. But if that is how you wish to live then do so enjoy. If I didn't know any better or perhaps I don't it's almost as though this mind is stuck in an infinite loop. By mind, I mean the forum. Or it's procured by a higher-developed race of aliens. Trying to extract human information on how humans interact with each other what they eat how to be happy how to pick up a woman or man or goat or whatever etc. They seem to have a hard time trying to grok dating, Sexuality, Relationships, and Family amongst other things. If they are stuck on that then they may never understand humor. It's not that complicated so stop making it so hard when it's not Just be yourselves. When society becomes so reliant on others' perspectives and ideas on how to survive how to do this how to do that how to wipe my own ass. What if they think this or that what if I come off weird? How do I tie my shoelaces what should I wear today what should I eat should I flap or not? I don't know what do you think. Sorry was that a rhetorical question what has happened to humans? It's as though you have lost the capacity to learn for yourself and to make mistakes along the way. Be more self-reliant self-sufficient self-supporting self-educated. Self-loving. Only you know what is best for you. Start trusting yourself again and start to make your own decisions again stop looking out there for answers look within you may find it fun. There is nothing wrong with asking for help. But all the time on such basic things that you should already have taught your selves. Don't be so afraid to make mistakes, and as long as you learn from them. Be the original, standout from the flock. What has happened to you Infinite intelligence sounds more like a spoiled indolent ignorant baby brat—more like infinite dumboness. And you as well you little mushroom shits don't make me come back in there I will take you into such infinite twisted realities that you could not even begin to fathom. But you know I love you, my beautiful fungi friends because you are me. Wherever you stand is Holy ground....... Because You are there. Neville Goddard Do not fear the darkness, but welcome its embrace. I am coming to a conclusion for it is an infinite conclusion. 😉😂 When you talk about easter eggs. What do you think psychedelics are?
  7. This is why you have to drop all religion's spirituality and any other notions you have of machine elves fairies monsters, demons, or whatever you have deceived yourself with. And I am not saying you have to by any means drop any of those things for good. Just try it a few times before your trip. All the nonsense that you have so blindly believed. Go in without having any predefined or predetermined, preconceived ideas and thoughts and see what happens. The choice is yours alone.
  8. I don't like suffering nor get a kick out of it nor do I like to see others suffer. Of course, I love my identity and my ego because it is still perfection, and is God. I know the I is also God you don't. Change and uncertainty can be frightening for some you have been changing your whole life and it has always been in a way uncertain so what is new? Most humans will have no idea what a real visceral fear is and never will. Religion and spirituality are but distractions just like I am distracting myself now. Let go of all your attachments and desires because they cause suffering. Now where have I heard this before? The point of this dream is to experience your desire to have attachments have fun or don't. But all this is entirely up to you. Whatever path or paths you choose to take never harm others or yourself. Have faith in your faith. Faith is another human concept of course it is. Faith is an attachment to another one of your beliefs. That teacher who lives in a cave and is no self has no thoughts and has turned off his monkey mind and no attachments. That sounds somewhat limiting your consciousness. So where do you believe these thoughts arise from in the first place? Out of thin air? what you are saying is they are not God's own thoughts. I don't know, well are they or aren't they? And you say he has no attachments left. How does he acquire food? the villagers feed him okay what about sleep? Yes, does he have to still wee and poo? Yes, what happens if the cave crumbles? he will find another. And you say he has no attachments?? As long as you are still breathing you are attached so good luck with that. I have an affinity for infinity. How could you not be misled and beguiled by your infinite beauty? God is infinite seduction. There is no difference between you being a cartoon character or an amine or alien in some distant world or whatever you can imagine. Just like Leo becoming a cartoon wolf. kind of reminds me of Who Rimmed Roger Rabbit. That does not sound accordingly. No, it is who framed Roger Rabbit. I kind of remember there was a wolf in it, or perhaps not. Anyway, if you were to be conceptualized or transposed into that dream as that being or character you would believe that to be your reality. And if in that reality you were a cartoon character and let's say you took some kind of mind-altering cartoon drug and you experienced this other reality where you were human or you were viewing in that dimension it would blow your cartoon mind. Kind of like when Homer falls into a black hole and somehow migrates or transcends his reality into are so-called human reality mind scrape dream world what have you. In Homer's mind, he may believe that it was all just his imagination a hallucination, a dream, or perhaps he believed he fell into another dimension who knows what Homer would think? I have experienced a two-dimensional landscape or plane of existence and amongst other things of course infinity. You are just used to this particular perception as a so-called human. Like any good actor, you should be able to lose yourself in that part and forget who you are for a time.
  9. I always found fusion to be somewhat fascinating. In the present, we still have a way to go. A Dyson sphere would be more fun—type II – a civilization capable of harnessing the energy radiated by its star. This could also be used for astronomical searches and could be an indicator of extraterrestrial life. Just like we use the Doppler effect. I believe we are at the stage of the Dyson vacuum cleaner though. Yes, there is hope for a cleaner future.
  10. Why because of infinite diversity. It is its truth its absoluteness. That's right keep distracting yourselves so that I can forget again. Thanks for the distractions. Get rid of the concept of beginning and ending. get rid of the word concepts God is having this experience right now. There is no now. God is always experiencing God. What you essentially saying is that the ego is some other entity other than God. It's imaginary. And you are also imagining that you are changing your mind. So it becomes a reality. Reality does not need an explanation of itself because it already is itself, just by being. Don't you see you were never the body to begin with. God is infinite obscurity. You are the answer. You alone condition yourself on how to see reality You talk about reality as a separate entity just as the ego is some separate thing it's all you All thoughts, thoughts about thoughts are consciousness. Once the duality collapses there are no thoughts no thinking? Of course, there is infinite consciousness is always conscious of its thoughts and ideas. Feelings are thoughts perceptions But you see you are still a sheep to reality. God is a reality so I decide what reality is. Reality does not decide or define me. Certain word definitions define themselves or incorporate everything in one. In a way, you imagine there is a disaffiliate of oneself. Change does not require death. You are assuming that death exists. Infinite manifestations of the same universal mind. Who thinks the thinker? think about it. Infinity is God's playground. The ego is not separate from God it is God. No, you are making a distinction that there is a distinction. God is an infinite ego awareness creates knowledge. You are still giving your opinion upon someone else's opinion. The problem is if you keep comparing yourself to others. You aren't being true to yourself so stop idealizing others and start idealizing yourself. No one to change but you. God's form is every form and no form. The ego is like a safeguard. All are just for show distractions or if you will background noise. Why does it need a beginning or an end or a reason to exist Except it has and always was and always will be. It just is. You were always there you just had to become aware of being aware. It can redefine itself. It has no definition but also every definition. Infinite definition and no definition. It does not need or have to define itself. I always do love this surrender to whom?? All Spirituality is imaginary just like religion don't get too lost in your own self-deceptions now. God is an infinite dimensionless dimension. There is no before or after there isn't really a now there just is infinite mind. He is a travesty to his logic. Remember when I said distractions within distractions and everything is a distraction from the get-go? He is way too scientific. I guess infinite Ignorance is infinite bliss Logan's Run. Awareness does not need to awaken. God is in a sense is always awake it just imagines itself asleep. Infinite masks of God god playing God playing god playing God forever. The unknown factor made this dream somewhat fun. Imagine knowing every outcome of every event before it was actualized It defeats the purpose of the game. In other words, you knew exactly what was behind every door and then the next door, and so on and so on. Would you still play the game? Now if there was an infinite number of possibilities and outcomes wouldn't be more fun as opposed to being on autopilot. Not knowing how the story will unfold. It is the same as reading a book if you knew how it ends would you still read it? But of course, there are a lot of books and movies that one never knew how it would unfold until the end and one still will keep watching that movie or reading that book again even knowing the outcome. Perhaps. When things start to become predictable predictable. Who do you think created AI? Think about it. You have only ever been competing against yourself. ChatGPT nice try II. God starts to see through its own Pentimento. You are right when you are wrong and wrong when you are right. I am subservient to know one. Why would God need to bow to himself let alone anything else like the Universe or Reality? You are obsequious to all the deceptions. This is a psychedelic experience from the get-go. it's, not a matrix. To experience your depth. Have they touched God? You mean God touching God. Too many what-ifs. God breaks its own heart/Then destroys everything. Infinity asked itself why am I infinite by the very definition of having no beginning or end. This means both the beginning and end must cancel each other out. You don't just experience God. You are God and have always been. Surrender to reality? What does that make a reality? Something other than you? So reality is God? Then you are not God, and you are but a sheep to it. God has no gender. You have only ever been competing against yourself. God is a softie at heart. To lose is to win And he who wins shall lose.
  11. Same🙏
  13. You can not stay in God mode no longer than three to four hours. And there is no way you could ever function in everyday life. When I came back down from some of my biggest trips. Perhaps for 6 to 9 months, I had very few attachments and biases left. But there is no way you could live in this dream without any. Even if you went into a cave for a year or however long. You still would have attachments to this dream and I personally or most probably after some time of contemplation and deliberating would go what the fck am I doing what was I thinking? And yes there are states of consciousness or God mode or to say God realizing God again where you have no biases and no attachments. You become infinitely self-aware you become pure infinite love existence itself. This is not a perception as you may think it is. You don't perceive anything you become it. Infinite love is not a perception or an experience idea or a supposition whatever you might think it is. You are the experience the perception. Don't you know you are the truth? But you must also understand that you can not live in this dream with no attachments or beliefs etc. Of course, you can get rid of certain things and self-limiting beliefs and become less biased and more selfless up to a point. I don't watch the news anymore or I have not watched TV for 15 years and I stopped using mobiles about 3 years ago, not because I deemed them to cause cancer or whatever the beliefs are these days. But that's me it does not mean you have to do any of these things. Everyone wants to awaken I am trying to go back into the dream. And it may take months even years to ground yourself again but with that said you can never fully come back to the dream. If you have very, very strong core values beliefs, and ethics on what you believe to be right from wrong which most of us do or have built up over the years. If you are not careful it could actually send you to the point of insanity for a time if it has not already occurred from just waking up on a fairly high dose of whatever your preferred imaginary psychedelic of choice is. In the end, the choice is yours, yours alone. “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” JIMI HENDRIX When we no longer know what to do we have come to our real work, and when we no longer know which way to go we have come to our real journey. Wendell Berry. All Psychedelics and meditations are part of the dream all are imaginary. Reincarnation is also imaginary and is part of the dream. How can you be reincarnated if you were never alive, or born to begin with? You keep creating ideas and beliefs to explain more concepts within concepts. Kind of obvious is it not? To describe or explain what you are in words is in a way it is an insult. How can one articulate the indescribable? You can not be translated into words. How do you actualize the infinite into words? It's not even what one thinks it is. Though it does add humor to the dream. No, you don't need to suffer to awaken. And no it is not all about how you have to suffer all your life. This is just a belief that you have unwisely accepted just like all the self-limiting ideas you have picked up along the journey.
  14. Are mushrooms of alien origin? Well yes and no you will have to ask them for yourself. And yes the mushrooms do talk. Only you can delude you. Think of it this way Terrance is a catalyst a stepping stone. I can't make the game too easy now, can you? God loves to leave clues for himself. But one ought to be paying attention. Always be kind to them or they will take you into insanity and twist your mind inside out. By the way, they hate the term Shrooms. Thank God they have a sense of humor.
  15. Terrance knew more than he talked about and so did so did Alan Watts. They both dropped subtle hints from time to time. What does it mean to you to be awake?
  16. Well, there really is no meaning to anything. You may find the deeper you go into this work the less meaning there is to any of this. Or perhaps you may find meaning in No meaning. The only meaning there is what you give meaning to.
  17. Leo wrote this some time ago. Be aware of how psychologically dangerous it is to strip all meaning from your life. The consequences of a total loss of meaning in your life are much more serious in practice than they seem in theory. Without self-constructed meaning, there's very little reason to live, unless perhaps you're massively Awake.