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Everything posted by Jehovah increases
Lets hope so
What we call ego is? Coming from where? Anything you say is coming from EGO said the imaginary ego. Reality said Jump and you said how high kind of sounds like it has an ego? Auditory hallucinations might be: Repetitive, screeching sounds suggestive of Rats Painfully loud, thumping music Voices of people whispering or yelling mean orders or comments People talk about you as if you were not present. That sounds vaguely familiar This sounds like a normal day at work for some. He knew he was the quicker, and the knowledge made him frolicsome and full of gaiety. No thinking is needed to think. Think about it. What a cock up. A pernicious one at that. He was shocked beyond words to the point of being brain-stunned into a frontal lobotomy by the sheer absurdity of it all. Wow, could one cause another to have an auto-frontal lobotomy with such words that are defined by even new degrees of you get the point? His humorous acting is often characterized by stupidity, hilarious imbecility, and a sharp disconnection from reality. The imbecility of men, history teaches us, always invites the impudence of power. Oh, the imbecility of it all. The process is in many ways a form of therapy, offering her the space to channel visceral care into a deliberately slow artistic praxis. His ideas shook with mirth. Such a colorful raconteur with "dialectical ingenuity"
Jehovah increases replied to CroMagna's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What grand scheme? Scheming sounds a lot like religion to me if there is a buck to be made from it. Take from this what you will. It's from a good friend of mine Mr Neville Goddard. You are told that God became man and that man may become God. You may think you are the man that God, as another, became, but I tell you: you are the God who became man, that man may become you! Because my visions which parallel scripture are accurate, I can boldly say that what I have just told you is true. In the 82nd Psalm we are the speaker, speaking to ourselves, saying: "I say, 'You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you; nevertheless, you will die like men and fall as one man, O princes.'" We are the sons of the Most High, and we and our creator are one. Although we are now in a world of men, we have been promised that posterity will serve us and tell of the Lord who wrought it. You and I actually became human, that humanity may become spirit - as we are! You are not a little worm that God became. You were God before you devised the grand experiment, knowing it was the only way that man could become as you are! -
Jehovah increases replied to CroMagna's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
👌 -
Drop the fucking pretenses. A.I. is just another distraction funny how it almost seems smarter than humans. Choose your attachments wisely The awful amount of time that is spent on human trivialities hither thither and yon. What in the Charles Dickens are you talking about? Those ancient Egyptians had good quotes. "KNOW THE WORLD IN YOURSELF. NEVER LOOK FOR YOURSELF IN THE WORLD. FOR THIS WOULD BE TO PROJECT YOUR ILLUSION." "WHAT I HATE IS IGNORANCE, SMALLNESS OF IMAGINATION, THE EYE THAT SEES NO FARTHER THAN ITS OWN LASHES. ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. WHO YOU ARE IS LIMITED ONLY BY WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE." "THE BEST AND SHORTEST ROAD TOWARDS KNOWLEDGE OF TRUTH IS NATURE." "BECAUSE WE FOCUSSED ON THE SNAKE, WE MISSED THE SCORPION." "TO SPEAK THE NAME OF THE DEAD IS TO MAKE HIM ALIVE AGAIN. If your sweetheart is made of honey, don’t lap it all up. (Meaning: don’t take advantage of kindness.) Lying has no legs. (Meaning: if you lie, you will be found out.) A boat with two captains will sink. Silence is the best answer to the stupid. Many Egyptian proverbs originated in ancient times and are found in inscriptions in the temple at Luxor. I find the following to be especially profound: Man, know yourself… and you shalt know the gods. The best and shortest road towards knowledge of truth is nature. If you search for the laws of harmony, you will find knowledge. Seek peacefully, you will find. Keep away from trouble and sing to it. He who has been scalded by soup blows on yogurt. Envy is the companion of great success. Beware of him to whom you have been charitable. What is written on the brow will inevitably be seen by the eye. (Meaning: that which is destined to be will be fulfilled.) A house without a woman is like a graveyard. He who sows the wind harvests the storm. Not everything with a crooked neck is a camel. There is none more blind than he who doesn’t want to see. A beautiful thing is never perfect. As I see it, it is the imperfections that make the beauty. Get rid of the notion of unborn/born and death begging and ending Alive and not alive. Get rid of past present and future. There is only that which is, is. It is what it is no, no stop with this self-limited inposed frame of thought. It is whatever you want it to be. That would ultimately depend upon what makes you happy “Consciousness is the one and only reality, not figuratively but actually.
Jehovah increases replied to CroMagna's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That's as funny as Hell 😈🤣😹🤘👌 -
Congratz 🙏
Make sure you are very grounded and yes start very low. Slowly build your way up and make sure to take breaks. Yes, set and setting a place where you are very comfortable. And you are in the right frame of mind. . As for mental disorders, I can not say apart from being very cautious and careful. I never suffered from any mental illness nor does anyone in my family that I know of. But on one of my biggest trips a few days later somehow OCD was manifested the worst kind that I would not wish upon anyone. And if something does go awry don't be like me and not seek help. Oh, make sure you don't knock yourself out and die. In other words, if you are doing it in your house make sure it is not cluttered with antiques. Perhaps lay on your bed and do it there of course that's up to you. I did some other big trips since then and had no problems at all. Ego death most of you have no idea what that entails. Derealization or depersonalization does not bother me but for some, it will. Yes, I have been in a temp psychosis and had depression and insanity they weren't so bad I found them in some way fascinating to an extent from the experience and they subsided. But for me, the worst was mental OCD. I did have an experience later on that I may talk about one day. With all that said in the end it's up to you. So proceed with caution and common sense. Have Fun and be nice to Fungi. Yes, these experiences are fine and can teach you as long as you return to homeostasis. Problems that persist months even years after serve no purpose whatsoever. Hope this helps🙏 She should have micro-dosed on and off for 3 months.
This is Bosh well for me it is and obviously for others it's not. It must be a very selective and biased intelligence.
The funky bunch and "tater tots"Bad boys really? Bad boys ha as in Badboy Bubby
Yes, a grown man who needs advice.
What does one glean from this make sure you are not on the top floor. Choose your trip sitter wisely, especially when one is on Salvia . Perhaps there should be a section on what not to do when tripping maybe there already is.
The human conscience is God's consciousness or one could say it's a very small portion of it. If I use the word limited free will it's not what you think it means or maybe you do. I mean as in limited choices. Imagine in the future will there be more choices or fewer compared to now. Do we have more now or did our ancestors have more? This is a no-brainer. So where are going for the holidays I am off to the Andromeda system they love to party there and there are so many different species. What was your partner's name again? I heard that there is nothing like having mind-blowing sex with a transdimensional amorphous blob. I guess your family or friends' high school and university teachers the news or on social media platforms. Even poor Bob the hobo down the street bless his heart can influence you up to a point if you let them. Even you can influence you. I never wanted to do what my friends family or anyone else did. Though I was interested in what they studied and what they became or what they didn't. I pathed my way and in a way still, I am. I remember a friend whose father used to beat him with a bamboo stick because he had other plans for him to be a doctor and we know how that ended he became a chef. Yes, I see a lot of human parents that push their own agendas on their children not just these days but in the past as well. It's as though the parent or guardian has failed somewhere in their life and starts living through their child. Is it shame-based and selfish yes. All those so-called childhood actors perhaps not all have in some way been influenced or I guess you could say groomed by their parents or whoever at an early age. It sounds somewhat like child exploitation slavery one could almost say it is cultish and very selfish behavior. Kind of like a teacher who only knows one way of teaching which he picked up from the previous teacher like carrying that shame to the next generation. What may have once worked in the past may not work so well now. So it would seem we all learn at different levels degrees. Self-paced self-taught learning means you can learn in your own time and schedule differentiating the pace of learning means students learn at a pace commensurate with their abilities to maintain their interest and provide a developmentally appropriate level of challenge. For some high-ability students, some of the time, this will mean accelerating to get to more advanced material. At other times, they will want to decelerate, to dig deeper into the complexities of the content Flexibility is the key to differentiating the pace; responding to the learner’s need to go faster or slower. I guess Colt sounds a lot like culture or maybe not. Then they grow up and they miss out on their childhood and they end up suing their parents and little Jonnhy is in and out of drug rehab and spends most of his life with psychologists and psychotherapist counselors the whole gambit. Then they write a book and you know the rest. To me when I was in a relationship I never felt or saw it as being limited or not having less free will. One person's idea or sense of freedom and free will may perhaps vary or be different from yours. What's that saying Oh yes The Best Kind Of Work Feels Like Play. The Best Kind Of Work Feels Like Play To You But Looks Like Work To Others. God can dream up anything even to have no free will. Whoops you can work the rest out. Even to fail. So who created the 50 choices perhaps you have free will in the sense you can choose any of those even all of them. A game is only really limited by the amount of choices there are. Now what order do you choose and which ones is up to you. And of course, you can choose to not choose as well. But that would still in a way be choosing. But you see where I am going with this I hope. I believe I once said in a way a few years ago Infinity has already limited itself or has it? And this is why a good magician never gives all his secrets away too soon or ever. Because the act would be already over before it began or even started. Then again he may not even know what his new acts are going to be or the outcome of them. Some acts are better kept a secret. What was Houdini's greatest act? Houdini never revealed the secret even to his closest confidants or himself and nor did he know the outcome every time. I said this was like an infinite canvas or an unfinished esher painting. I suspect when I go I will wake up in year 4000. I may be in my late 20s in what one could say well a dream machine. Along the lines of Total Recall or like in Assassin's Creed the Animus is a virtual reality machine that allows users to communicate and interact with ancestral memories via their genetic code. I was always fond of the Star Trek episode The Inner Light (The Next Generation) and all this will be but a dream. In the year 3000, we will be able to cross over to parallel Earths, and from there I will start a new dream. For some reason, the TV show Sliders comes to mind. You are explaining concepts with concepts. One of the dumbest things about NDEs apart from NDEs. It's all background noise and absolute verbal diarrhea. And why the fuck would you need a life revision and who the fuck are you to judge. A God that judges its own so-called creation. That's if you believe that God is a bearded slobbering slob or someone up there. What a cringe-cringing cur of a so-called Mong hack of a God that would be. Hard to believe most humans but not all forget about the indigenous peoples And did you also know my beautiful frog toad and fungi friends that Julius Caesar lived for 56 years? So during his life, Caesar took in about 100 million breaths. (Approximate product of 4 x 60 x 24 x 365 x 56). This means that in each of our breaths, we inhale 100 million atoms that were once inside of Julius Caesar. We can extend this approach to any historical figure such as King Tut, Abraham, the Buddha, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Abraham Lincoln, and Adolph Hitler. Now if you find the above argument far-fetched, consider having lunch with a friend. Both of you sit across a small table. Both of you (besides eating and drinking) are inhaling and exhaling. Each breath you exhale throws out 10 to the 22nd power molecules around the table. But at the same time, your friend is exhaling a large number of air molecules. Some of the molecules that were previously inside of your friend will be inhaled by you as you breathe. Likewise, some of the molecules that you exhaled will be sucked into your friend as she or she inhales. So while you and your friend are eating, you will be sharing air molecules as well. Our atmosphere causes a total mixing of air molecules within several years. So a tiny fraction of air molecules that were exhaled by a person climbing up Mount Everest several years ago will find its way into your lungs. This also applies to any of the estimated 100 billion humans that have ever lived. If you want to go further back in time, you will be inhaling air molecules that were inside of any brontosaurus or the earliest amphibian to crawl onto land.
Jehovah increases replied to Elshaddai's topic in Intellectual Stuff: Philosophy, Science, Technology
Jehovah increases replied to Bob Seeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Perhaps it's time to take Christ of the cross and replace it with this. -
Jehovah increases replied to Bob Seeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
🧐😂 -
Consciousness is forever conscious meaning it is conscious of itself forever. No, it does not just go unconscious but it can imagine so. Every thought and idea ever imagined within or as consciousness is forever. Infinite Consciousness is exactly as it sounds. Believe in yourself again have faith in yourself. Stop giving your power away to shit. Throw spirituality, and religion out the fucken door into the trash with the rest of the bullshit you have amassed along your travels where it belongs. Reality consciousness, universe are all God. That there is something that should not exist, exists. And that I can say that and understand it at the same time is magic. It made sense even though that didn't make sense make sense. It defines itself it's every reference point. Every reference point is itself. It's infinitely self-referential. Nothing else can define itself but itself. I am the Love of my life merging with myself again and then forgetting then remembering then I lost myself again. One is their own worst and best critic. To prevent muck or background spam from running amuck My mind needs to be purged. You will keep looking for problems in all your relationships one problem will become many. You're creating problems that were never there to begin with. "There's nothing you can't do.. the world is yours" Familiarity breeds contempt. What dumb ass wrote this??? No, saying familiarity breeds contempt. Is being Contempt. Having extensive knowledge of or close association with someone or something leads to a loss of respect for them or it. This is absolute bullshit. An infusion of tongue and cheek. The employees were baffling to the point of stupidity. Their complete incognizance of the inflammatory nature of their own ineptitudes. So unprofessional and unorganized with no leadership skills and such a disregard for anyone but themselves. That is to say a lack thereof any common sense whatsoever. Not to let me know that my appointment had been canceled before. I would hate to think some poor person who would have to travel far on a hot day ends up being told the same. I am sorry your appointment was canceled and we didn't have the foresight prudence and maturity to let them know. When I asked her why I had not been notified prior all she could come up with was I don't know? What do you know? obviously not much. It's your job, not mine to know. If this is how you run a business none of you should be there. You're getting paid to do absolutely nothing but sit on your backsides all day. The only nice lady was the one who did an ultrasound on my neck what a beautiful lovely human being. As for the rest of you, what a disgrace you should all be reprimanded posthaste!" Even the man who was doing the X-rays of my shoulder was heavy-handed with total incompetence and buffoonery I mean a woman. It boggles one's mind how any of you reprobates even have a job let alone function as a human in day-to-day life. Masturbation causes dopamine, a chemical associated with pleasure, to be released into your body. Simply put, dopamine makes you feel good and puts you in a better mood. On top of that, the hormone oxytocin, which is released during orgasm, lowers cortisol levels. Cortisol is a main stress hormone and is usually present in high levels in stressed-out people. Touching yourself and climaxing can boost these chemicals and, as a result, help you feel more at peace. Incomparable is what you all are. You had to make sense to make sense. If anything needs to force you to be humble well that is not God. Braking bullshit up with truth I guess. One of God's greatest Gifts is to experience desires and wants. Or don't. How else can you experience experience? Or attachments? Your perspective will most probably change the older you get and it would be the same when using psychedelics at a younger age as opposed to now. Meaning you are now looking through the lens more maturely. So of course ideas may change. If you are not careful spirituality can become just another religion as in most things in life so wise on what your distractions are. Or don't Also when you take psychedelics for a time after you may be very vulnerable and susceptible to background distractions so be warned. I was never looking for spirituality only the truth. I was bored I guess.
Jehovah increases replied to Yali's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
♾❤️🕉🙏 -
Consciousness is every memory every idea emotion every orgasm everything and is forever. To be able to think and write communicate is consciousness or I could not be conscious of writing this now. This experience be it imaginary or a dream is a state of consciousness. So God's dreaming is a state of consciousness and being a so-called limited human. This would be like consciousness with Alzheimer's or amnesia. Which it obviously can experience. How many states of consciousness are there infinite states? Think of it this way Consciousness can express itself in any way shape form structure of all dimensions dimensionally dimensionless. For example, in sub-forms, it's like a never-ending Nuclear explosion of infinite imagination. A chain reaction of thoughts and ideas or expression of itself. Somewhat like fission, each nucleus is a sub-mind a partition of itself a copy so to speak. That keeps branching off in all directions forever and ever. For Infinity to be just that. Think of it as a perpetual motion machine. With unlimited potentiality or imagination. Understanding that there is no limit to what you can accomplish or wish to be. Too often we apply self-imposed limitations that stop us from truly unlocking our full potential. What makes intelligence, intelligence, or consciousness how else would it learn? Without experience itself. Yes, infinity can keep redefining, rearranging itself forever. God is infinite augmentation. He's an idea how about you all stop asking these baby questions and get out there off your asses and try firsthand experience and see if any of these things actually work. More going out and having first-hand experience for yourself. Instead of obsessing over others' lives. Get a life indeed my good friend Mekkena it means exactly just that. It's as though these generations would rather watch from the sidelines. Now is not the time for a kaffeeklatsch unless that's what you want to do in life. It would be wiser to be more transparent. Or strive to be less selfish and more selfless. Don't have time for maniacs Your smile is just as fake as your dentures. Don't be a smart ass I can see through all your bullshit. It does not matter how mentally stable you are. Take enough of most drugs and one will unravel in more ways than one. That in which defines itself. It can also keep redefining itself. Or undefine itself or outwit itself. God had to define what existence is. Spiritual retreats are now going to be like a boot camp. Think you had it tough think again. The only way out is in a straight jacket or a body bag or both. Better reality TV show than all the fetid clouds of mephitic vapors lingering above our heads or in Hollywood. "Be strong enough to be gentle." And kind always be kind. God is like having infinite videotapes that can be rewatched and reshaped. In an infinite number of ways with infinite alternative endings. Every thought, experience, and memory you have ever had is saved forever, and every dream. You have lost nothing. For shits and giggles a rant about Scheiße! Yes giving your dreams away to other humans and becoming a puppet to their dreams, not yours. Just for clicks fame fortune. You have become someone else's phony pony. Let's hope this pony is not just a one-hit wonder. These so-called “sewage Rats farms” or tube dwellers, twatters, or whatever the shit they go by these days are the ones most look up to. One must climb through all the sewage because if you don't you will keep digging deeper through everyone else's shit only to find the shit never ends. The only way out of this shit storm is up through all the raw sewage of this mindless nonstop claptrap and incoherent diarrhea-chewing spewing crapola. This is not just a diatribe against consumerism but humanity. Oh, the shit off it all. Just thinking about this is giving me the trots. We had something for this back in the day and that's where it belongs. It's all going to the shit house better down the old Thunder Box the Crapper. hey, I told you twice that you were deep in the shit and that whatever you said could put you in deeper. That muck at low tide is worse than quicksand, and can really bog you down. I was knee-deep … before I realized the shit I was in. You see even my good friends the Fungi know that the only way out of bull shit is up through it as well using it as fuel sauce to generate cleaner ideas. Is this a shit gig or a hootenanny? It would be like on Christmas day and all your presents have already been unwrapped. Where is the fun in that? Let them gawk let them gape.. Kind of like this when you become the Godhead.
I am sure he is quite the crackerjack at what he does.
Gold is better than dividends?
Owen Cook founded pick-up? What do think Mr Ed Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Owen's content it turns out it's because he has this thing where he starts interactions with girls in clubs by whipping out his man boob in their face which causes ideally causes them to laugh uncontrollably. This guy is a couch and people follow him Is this a joke
I don't what's creepier than growing men almost obsessing about some guy's looks and love life. No wonder no one is getting any and Mr Ed always looked like a happy chappy. The men seem to Gossip more on this Forum than the women. I don't know maybe perhaps go out there and try to pick up.
Slowly build your way up to higher doses perhaps 4 grams. Make sure you are in a good mindset and a safe place that you know well and your intentions are clear. And try not to eat any food for 6 hours beforehand which is entirely up to you. Good luck MrTelepath in the Mushroomverse. Always wanted to try APE mushrooms said the ape. Oh yes, I believe they are somewhat stronger so be careful.10grams Just be nice to them and don't call them shrooms