Jehovah increases

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Everything posted by Jehovah increases

  1. Consciousness is forever conscious meaning it is conscious of itself forever. No, it does not just go unconscious but it can imagine so. Every thought and idea ever imagined within or as consciousness is forever. Infinite Consciousness is exactly as it sounds. Believe in yourself again have faith in yourself. Stop giving your power away to shit. Throw spirituality, and religion out the fucken door into the trash with the rest of the bullshit you have amassed along your travels where it belongs. Reality consciousness, universe are all God. That there is something that should not exist, exists. And that I can say that and understand it at the same time is magic. It made sense even though that didn't make sense make sense. It defines itself it's every reference point. Every reference point is itself. It's infinitely self-referential. Nothing else can define itself but itself. I am the Love of my life merging with myself again and then forgetting then remembering then I lost myself again. One is their own worst and best critic. To prevent muck or background spam from running amuck My mind needs to be purged. You will keep looking for problems in all your relationships one problem will become many. You're creating problems that were never there to begin with. "There's nothing you can't do.. the world is yours" Familiarity breeds contempt. What dumb ass wrote this??? No, saying familiarity breeds contempt. Is being Contempt. Having extensive knowledge of or close association with someone or something leads to a loss of respect for them or it. This is absolute bullshit. An infusion of tongue and cheek. The employees were baffling to the point of stupidity. Their complete incognizance of the inflammatory nature of their own ineptitudes. So unprofessional and unorganized with no leadership skills and such a disregard for anyone but themselves. That is to say a lack thereof any common sense whatsoever. Not to let me know that my appointment had been canceled before. I would hate to think some poor person who would have to travel far on a hot day ends up being told the same. I am sorry your appointment was canceled and we didn't have the foresight prudence and maturity to let them know. When I asked her why I had not been notified prior all she could come up with was I don't know? What do you know? obviously not much. It's your job, not mine to know. If this is how you run a business none of you should be there. You're getting paid to do absolutely nothing but sit on your backsides all day. The only nice lady was the one who did an ultrasound on my neck what a beautiful lovely human being. As for the rest of you, what a disgrace you should all be reprimanded posthaste!" Even the man who was doing the X-rays of my shoulder was heavy-handed with total incompetence and buffoonery I mean a woman. It boggles one's mind how any of you reprobates even have a job let alone function as a human in day-to-day life. Masturbation causes dopamine, a chemical associated with pleasure, to be released into your body. Simply put, dopamine makes you feel good and puts you in a better mood. On top of that, the hormone oxytocin, which is released during orgasm, lowers cortisol levels. Cortisol is a main stress hormone and is usually present in high levels in stressed-out people. Touching yourself and climaxing can boost these chemicals and, as a result, help you feel more at peace. Incomparable is what you all are. You had to make sense to make sense. If anything needs to force you to be humble well that is not God. Braking bullshit up with truth I guess. One of God's greatest Gifts is to experience desires and wants. Or don't. How else can you experience experience? Or attachments? Your perspective will most probably change the older you get and it would be the same when using psychedelics at a younger age as opposed to now. Meaning you are now looking through the lens more maturely. So of course ideas may change. If you are not careful spirituality can become just another religion as in most things in life so wise on what your distractions are. Or don't Also when you take psychedelics for a time after you may be very vulnerable and susceptible to background distractions so be warned. I was never looking for spirituality only the truth. I was bored I guess.
  2. Consciousness is every memory every idea emotion every orgasm everything and is forever. To be able to think and write communicate is consciousness or I could not be conscious of writing this now. This experience be it imaginary or a dream is a state of consciousness. So God's dreaming is a state of consciousness and being a so-called limited human. This would be like consciousness with Alzheimer's or amnesia. Which it obviously can experience. How many states of consciousness are there infinite states? Think of it this way Consciousness can express itself in any way shape form structure of all dimensions dimensionally dimensionless. For example, in sub-forms, it's like a never-ending Nuclear explosion of infinite imagination. A chain reaction of thoughts and ideas or expression of itself. Somewhat like fission, each nucleus is a sub-mind a partition of itself a copy so to speak. That keeps branching off in all directions forever and ever. For Infinity to be just that. Think of it as a perpetual motion machine. With unlimited potentiality or imagination. Understanding that there is no limit to what you can accomplish or wish to be. Too often we apply self-imposed limitations that stop us from truly unlocking our full potential. What makes intelligence, intelligence, or consciousness how else would it learn? Without experience itself. Yes, infinity can keep redefining, rearranging itself forever. God is infinite augmentation. He's an idea how about you all stop asking these baby questions and get out there off your asses and try firsthand experience and see if any of these things actually work. More going out and having first-hand experience for yourself. Instead of obsessing over others' lives. Get a life indeed my good friend Mekkena it means exactly just that. It's as though these generations would rather watch from the sidelines. Now is not the time for a kaffeeklatsch unless that's what you want to do in life. It would be wiser to be more transparent. Or strive to be less selfish and more selfless. Don't have time for maniacs Your smile is just as fake as your dentures. Don't be a smart ass I can see through all your bullshit. It does not matter how mentally stable you are. Take enough of most drugs and one will unravel in more ways than one. That in which defines itself. It can also keep redefining itself. Or undefine itself or outwit itself. God had to define what existence is. Spiritual retreats are now going to be like a boot camp. Think you had it tough think again. The only way out is in a straight jacket or a body bag or both. Better reality TV show than all the fetid clouds of mephitic vapors lingering above our heads or in Hollywood. "Be strong enough to be gentle." And kind always be kind. God is like having infinite videotapes that can be rewatched and reshaped. In an infinite number of ways with infinite alternative endings. Every thought, experience, and memory you have ever had is saved forever, and every dream. You have lost nothing. For shits and giggles a rant about Scheiße! Yes giving your dreams away to other humans and becoming a puppet to their dreams, not yours. Just for clicks fame fortune. You have become someone else's phony pony. Let's hope this pony is not just a one-hit wonder. These so-called “sewage Rats farms” or tube dwellers, twatters, or whatever the shit they go by these days are the ones most look up to. One must climb through all the sewage because if you don't you will keep digging deeper through everyone else's shit only to find the shit never ends. The only way out of this shit storm is up through all the raw sewage of this mindless nonstop claptrap and incoherent diarrhea-chewing spewing crapola. This is not just a diatribe against consumerism but humanity. Oh, the shit off it all. Just thinking about this is giving me the trots. We had something for this back in the day and that's where it belongs. It's all going to the shit house better down the old Thunder Box the Crapper. hey, I told you twice that you were deep in the shit and that whatever you said could put you in deeper. That muck at low tide is worse than quicksand, and can really bog you down. I was knee-deep … before I realized the shit I was in. You see even my good friends the Fungi know that the only way out of bull shit is up through it as well using it as fuel sauce to generate cleaner ideas. Is this a shit gig or a hootenanny? It would be like on Christmas day and all your presents have already been unwrapped. Where is the fun in that? Let them gawk let them gape.. Kind of like this when you become the Godhead.
  3. I am sure he is quite the crackerjack at what he does.
  4. Owen Cook founded pick-up? What do think Mr Ed Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Owen's content it turns out it's because he has this thing where he starts interactions with girls in clubs by whipping out his man boob in their face which causes ideally causes them to laugh uncontrollably. This guy is a couch and people follow him Is this a joke
  5. I don't what's creepier than growing men almost obsessing about some guy's looks and love life. No wonder no one is getting any and Mr Ed always looked like a happy chappy. The men seem to Gossip more on this Forum than the women. I don't know maybe perhaps go out there and try to pick up.
  6. Slowly build your way up to higher doses perhaps 4 grams. Make sure you are in a good mindset and a safe place that you know well and your intentions are clear. And try not to eat any food for 6 hours beforehand which is entirely up to you. Good luck MrTelepath in the Mushroomverse. Always wanted to try APE mushrooms said the ape. Oh yes, I believe they are somewhat stronger so be careful.10grams Just be nice to them and don't call them shrooms
  7. Buddha is an attachment a very strong one indeed. If you go deep enough which I am starting to see none of you have or perhaps we are in separate dreams. And no awareness no mind blank mind, no memory, or whatever you think it is, is not it. What is behind all the masks that God wears??? One could call identities ego. Who do think created these masks?? or these imaginary egos? The many facest, faces Of God. I wonder if any of you collect anything? Hobbies are fun can be expensive though and may clog your abode up. But I enjoy them nonetheless. After you Awaken to yourself again what else is there to do? This may be hard for any of you to grock and perhaps one of you has already got it. Who else can enjoy all that God created? Some people, like nothingness or no mind darkness no thoughts no attachments, stillness non-awareness have Fun there. Wherever there may be I guess Consciousness has an off-switch. How does silence express itself? Is my Consciousness the same as yours?? Like I said once you lose all attachments Ego self and even Fear of everything then what????????? Think about this very carefully and deeply. And this is how I know. W
  8. Experiential I hope one has had boots on the ground and done the work. Does any of these things actually work? I hope they are not just from observation or one is simply parroting that of another's experience. Because if one has not tried these so-called techniques themselves then why are you selling garbage on the forum? I don't usually endorse a product without ever testing it but sometimes I do. Let's hope not.
  9. You're imagining the Universe. and the idea of others and your identity as a human. You are already infinite you imagine that you are a finite human with limitations etc. There was no Univers before you because you created it. It exists within your mind. You are in the same place you have always been. Now where is this mind located? Nowhere everywhere held within itself respectively. You created the Big Bang the Universe, Galaxies supper novas, the sun black holes life death. Without the concept of concepts and linear time entropy, past and present future, the dream would never evolve. Concepts, identities background stories like meanings, and constant distractions playing in the background. Now you may ask what was God's first Love? Itself silly. Without being conscious or aware of itself none of this. It's obvious, isn't it? Everything that you can imagine now. Already exists. Block transfer Computation.
  10. And with such learned minds that are so-called awake or enlightened. Yet you still argue and quarrel among yourselves, and have thus far not found a solution. What hope would the rest have?
  11. Anything and everything you say is coming from the ego and so is this grow the fuck-up. Imaginary If one has to Kowtow to the universe or reality or another then you are not God and why the hell would it need you to? Sounds like the Universe has a Massive ego to me. God catches its hand in the cookie jar. Having a desire for no desires is a desire in and of itself. Yes, Mr. Ram dass attachments what like feet. I do so like these so-called Yogies experts that have worked on themselves for how many years now? and even lived in India. And yet they still can't hold it together or their anger or tell the truth. So all that spiritual learning and self-help yet it took you how many years to come out? But hey I am only human right? "servant of God." Really? You may as well have been Catholic. Said the ego!
  12. Yes, he was impressively dumb. Here there everywhere nowhere. God also has infinite mercy. Suffering is a belief you have adopted Where did this belief come from let me guess the biggest Rats of them all. Background stories. “the only thing you should learn from suffering is that you don’t need to suffer to learn (or grow) I somehow doubt you can awaken through anything but psychedelics, you are more likely to awaken to smelling Bigfeets bigass farts. Nothing is attached to nothing. Everything is attached to everything. God is attached to God. How do get rid of Rats 101 fck the broomstick? Time to bring the In the Pied Piper back while the town of Actilized org was suffering from a rat infestation, a piper dressed in multicolored ("pied") clothing appeared, claiming to be a rat-catcher. Hold on the story doesn't end well I don't remember the ending. Now I do Creepie ass endings. I am joking of course. But of course.😂 You're dreaming of a separate self. God is always God. If a paradox flops out of nowhere and stumps even God then the paradox might as well be the God. This forum is becoming the parody of all parodies I can hear my good friend Terence McKenna saying it's becoming nuttier and nuttier and nuttier. God has infinite backup plans. You already are God realizing God again. I can imagine Buddha may have suffered from somewhat of a reckless and tempestuous streak of sadomasochism amongst other imaginary things. And loved gullible fools. A wise man once told a story about this man who rolled and wobbled down great hills and destroyed whole villages in his wake and plundered all their wealth woman and wine. As he rolled into the sunset one could hear the sound of thunderous laughter that echoed through all the valleys and mountains that lie below. That kind of reminds me of this...
  13. Yes, who has had it worse Native Americans or the African Slaves?
  14. The only thing you ought to be careful of is telling God what it can and can not get attached to. What has always been the same constant from the get-go? Every time you dream or trip or whatever you do what always remains? Even when you lose your memory. Some trips may take years to integrate or may not. Some of you may only need one massive trip or perhaps not. If one has to keep asking if one should stop taking psychedelics maybe you should not be taking them in the first place. Go back to basics all that you seek is here all it takes is a bit of research. In the end, you should know for yourself. Fugacious is also imaginary... Anyone delving into any drug should be mature enough and have enough common sense to have studied beforehand and know there can be implicit dangers that come with this dream. Yes, we can overdo it and start too early. Everything has been already done for you on this Forum by Leo.
  15. Time for a break then decide? Surely with all the insights from your trips and watching Leo's work you should already know the answer.
  16. You inside your mind now this now everything is you. This forum is your mind talking back to yourself. You don't go anywhere this is heaven now. If you go deep enough everything around you now will fade away and when you become even more conscious you will as well. And if you go even deeper well you will have to find that out for yourselves.
  17. Neville Goddard Lectures: “Many Mansions” (1969)