Jehovah increases

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Everything posted by Jehovah increases

  1. Yes but some of us can talk directly talk from the so-called non-physical aspects of reality. In fact, in a way we all are.
  2. Why from the east and karma is imaginary and if it were true why would it prevent it from naturally happening?
  3. You are imagining the human brain. So where are all these insights and technology/advancements coming from? Think about it.
  4. And whence does the ego come?
  5. The Six Faces of Delusion A ceremonial helmet with a crest of five faces is on a display stand.) AMBRIL: Now take this, for example. It dates from the middle Sumatran era and is unusually mentioned in the Legend. Oh, there can be no doubt. The reference is to the Six Faces of Delusion. Now count. One, two, three, four, five. You will observe there are five faces, not six as the Legend would have it. Now, my point is this. I do find it quite extraordinarily difficult to take seriously a Legend that cannot even count accurately. Of course, artistically speaking, it's an entirely different matter. The piece is exquisite. An undoubted masterpiece. j Can God transcend God? What is beyond the beyond? Is that where my true nature Lies. It's too hard for most if not everyone to believe something can and has always has been infinitely infinite. ? Like an explosion of infinite emotions of Love, Kind of like a subliminal state of existence as in a perpetual stasis field. A non-existable state of existence. Thankfully I will not be here to see who will win the Election I was never into Politics and never will be.
  6. Without uncertainty, there could be no certainty. How do you know God is beyond doubt?
  7. How do you know all reality is an illusion? And even if it is why would it make you happy?
  8. Yes God is always unlimited and no control does not equate to being limited. You were never limited to begin with. Obviously, it was not simple enough for you.
  9. Why do you think God dreams? These thoughts are God's own.
  10. It's not perplexing at all. Yes I wonder what it would be like if God had created a Universe without Love or emotions.
  11. What I should have asked can God become non-existent for ever?
  12. You speak as though this higher Consciousness Experience is a new thing to God.
  13. You create this so-called focus and this perception. Once you awaken as God you don't forget.
  14. There is no paradigm lock. You mean God, God always gets what it wants. God is infinite Ego.