Jehovah increases

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Everything posted by Jehovah increases

  1. Quantum entangled you will work it out and think a bit deeper. And then you will know what synchronicities are.
  2. Took you long enough to find me
  3. So, in a sense I'm always infinite even when I'm not directly conscious of infinity. Exactly👌
  4. It's God's playground for good reason. And no it's not scary. But as Leo put it people can have different reactions to it. It's my home it is me. Of course, I have an infinite Ego.
  5. It means at higher states of consciousness you are so aware of how you create reality to the point that you can actually create let's say you have an empty glass in front of you right I actually Filled that empty glass up with wild turkey and coke right in front of my eyes. And when I did this I laughed at how Jesus turned water into wine because I created Jesus let's leave it there for now. So what I am trying to say is in the lower states you are not conscious enough to know that you are imagining reality into existence. The last time I was in God mode I rewrote the narrative of my dream. I could go deeper than this. Which I will later on.
  6. Don't drag Australia into your infantile games.
  7. I like what you wrote Strika that of course is my own opinion as for Godhead well yes people can be fueled by trauma etc. But one has to ponder who inflicted these Traumas in the first place.
  8. How's Portugal going on the legalization of Drugs? I am joking of course. It would make a good case study though.
  9. Fair enough that's up to you. I know why God dreams. Have fun🙏
  10. You already are enlightened and whatever you choose to do is up to you. Just don't hurt yourself or others. God will always love you for just being you. What I strive for is what I have on my signature below.
  11. Ok you mean by having fewer attachments you suffer less?
  12. The human ego is also God's ego. Leo wrote this Be aware of how psychologically dangerous it is to strip all meaning from your life. The consequences of a total loss of meaning in your life are much more serious in practice than they seem in theory. Without self-constructed meaning, there's very little reason to live, unless perhaps you're massively Awake. I can verify this 100% and what would be even worse is if you started losing emotions. Or imagine a universe without any emotions but only hate and fear.
  13. Do you mean by built into the human design by having pain receptors? How do you mean it's not one's own responsibility?
  14. As my Brother once said the only thing you learn from suffering is you don't have to. You are not here to suffer unless you want to. Op was not asking that question.
  15. Funny I know of some people who would not even know what the word suffering even means
  16. Do you fear yourself? There is no difference between the Big S and the Little S. And no you should not fear God.
  17. You are imaging your mind and labels/ distinctions. Waking state?
  18. There is no such thing as the subconscious and consciousness is always consciousness. You are always manifesting you are just not aware of it.
  19. Beautifully beautifully said. Safe travels.♾❤️🙏
  20. I remember my brother got into this so-called book of miracles. years ago I asked him if it was worth reading and the answer was each to their own and have fun.
  21. Nice trip report and thanks for sharing. 20 grams of dried magic friends? How long did the trip last for?
  22. Pig people poor Zhu Bajie?