Jehovah increases

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Everything posted by Jehovah increases

  1. Keep pushing it II I am done with you Fuck Offfffffffffffff
  2. You thought God does not have an ego anyway my mind is already made up.
  3. No, you are not. ask yourself this how far would I go?
  4. You are wrong let's find out you are not my friend
  5. Ask yourself this can God become nonexistent forever?
  6. You are asking for absolution?
  7. I know what you seek and the the answer is no.
  8. There is so much I have not told but perhaps it is for a good reason. But you already know.
  9. I already do thank you for the distractions. God talking back to God.
  10. How does God dream? I do so love distractions.
  11. It already is how dumbo was your statement.
  12. Answer me this how can nothing know its nothing? Or how does nonexistence equate to non-existence? You have 2 minutes to answer.
  13. What does non existence have to do with evil?
  14. Non You are infinite intelligence every state is as real as real. Yes this is God's mind now forever.
  15. Yu are so wrong but keep going.
  16. why would they? No, but you do.
  17. This goes against everything why would want to harm others?????????????????????????
  18. God read it again: spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation. Everyone on this website is stupid. What comes to mind is how this is even here???????????????? Grow the fuck up.
  19. Keep playing your games. Have fun
  20. Be careful what you wish for God. Playing a very dangerous game here. And I know how this ends. You little C##Rag.