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Everything posted by FourCrossedWands

  1. So far this seems like tech stocks and crypto crash. Retail also crashing a bit. I am up about 1-2% this month. Mostly food, health, and utility stocks.
  2. If you have described "pedophilia" 1000 years ago, people would be looking at you like crazy. "Are you telling me I cannot have sex with my 14 year old wife I just married? WTF?"
  3. Or the one about a women being stuck inside a toy monkey.
  4. Warren Buffett sold his beloved Apple and Bill Gates sold Microsoft. The main reason was fear of potential unrealized income tax if Trump didn't win the elections. Maybe they would have stayed a bit longer if this wasn't a concern. The rich know that this current state of capitalism is unsustainable so they rather get out of the market before it's too late. Their main priority is to preserve wealth, not to gamble and become even richer than they already are.
  5. There are some Black Mirror episodes about this subject. A character being stuck for eternity in his/her mind, or in an artificial body, etc. I recommend watching the whole series, it's incredible.
  6. I am quite confident gold won't crash that hard. The price will probably fall for a couple of weeks with everything else, but it will rebound for sure. There is too much cash in circulation and the money has to go somewhere. It will go into gold, bonds, etc. It might seem extremely overpriced at first glance, but when you start digging deeper into it (no pun intended), you realize it's undervalued against the stock market. Check out the gold to Dow ratio gold to US debt ratio, etc. 100 year historical charts suggest that gold is in fact still slightly undervalued. Silver is even more undervalued, but it went out of style with crypto. Also, you have to pay VAT when buying silver, gold is tax free.
  7. I don't like Trump, but he handled the situation better than Zelensky. Ukraine is not in a position to dictate other countries what to do. And Zelensky is not in a position to be funny or cynical. He should have sent some diplomat there instead.
  8. If Europe was just one country, the international sports events would be super boring lol. Olympics gold medals: Europe - 120, USA - 40, China - 40. Ice Hockey Championship: Europe, USA, Canada. etc.
  9. I don't know. Seems quite depressive to me. Most European cities are not very pretty during winter. Nice pictures though.
  10. This can either be a good decision, or a bad decision. There is no absolute answer. I would say that 10-20 years ago, it would probably be a good decision. Right now, I am not so sure. Starting your own online business will be tough right now.
  11. 2nd season is getting better. Didn't really like the first 2-3 episodes but it's now catching up again. Have you seen Devs (2020)? Also a very good series with a similar setting.
  12. There is nothing to be worried about. Future generations will probably just inject protein and sugar directly into their veins, so they can spend more time on Facebook lol.
  13. I have read an interesting argument for why the US stock market is growing exponentially since 2008, which never happened before in that degree. Someone said it's because of the exponential growth in the tech sector which never happen before. Then there was a counter-argument that it has happened many times in the history of mankind. 18th century - the age of shipping 19th century - the age of transportation 20th century - the age of oil So, by that logic, the 21th century is the age of information technology. There are like 5-7 companies that are by far the most profitable companies in the world and all are in the tech sector. But, why is that? Why is like 50-75% of the global economy situated in the tech sector? Most people would say "because the information technology helps us solve everyday problems, it is the main reason of all the innovation" but is that really truth? What global problems has Apple, Facebook, or Netflix solved? Let's face the truth: Every single one of us, including Leo is a technology addict. Therefore, I would say that the 21th century is not the age of technology and innovation, but the age of addiction.
  14. Watching American football is like watching a paint dry. It reminds me little kids chasing each other on the courtyard. I would probably name about 100+ sports that are more fun to watch.
  15. Kingdom Come Deliverance II I don't really play games anymore, but this one goes beyond the gaming industry IMO. What are your favorite games of 2024-25?
  16. Timing the market can make you a lot of money. It's not about sitting on money for decades in fear of a global meltdown, but about being clever. I have timed the gold market and I have also timed some of the stocks recently. There are other factors as well, such as currency exchange rates, if you are living in the EU and buying US stocks, etc. If you have a large sum of money to invest, you need to time the market. ETFs usually have 100+ stocks, but a lot of them are underperformers which makes them volatile. There are stocks that are as stable, if not more stable than most ETFs. You just need to do some research.
  17. Severance 1st season was great. Unfortunately, I find the 2nd season a little too forced and boring.
  18. Yes, AI is the future, but are you 100% sure the S&P won't be replaced by the Chinese stock market, the same way Nikkei was replaced by the S&P 500 in the 1990s?
  19. A 1990s Nikkei like crash and a multi decade bear market is definitely incoming. The only question is when. My guess is that Trump will be pushing the stock market as much as he can because it would be the biggest dishonour for him if it failed during his presidency. You must understand one thing: The stock market is not a representation of an actual economy and it can even be the opposite. After Trump, there might be a socialist government and that's when the S&P is definitely going to crash.
  20. Flimsy or inflated investment = an asset your average shoe-shine boy is pushing while shining your shoes. In case you have no shoe-shine boy (my condolences), just go to your local McDonald's and ask everyone what are they invested in.
  21. Even Switzerland once used to be a poor country where men needed to be mercenaries for their families to survive. Scandinavia was the same. There are lots of Swedish and Norwegian descendants in the US whose ancestors have fled the poverty 100-150 years ago.
  22. What's the difference?
  23. How can I make some money from that little Trump coin? Help.
  24. You clearly don't understand crypto, go study more and come back later 🙂
  25. People are throwing life savings into meme coins and buying new smartphone every year just for a better processor or Android version. It's ridiculous. We clearly need a recession for the greater good...