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Everything posted by FourCrossedWands

  1. It depends on the type of video games. I wouldn't recommend playing COD and other online games at all. They will fuck up your mind. I can feel that after playing a competitive multiplayer game for more than 30 minutes, my mind is getting fucked up.
  2. This is not caused by abstaining from porn but by being addicted to porn lol.
  3. The bubble is bursting. Intel down 26,5% today lol.
  4. To be honest, a lot of the posts on this forum are extremely low value posts. Especially in the dating and politics sections. Hundreds of posts with absolute zero value, just endless arguing and mental masturbation. Even reddit is better than this.
  5. If you also consider living in the country, then I would say Portugal. It's a small(ish) country, people are really nice, everything is cheap and it's safe to live there. Balkan countries are not that safe and there is a lot of air pollution in winter. Canary Islands are also nice but they are far away from mainland Europe and some people there hate foreigners.
  6. David Lynch movies are really good, but I personally don't understand how you can get immersed by anime movies. They will just never give you that tense, disturbing atmosphere IMO.
  7. The Witch The Lighthouse Midsommar Mother! Men I Am Thinking of Ending Things Any other good psycho-thriller movies with tense atmosphere and lots of symbolism you have seen recently?
  8. If Trump wins the elections, there will be so much bliss, we won't even need Bitcoin anymore. No wars, no poverty, no crime. It will be heaven on earth!
  9. Definitely Balkans or Spain/Portugal.
  10. It's more like brothel opening than Olympics opening The metal there is also weak, they should put there something like this
  11. I would build a gaming desktop PC instead. Laptops are not ideal for gaming. Only buy a gaming laptop if you 100% need it for traveling.
  12. Marriage on its own is not a big trap. You can always get divorced and make the money back. The biggest problem is when the kids are involved. You will either become a slave of your partner and kids, or end up divorced only seeing your kids once a week... You can idolize being married and having kids as you like, but the truth is that you can never control how your partner and kids will behave. I know countless people in their late 30s who regret getting married and having kids with a wrong person. They will never ever be truly happy in their life. A lot of the kids then have social problems and need to visit a psychologist regularly. Facts. For most of the people in this day and age, getting married and a having kids is selfish and irresponsible.
  13. 1. You should get married and have kids - This is the biggest life trap. The only reason people are trying to convince you to get married and have kids is because they want you to suffer. 99% of people who got married and have kids will end up in misery. They become a complete slave of their partner and kids. They become an empty shell of their former self and will get divorced anyway. 2. You should enjoy your life to the fullest. Eat junk food, drink alcohol, do party drugs, have sex, etc. We only live once! - Another big trap that will lure you into the world of misery. You will end up just chasing dopamine rush and will never be truly happy. 3. Go study a college, find a good paying job and don't try anything out of ordinary like starting your own business - This can only be apllied to some people, but if you have the courage to start your own business/become financially free, you must avoid listening to other people at all costs! Most people will never be successful and don't like other people become successful, so they will play various mind games to convince you, that chasing success is a bad thing or even evil. 4. You should eat more. You should sleep more. You should get more muscles. You should gain weight. You should lose weight. You should sleep less. You should have a different haircut. You should shave your beard. You should have a longer beard. You should wear a different kind of clothes. You should work more. You should work less - No matter what, people will always criticise you. STOP LISTENING TO PEOPLE!
  14. Seriously, I think humans are more robotic than cats. Show me a cat that would do stuff it doesn't want to do for 8 hours a day.
  15. I am just kidding. Cats just don't give a fuck and live in their own reality. We should all be like cats.
  16. Cats are bad listeners and they are very hard to train. I have had better luck with training chickens than cats.
  17. Same. I think Leo should do some ASMR videos where he's whispering to the microphone, touching objects and tapping his head. Would be so much more interesting to watch!
  18. I don't listen to myself either. I don't listen to my thoughts, because they are mostly trash. I listen to my guts instead.
  19. Don't forget to mention how other people (family and friends) will make it even harder for you by trying to convince you that you simply cannot succeed. That working 12-16 hours a day is a silly idea and that you should find a regular 9-5 job instead, where you can "have fun" and "socialize". They are all just jealous and listening to them is a trap.
  20. Maybe they are all pro Trump because they fear that crypto will be banned/heavily taxed under a democrat president and the biggest recession since 1920s? They all know it's coming one day...
  21. Comparing Bitcoin to stocks/gold is like comparing some ultra-rare $1000 chicken mount from an online game to an actual chicken that you can eat. For a very small community of people that digital chicken is the most valuable thing in the universe. But for the rest of the world...
  22. In which reality is Bitcoin slowly replacing gold? Because in this reality, gold's market cap has increased by 10 trillion dollars while Bitcoin's market cap by only one trillion. 10x more money goes into gold than into Bitcoin.
  23. No reason to worry, Trump's here to save us 😂