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Everything posted by FourCrossedWands

  1. Well, if it fullflils you and gives your life a purpose, then why not? I think most guys here are the other way around.
  2. Video games in general are not the problem, online multiplayer games are! They make your egoistic mind stronger by competing against other players. Just play some city builders or grand strategy games, they are relaxing and harder to get addicted to.
  3. It doesn't have to be something groundbreaking. Just find a hobby, be good at it, help others and maybe make some money on top of it. There are thousands of Yotubers that just play games, make guides, etc. Still better that constantly thinking about sex and be depressed.
  4. Sexual urges are an illusion. If you ever manage to go without orgasm for a couple of months/years, you will realize that those cravings were just a creation of your ego. Life is pointless from the absolute perspective and things like sex don't magically make it fulfilling. You need to find some higher purpose for your life. Accomplishing something interesting that no one else has ever done before.
  5. Thanks. Yes I have an online business.
  6. 1) You need some kind of education/course to be able to start your own business False! Schools and courses are mostly waste of time and money. All informations can be found for free. 2) You need to follow your biggest dream and start your business in a specific category, otherwise you will never be successful. False! You need to find a category that you are interested in, but more importantly, there must be very high demand for the skill/product. 3) You need to diversify and have multiple skills/products to be successful. False! You need to laser focus on one single skill/product to be as effective as possible, otherwise you will end up wasting your time and losing money. 4) You need to have a unique skill/product to beat your competition. False! You can copy your competition but become better/adapt quicker. 5) You need a large team of people to have a successful business and grow bigger. False! A single person/smaller group can actually be more effective in solving problems/making the right decisions.
  7. Useless advice? All right maybe you should go to war and get killed like some 18 year olds do. Still more beneficial than suicide. Better? ?
  8. Poor things? Because of lack of sex? Do you realize there are billions of animals (chickens, pigs, etc.) that are genetically modified and their only life purpose is to be eaten by humans?
  9. There are billions of people and animals that don't have sex and/or will never have sex. There are more important things in life, it's just our society that makes it the biggest problem of the universe...
  10. You don't need to love someone else, you just need to love yourself, love your body. Drinking and masturbating just depletes your life energy and makes you depressed and ill. A couple of years ago. I wouldn't believe I could stop these two addictions. Yet I am now 100% alcohol and porn free.
  11. The entire society including your parents, friends and coworkers are all telling you what you should chase in your life to be happy. If you are trying to do it you own way and chase your own goals, they are going to ridicule you and make fun of you. If this doesn't work, they will go much deeper and start to emotionally blackmail you and play various mind games with you. This will very quickly become a psychological terror that is extremely hard to live with. How do you deal with this terror?
  12. Well. it's not devastating but I can clearly see that it's all scripted. There is nothing random about it and people do it 100% intentionally. Reality is just playing with you for no reason... Just to piss you off.
  13. There are infinite possibilities, yet we are stuck in this machanical box that wants to do repetitive things. We can literally do whatever we want to, but we decided to become machines. WTF?
  14. So we are all just NPCs inside one big program (source code), which is the only conscious thing in the universe looking at itself from an infinite amount of perspectives. Correct?
  15. Not a psychedelic, but Rhodiola Rosea might really help you.
  16. I have realized this when I found an old poem which I wrote when I was about 8-10 years old. I didn't even remember I have written that poem and if somebody read it to me, I wouldn't belive it was me who has actually written it.
  17. Since I have started to see the world the same way as you do, the reality has completely changed for me. There is now zero drama in my life. I expect the bad things to happen and am fine with them, but they actually never happen anymore.
  18. Just look around: 1) Trees blooming at the exact same day of the year 2) Ant colonies flying away at the exact same minute before the storm 3) Bird colonies leaving at the exact same day before the fall 4) Animals perfectly mimicking their surroundings without even having eyes ect. ect. ect.
  19. You have to work slowly: 1. You have to get rid of any other addictions like smoking, drinking and eating junk food. Without this it's impossible to stop your porn addiction. 2. Your subconscious mind needs to see that porn/masturbation is actually bad for you. You need to REALLY want to stop masturbating. This is the same as with every other addiction. 3. You need to realize that reality is an ilusion and the characters you are fapping to actually never existed. They are all inside your mind. Porn addiction doesn't exist as there is no porn to begin with. You are welcome ?
  20. This is pure love ?
  21. 1. Eliminate all refined sugar products 2. Eliminate all products that contain vegetable/sunflower oil 3. Eat vitamin A+D daily for at least 1 year 4. Exercise and do saunas or hot/cold showers for at least 1 year 5. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol