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Everything posted by FourCrossedWands

  1. It depends on what type of content are you going to make. I have seen some Youtubers make random stuff going viral. Walking or skating around the streets, talking to random people. Their views exploded. Once they started making more serious or professional videos that looked more like a media, their channels died out. I think a very popular type of content right now is to travel around third world countries or countries with ongoing war and showing the reality to people. Lot's of people hate media and are looking for videos from normal people instead of media.
  2. The best mini series I have seen.
  3. It's literally the same as asking women how often they think about dying children in Africa lol.
  4. Correction of the title ? "Women have an unconscious love for playing with men." And from the absolute prespective: "You have an unconscious love for playing with yourself."
  5. I would smile and ask her if she likes the brand or something like that, not make a big deal of it.
  6. If he was just trying to be nice, no matter how stupid his questions were, she should just be nice to him and act like an adult, even if it was pretended. Why even bother going on dates when you can't take simple questions like what is the brand of your purse?
  7. Just ask girls to buy you some water.
  8. You can clean your mouth and teeth with just coconut oil. It attracts bacteria and whitens teeth. But you will have to do it for a very long time like 20 minutes every day. Brushing teeth is much faster and cheaper.
  9. I was killing some small animals for fun when I was a kid. Now I strongly regret it.
  10. Definitely one of the Arcturus albums.
  11. Same here. Those people who find it difficult to lose weight usually stop eating food, but continue drinking alcohol and sodas and call it a diet.
  12. A black merino wool t-shirt and cargo shorts. Not for style, but for comfort.
  13. I was there 10 years ago. Was pretty good, but I am too old for this now lol.
  14. How old are you? If you are in your 20s, you should 100% focus on becoming self employed and financial free. It will completely change your life. You will stop going to work and meeting all kinds of idiots that just ruin your life, so you can focus on self improvement and finding a life purpose.
  15. An android phone, lol.
  16. Gothic 1,2,3 Kingdom Come Deliverance Chivalry 2 Total War Series Stronghold Series Knights of Honor 1,2 Pharaoh Mafia 1,2
  17. None of them. Touchscreens suck. I hate how every modern device has a touchscreen, even cars and motorcycles. Real men use buttons and levers! I liked the old Symbian phones with pixelared menu icons, Java games and shit. They were kind of slow though.
  18. Almost half of my friends and family want to be way too early everywhere and it drives me absolutely crazy. I am not talking about minutes, but hours! They all seem have some type of panic fear they will miss something or stuff will go wrong if they are not 8 hours earlier at the airport, or similar. They are always waiting 1 hour before the shop even opens eventhough they are the only customer there. I know they were just programmed NPCs to drive me nuts... This must be their only purpose lol.
  19. You can actually control your reality. It's all about your perception. If you think having not enough money is a BIG problem, then you will project it into your reality. All you will think about is rich people and how unfair your life is. But, if you forget about money, or any other problems you have, your reality will stop projecting it. This can be applied to anything. You will never be rich enough, powerful enough, or loved enough if you don't stop caring about what others think about you.
  20. Originally, money was always a commodity. Using anything that didn't have real value as money was literally illegal. Silver, golden coins, salt, spices, etc. all were used as a form of money. To make the exchange easier. Governments started printing paper notes that were backed by gold. They still had real value because you could always exchange them for gold no matter what. In the early 20th century, governments decided we don't need to have money of real value and currencies can be printed on demand. It has been working for a couple of currencies like US dollar. But most world currencies have lost treir value by thousands of percents in the last couple of decades, some even millions of percents.
  21. This is probably you doing that. My grandmother had shit like that happened to her multiple times a day. She had the Alzheimer's disease.