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Everything posted by FourCrossedWands

  1. Sorry I just read the part about charts and art. You have some good points, but charts are just charts, they don't bring any value to anything, not even crypto.
  2. Yes because feeling weak was your norm.
  3. Well, nothing really changed for me. The confidence boost others are talking about are just an illusion. I have stopped fapping mostly because of my health issues.
  4. Yes and I also got depression and prostate cancer 😂
  5. I am now 2+ years on no fap. It becomes very easy once you pass a certain point. The first month was the most difficult.
  6. But, what if death by suicide will never give you peace? What if you end up in hell/purgatory realm and you will be stuck there for eternity? Nobody really knows what happens after death/suicide... Nobody even knows if this reality isn't actually hell/purgatory realm.
  7. How can they even know there are 25 million millionaires in the USA and 50 million globally? Complete BS. Most of the rich people in countries like Russia, China, etc. don't tell anybody their real net worth. There can be 100+ million millionaires globally and no one will ever know the real number.
  8. True, and there is no point arguing with people about anything. Everytime somebody tries to put you down, it's actually you doing it to yourself. You trolling yourself. Once you stop caring, your life becomes much much easier and less stressful. When someone tries to lure me into a fight, I always tell myself "Yeah, nice try reality, you almost got me" haha.
  9. I don't call anything anything. I don't even listen to them. Just wanted to provide a different perspective to you. There are other genres of metal than just generic heavy/death metal and some of them can actually be "dangerous" or "evil".
  10. Just saw these two yesterday. Absolute gems in my opinion.
  11. Peste Noire - NS Black Metal
  12. That is generalisation. Even metal can be "good" or "evil". There are literally thousands of sub-genres like nazi metal, left wing crust punk, Christian metal, etc. that promote racial stuff, politics, and religion. There were even real satanists in the 90s Norway who burned churches and committed murder. Metal is not just one wave of thinking, it's a very diverse type of music.
  13. Never tell anyone your real income, not even the government
  14. All right. Tell me then which cryptocurrency should I invest in and why? Because I am genuinely curious if one of them is any different than all others. So far I didn't find any difference between them. I am not going to invest into all of them.
  15. Gold is not an investment, it's real money. Crypto is fake money. Also, gold and crypto are two complete opposites, so you shouldn't be even comparing them. Gold is for wealth preservation and insurance against complete system failure, while crypto is 100% depended on the system.
  16. Not just brain damage, but also inner ear damage. There is a nerve inside your ear that controls balance. If it gets damaged or inflamed, you become dizzy and lose your balance. That's why all those guys fell down and couldn't walk after the slap.
  17. I might as well go to a casino and diversify my money there lol
  18. Why do I need to bet against something I don't trust? I don't need to make quick buck. I have good income and very stable investments. No need for speculations. Yeah, but if I was 20 years old and in the need of quick buck, I would probably fall for it as well.
  19. It's so funny how so many people on this forum still believe in this big "get rich quick scheme"...
  20. Why do you need to keep chia seeds and oatmeal in the fridge?
  21. This methot has been considered one of the very few treatments that actually work and last longer that 6-12 months. You basically just scar your tissue using hundreds of little needles, so the healing mechanism will kick in and promote new hair growth. Has anyone here tried this method? Does it work for you?
  22. 4th solution: Pay Palestinians big compensations and convince neighboring Muslim countries to take them into their lands. Oh wait, they don't want them either...