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About FourCrossedWands

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  1. People don't like Zuck but: They are addicted to Facebook, Insta, etc. Facebook is free. They don't hate Zuck as much as Elon, it's not even close lol There is a whole global movement against Elon and his products. Even the most die hard fans now hate him. If Tesla sales drop even further, expect a complete meltdown of the stock.
  2. Is comparing Tesla to Facebook adequate? People really have no choice but to use Facebook if they want to stay "social". On the other hand, Tesla is a gimmick and has been a gimmick since the beginning. There are dozens of other options and you don't even need to use an EV whatsoever. The stock should be below $100 and it's PE ratio is a joke. People mistakenly invest in Tesla like in the whole Elon Musk empire, including Space X. Tesla on its own shouldn't be worth more than any other car manufacturer, especially now.
  3. Trump is still pro economy and pro stock market. Just imagine if Bernie Sanders was the US president. The stock market would have been crashed by at least 50% right now. Trump is just kicking the can down the road as everyone else.
  4. People hate Elon Musk. Buying Tesla is like investing into Mussolini in early 1940s. On top of that it's extremely overvalued.
  5. You live in a fairytale lol The one and only reason why Trump and his cronies are pushing crypto is because they want to extract money from common people like you. Taxes - > pump crypto - > cash out
  6. I think they should use illegal immigrants to build a couple of pyramids and sphinx, so everyone will remember the greatest age of America.
  7. Another crypto thread 😂 Do you realize you won't find any new bag holders here, on a self actualization forum, right? It's mostly people who don't care, or are against crypto. Or people who hate anything Trump related lol
  8. The best way is to ask Reddit what to invest in and do the exact opposite. People on Reddit are so wrong about stocks and other assets it's almost comical.
  9. You admit that the whole crypto community is corrupted, yet you still want to get involved once BTC crashes 50%? 🙄
  10. Silver is kinda bugged now and has been going sideways for a very long time. My theory is that crypto has partially replaced it as an invesent. Silver has always been a speculative alternative to gold as it was supposed to be up even more during a bull market. There is way too much silver in the economy and it's just not as attractive as gold right now.
  11. 5% difference is nothing and gold is not for trading. You buy gold as an insurance against your other riskier investments and basically never sell it if you don't have to. It's a complete opposite of crypto. If everything goes to shit, including banks, you can still sleep well because you have your stack of gold that either holds its value, or even goes up in price.
  12. @Leo GuraI mean, the whole network probably can't be destroyed, but if you have your Bitcoin on a hardware wallet and there is a fire, it's gone. You know fires are very common these days right? But yeah, it's good for Bitcoin 😂
  13. In EU, selling gold is easy. Just put whatever amount you have into a box and send it insured back to the company you bought it from. There are lots of reputable companies and the buy/sell price difference is usually under 5%. Honestly, buying gold was the best investment I could do apart from maybe buying real estate. There was zero hassle and I don't need to check the price daily. But yeah, if you don't want to send the gold for whatever reason and the local gold sellers suck, it can be a pain in the ass.
  14. @Leo Gurasorry but e-gold will never happen. Crypto bros have been saying for over a decade that Bitcoin will replace gold, yet gold market cap has gained over 10 trillion dollars since then and it's not slowing down. How much has crypto gained in the last couple of years? 1 tril? China, the main pusher of everything digital, buys gold like there is no tomorrow. Everything you believe is wrong about gold is the main reason why it can't be replaced by a digital asset. It is scarce in the real world and it cannot be destroyed. It's really hard to move and steal, which is a plus. Bitcoin, on the other hand can both be destroyed (hackers/quantum computing, etc.) and replicated. 90% of people will never trust crypto. It's just human nature. One single tweet can literally crash the whole crypto market lol.
  15. So far this seems like tech stocks and crypto crash. Retail also crashing a bit. I am up about 1-2% this month. Mostly food, health, and utility stocks.