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About MayoCat

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  1. I think Jreg is an absolute genius at capturing the Gen Z spirit, a generation which in my opinion will be likely known for Yellow stage thinking.
  2. Thank you, I will watch it and do my best to apply it. You are right, spirituality should dissolve suffering, not create more of it. Part of me still sees death as an end of experience, and it doesn't want that. Part of me wants there to be other experiences to follow, whatever they may be, with or without an ego. I am very, very far from the God-head realization as you call it. Sometimes when I do walking meditation, I see very bright white light. It feels like a projection rather than something that I actually see, yet it feels like the most beautiful thing in the universe. It also terrifies me when I see it. Maybe that's what death is like. Thank you for responding to my post.
  3. Thank you for sharing, I'm going through them now.
  4. Hi, I am drowning in grief and pain and have no-one to turn to. This happened one evening, while I was doing walking meditation. There was a sudden burst of energy, as if a weight was lifted off of me and I looked around. This was the first time that I've truly felt that life is a dream and there was no me, just events and surroundings being played out. But I was not ready for what happened right after. I got hit by so much pain that I could barely walk. Its been weeks and I can barely force myself to eat. Cannot stop thinking about death, which compounds both the fear and the sadness. Thinking about impermanence has paralyzed my life completely. Curious to see if anyone went through this. What did you do about it? Did you feel completely trapped? I've heard about how painful spiritual work is, but now it feels as if the whole world was turned upside down and I'm imploding. Intense cardio seems to be the only anchor on sanity I have left. Trying to contemplate on the nature of reality or thinking about death triggers all of the pain again. Maybe this is just the hard way of learning to be careful...