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About AlexanderFeliz_TBL

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  • Birthday 05/07/1996

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    Atlanta, GA
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  1. Life is full of Wonder, Joy and Adventure; but it is just as full of Disappointment, Sadness and Grief as well. And though we will undoubtedly experience our fair share of the latter throughout Life, we can do so with Grace. This, is Melancholy. The textbook definition of Melancholy is the feeling of sadness for no apparent reason, but it can also be said that there is no such thing as something that just occurs “for no reason” with regards to what we directly experience. There is always a reason for why we feel or experience what we do, and embracing melancholic emotions in a space of Presence allows for us to take a more meaningful, insightful and profound look into understanding ourselves better. It is a specific way of interacting with Sadness, Pain and Suffering that allows for us to fully and completely process the emotions that come up when we experience hardship. This is a fundamental part of our development, and it is especially important for us Men to understand this, because many of us are taught to be unwaveringly stoic and even unfeeling in the face of challenge and adversity as a show of Strength. In reality however, the true measure of a Man’s Strength lies in just how Present and Attuned he is with his Feelings when they arise under any and all circumstances. That is precisely what embracing the experience of Melancholy can offer us; a Space in which we can take a step back to gracefully reflect and meditate without overindulging in our plight. This is how True Compassion and Empathy are cultivated. We must first become compassionate with ourselves if we are going to empathize with those around us, who are also fighting their own personal battles on a daily basis. Listening to music, reading books and experiencing art of a melancholic nature allows for us to tap into the darker aspects of our Soul, and enriches our sense of gratitude in a counterintuitive way. When we make it a regular habit of doing so; we develop a genuine Spiritual Strength, Stillness of Heart and Resilience of Mind that can also be shared with others that may very well be experiencing the same as you. With Love, Samantha & Alexander ?✨?✨? #TheWayofTBL