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Trump wants to cut taxes on Social Security benefits, tips and overtime pay, plus make existing tax law permanent, and increase tariffs for protectionism as well as prevent anymore money from going to illegal immigrants. Populists are also anti-establishment and Trump has been able to demonstrate this by appealing to those who have been persecuted despite being innocent.
Romanov replied to Husseinisdoingfine's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Oh look, misandry and toxic feminism. We can thank leftist propaganda against men for it. -
I’ll stick to eating meat so that the vegans can have more plants left over from less animals eating them.
I honestly see why Obama won-because the conservatives that were up against him at the time were a bunch of spineless neocons. Traditional conservatives were overshadowed by the warmongering neocons who were all about bailing out big business and not so much about being populist. Trump on the other hand, is a different breed from Bush, McCain, and Cheney. He has been what conservatives needed for the longest.
They’re not perfect by any means, but at least they serve as a bulwark against the postmodern, nihilistic, self-refuting relativist Left where feelings dictate reality.
Trump has been a light at the end of the tunnel. Comeback king of my lifetime, he utterly decimated the liberal world by exposing their hypocrisy and self-refuting positions despite all their attempts to destroy him. Their derangement of one man over actually focusing on real issues is what led to their demise. This is something even Cenk from The Young Turks has come to realize-that Trump was never his enemy, the establishment was. Trump was right all along.
Conservatism today is progressive whereas the left is regressive. When the left goes so far to the point of insanity, it makes conservatives look as the progressives bringing sanity. Not all progress is for the better either, take cancer as an example. The disease makes progress at the expense of your health.
There are laws, and then there is the subjective interpretation of them...just like the subjective interpretation of 'evidence'. Republicans and democrats no longer just disagree on the means to the ends only to end up sharing the result. They now instead disagree on the ends of the means. One sides believes there is 'a mountain of evidence', the other does not. You cannot even accuse the other side as being willful defiers when they themselves don't believe they are defying anything to begin with. There's a difference between being conscious of your wrongdoing while attempting to get away with it, and not seeing any wrongdoing at all, therefore forgoing the compulsion to 'get away with it'. Republicans and democrats do not agree on what evidence is. One side says there's a mountain of evidence, the other says there's a mountain of poor perception. The observer and observed are inextricably linked. I think it's best if the people decide rather than attempting to remove a candidate off the ballot out of fear of them winning. Both sides talk a big game enough as it is about how they are going to win, no questions asked. If you're so confident you will win, then what's the problem? Wouldn't people have even more faith in you than before, in what you have been saying all along after beating your opponent? Right now the Left is acting like the small guy in the bar looking to be held back by his bigger friend as he's yelling at a bigger dude, "Don't hold me back! Stop holding me back!".
Minnesota Supreme Court just rejected to take Trump off the ballot. https://apnews.com/article/trump-insurrection-election-president-f6b72c94bb351c1b870d4884e54f6a75 Even they realized it's not within their purview to decide. Got a strong feeling that everyone is going to think that only the SCOTUS has the ultimate say only for the SCOTUS to be like, "But wait, there's one other thing that has the final say instead." ..And then they kick it back to the people.
When Trump first announced that he would be running again, the dems were blowing some hot smoke about how they would want him to beat all the other republican candidates so that once more, Trump can be put back in his place for the whole world to see. Now, they are attempting to misuse the 14th amendment to keep him off the ballot. So which is it? I have heard his rhetoric on Jan. 6 and I'll say it is much more ambiguous compared to the rhetoric of many other Dem leaders who shamelessly called for violence on live TV such as those like Maxine Waters. Trump denounced the supporters who stormed the capitol and whether you believe he was being sincere or not, he could have doubled-down instead, yet his denouncing is conveniently left out by the media. It doesn't matter that he denounced the storming of the capitol, what matters is that we keep the narrative of Trump instigating the insurrection strong. The more we repeat it, the more people will get on board with it, God bless the U.S.A.-the land of the free, and the home of the brave. I think it's going to backfire massively on the left. On one hand they say they are all for 'protecting democracy', and on another they want to prevent people from voting for Trump altogether. Not a good look at all. You can be sure it will all be appealed at the SCOTUS and I strongly doubt the SCOTUS will want to be the ones appearing as being against democracy to half the nation. It will definitely be much easier for the SCOTUS to not side with anyone on this issue and to leave it in the hands of the people come the 2024 election. If however, the SCOTUS rules in favor of the left to keep Trump off the ballot, then you can be sure that states in the future will be itching to spin any rhetoric or event as being 'insurrectionist' in an effort to keep whatever candidate they don't like off their ballot via the 14th. How will either half of the country then cope with the winning candidate that wasn't even on their ballot to begin with? It won't surprise me if massive movements break out across the country to repeal the 14th amendment or at the very least revise it so that a conviction is absolutely necessary. They're playing with fire so much so that we would see division like never before. Several secretaries of state already want nothing to do with it. "In the name of democracy, we will subvert democracy. If you thought Trump's attempt to subvert democracy was serious, you haven't seen anything yet." I don't think America would ever be able to be a model of democracy for any other countries, many of which America itself already criticizes as being undemocratic. We're going to soon need a general election, for the general election. Forget about who's counting the votes, that's amateur hour. Now it's about who's putting who on the ballot. If we don't put X on the ballot, we simply have no votes for X to count, and we will have the election results ready right away for anyone who's been waiting impatiently unlike previous times. When even Putin himself with a 90%+ approval rating starts weighing in on democracy, you know something is definitely fucked up. "Because democracy basically means government by the people, of the people, for the people. But the people are retarded" -Rajneesh Osho
Trump has to win this election or he’s kaput, finito. They say each indictment is garnering him votes, but from who mostly? Right wing nut jobs? I’m actually interested in the extent that these indictments have affected his chances of getting reelected. Saying that the indictments will guarantee his election is already assumed because the right has no other choice but to capitalize on his indictments. If I was in his position, I would be doing the exact same thing to not lose support from my base.
I feel like using psychedelics is too all over the place as far as experiences go. And downers actually push you more towards unconsciousness as Eckhart Tolle describes when talking about weed or alcohol. So let’s talk about stimulants for a minute here instead. I’m not necessarily referring to cocaine or meth since those have a high tendency to make you very egocentric. I am referring plain old, pharmaceutical amphetamines such as Vyvanse or Adderall. Euphoric dopamine rush aside, amphetamines are primarily known for improving focus and alertness. These benefits are related to the benefits of meditation or ‘abiding as awareness’. I am prescribed Vyvanse and I find that it really clears my head and makes it a lot easier to be ‘in the moment’. It’s not a silver bullet because I can still fall into the same traps of identifying with my thoughts like I do without it, but it sure makes it harder. I’ve actually had most of my glimpses of who I truly am while on my medication.
I’ve got family members who support Trump and every time I ask them what it’s going to take for them to be convinced he’s a criminal, their response is that it’s purely a political play due to the democrats being scared of losing against Trump. So let me ask all the lefties here, how confident are you that Trump won’t win?
https://www.ibtimes.sg/ethan-schmidt-screenshots-appear-show-anti-lgbtq-activist-sexting-men-gay-dating-app-70388 There are studies done on this sort of thing where a link between homophobia and homosexuality was found. This is not to say that it is always the case, but should be a consideration to be taken into account. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8772014/