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Everything posted by Romanov

  1. If atheism is the new religion then how come neither you or I have seen any atheists killing each other over who lacks the belief in a god the most?
  2. Answer to your first sentence: I see how the absolutist religion of Christianity is doing. It’s so absolutist that its followers can’t even get on the same page. Not only is every religion exclusive causing division but they’re all also internally divided. You’ve got the Catholics, the Protestants, the Mormons, etc. One single book man and hundreds of denominations. Why is that? Why are they all heretics in each other’s eyes? They preach about how the devil is responsible for division while they claim exclusivity. Isn’t that called hypocrisy? And to answer your second sentence: have you ever heard the saying, “The only constant is change”? That is why we are keen on organizing society relativistically. It’s the only thing that’s ever been, people and groups just happen to resist it throughout history, but it continues whether they like it or not. The ego resists it because its job is to resist what is.
  3. According to who though? This is how religions are fabricated. Christianity literally conveys this exact same message, just with different words. Subjective relativism=hell and Absolute Truth=heaven. Repent or forever burn in subjective relativism! The relativistic devil is among us to twist and pervert the absolute! You cannot have the absolute without the relative, they are ultimately one. The absolute lies beyond the duality of absolute and relative.
  4. Check out the absurdity of absolutism.
  5. Look at the problems of absolutism. I know many people such as Jordan Peterson and the like enjoy going around saying relativism this, relativism that. But absolutism is also a thing. How do you prove an absolute? You can’t have absolutes without a god or ultimate authority to be “the status quo”. Conservatives who profess that they are atheistic/agnostic are only bullshitting themselves. It’s like a liberal going around preaching that homosexuality is a sin whilst calling themselves a liberal. The key to the absolute is through relativity.
  6. Oxymoron. For real though I think the only reconciliation between liberals and conservatives is both realizing that relativism is the only absolute.
  7. I watch Facebook reels and can’t tell much of a difference between its reels and tiktok videos unless I’m missing something
  8. I’m not sure I agree with much of the posts in this thread because frankly it looks like only the negatives of Tik-Tok are being focused on. Also, it makes more sense for conservatives to be for banning it since most fear-driven political actions tend to be conservative. When people say such and such social media app is degrading our generation, I can only think of religious people saying that.
  9. I just love how many republicans say that they were the ones who abolished slavery whereas the democrat party was the the opposite. That’s like saying Germany=bad because at one point we had Nazi Germany. It’s about who stands for what, now.
  10. Republicans are conflating the left standing up to Russia with being pro-war whilst justifying their cowardice with being anti-war. It’s the GOP that wants to slash Ukraine funding and peddles some of Russia’s propaganda. It looks like the left is anti-war as far as not being the aggressor, but is fine with defending. The right however is only anti-war when the left wants to defend the country, otherwise the right is the aggressor.
  11. There is a reason why God is referred to as “Father”. People grow up physically, but most remain children and I’m not talking about child-like innocence where everything has a wonder to it, but flat out spiritual immaturity. Because man is so small and fragile on the surface, it has concocted the idea that there must be some sort of transcendent god. This is what half of America believes, even more so than Canada and Europe. I just don’t see how attributing divinity to something else other than yourself is empowering at all. It just seems like spiritual immaturity has been conflated with virtue. Believers accuse non-believers of lacking humility while they get on their high horse about how right and correct their irrational belief in a god is, it’s pure hypocrisy. And again, this mindset makes up half the U.S. population.
  12. Ah ok. What is it they call the system by the way…ah yes it’s democracy. Something the GOP claims this nation is not.
  13. When you said that it’s the best system there is, does that also apply to the electoral college? Many progressives want to abolish that. What’s your take on the EC?
  14. Yes, very true. That is about the only pitfall I can think of. But aren’t those who attribute divinity to something else other than themselves already egotistical? The Christians think they’re right, the Muslims think they’re right, etc. In a way, they are already playing God. I think there’s a lower chance of being egotistical when told that you are divine since most people would find that hard to believe anyways.
  15. So does Richard Rohr, a priest or pastor I believe. Although he admits that Christianity in its current state is misunderstood and its essence got lost due to it being filtered through dualistic Greek thinking. Of course, the fundamentalists will say he’s the devil.
  16. I mean, OSHO was very much against societal thinking and very individualistic instead. It’s true that most people care too much about what others think of them. If you care too much about what someone thinks of you, chances are that the other person is also caring too much about what you think of them.
  17. Isn’t new age and non-duality synonymous to some degree? Rupert Spira’s and Tolle’s nondualistic teachings get directly chalked up as “new age”.
  18. What do they call them…”useful idiots?” ??
  19. Then again not all parents are the same. There’s conservative and liberal parents. Does that mean that liberal parents are less caring than conservative parents? As far as I’m concerned, I was abused by my father and my mom was beat…both very conservative folks, estranged to this day. They were both very strict, I grew up in a bubble. He wasn’t as conservative when it came to the beatings apparently. The As soon as I left the house for good, I’ve gotten some tattoos, my ears pierced, started experimented with drugs. All the things they told me to never do or I would be a degenerate, I did. My sister in law also grew up in a very conservative family, ultra Christian as well where they wanted her to spend her life as a missionary instead of marrying. Ended up being suicidal at one point despite “having everything”. There’s also something to be said about all the women who become “promiscuous” after growing up in a fundamentalist Christian household. What’s there to be surprised about in that situation?
  20. It seems that it may have something to do with absolute truth and relativism. Conservatives love absolute truth, and absolute truth never changes or grows. Liberals are much more relativistic and more aware of the complexities within a given issue. Absolute truth on the other hand is dead and lifeless, no possibility to be wrong, lacking humility. I noticed this in the debate between Bill Nye and fundamentalist Christian Ken Ham. When asked what it would take to change one’s mind about the existence of -a- God, Nye said, “Just some evidence.” Ken on the other hand said, “Nothing could ever convince me that the Bible isn’t the word of God.”
  21. NATO chief and Polish president are saying it’s an accident. However, this is now making Zelensky look really bad as in itching for WW3 and Ukraine may be forced to negotiate with Russia as a result. I think now is the time for NATO to escalate rather than do the exact opposite since I still think Russia is indirectly responsible. Had Russia never invaded, Ukraine’s neighboring countries wouldn’t have to face potential collateral damage. How many more times will Poland get hit/other neighboring countries due to Ukraine defending itself from Russia’s assault? Thoughts?