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Everything posted by Manny

  1. What meditation style is best to help ADHD?
  2. Infj are the best and usely overlooked so where the best like dj Khaled
  3. @Leo Gura can psychedelics make trauma worse?
  4. @D2sage are you sure? Psychedelics is not for everyone
  5. Hello, In in a 1,5 year relationship with a black girl from Ghana. I'm a white male from Belgium i met her and since then it all just worked out. She met most of my friend and family and she is accepted by everyone and they are mostly just very happy for us. I never met her parents or family because she said that in her culture is not that easy to just go with an white man from on other country. Her family lives here in Belgium for 23 years now. I told here many times that i want to meet her family buth she just waited and waited and waited. Just Yesterday she graduated from University so i wanted to come to her last day in school. I met her parents there for the first time so i tried to introduce myself to them.. Pretty much they let me know that they are not happy with me and let me feel like i dont exist and rejected me and dont wanted to talk to me. I just said that i understand buth that i dont want to ignore them.. We planned a vacation next Monday two months ago to Kroatië. Now im a little bit disappointed and "mad" because her family doesnt even know me and she said almost nothing to here parents or family about me. My girlfriend doesnt want to cause any drama so she did nothing. I really dont feel respected or welcome by both her family and my girlfriend because she did almost nothing to introduce me to here family. After this evening i dropped her at home and we almost said nothing. I really want to go on vacation with here because i really adore here buth after yesterday i really doubt if she is serious with me. If she cancel the vacation on last minute i really think that is the end of the relationship because i dont realy now what else to do. Should i give her more time? Or just give up and leave. I dont want to bother here or make here life difficult. I just dont know what to do. Any tips please? Thank you!!
  6. @Emrie @Emrie @Emrie @Emrie I would recommend mindfulness and self compassion. I tried talk therapy buth it made it me more frustrated and disappointed so i just stopped going .
  7. @Leo Gura can i ask you if go to a therapist?
  8. @Danioover9000 i agree. I recieved many punches to the head. Even knocked out a few times. I stopped for a few years and then get injured by my work as a gardener by lifting heavy objects and wrecked my schoulder. If your not competing your not gonna recieve much damage bot even from heavy sparring. You can check yourself by a doctor every year. Youre ok ?
  9. Feels like every move a make at this point is the wrong one.. buth when i do nothing then nothing gonna change
  10. Hey, I have some social fears that are holding my back to break out of my comfort zone. Next to going out and doing lots of mindfulness its still difficult for me to socialize. Could tripping on some mushrooms help me to deal with the underlying fears? Any tips ? Thanks!
  11. Can other psychedics do the same job? Something like truffels or mushrooms or something.. MDMA is dangerous stuff for me.
  12. Can they help with dealing with anxiety and depression and how ?
  13. After watching all the video's of leo its seems to amaze me that nobody talks about the benefits of exercise and practicing martial arts as a form of personal development. Training for 1 year in a martial arts school in english boxing did more for my confidence then al the years i mediated before.. It helped me a lot with my social skills as wel and confronting my fears of confict etc.. Why is it that leo never talks about this? Could it be that im stuck in stage orange? any toughts on this?... Thanks
  14. Any tips for lasting longer in bed?
  15. Hey guys, As a 31 old man a struggled a lot in my life. Since 19 yr old seen multiple therapist, did a lot of self help shit. Did stuff like emdr , mindfulness therapy , self compassion for trauma , online training on codependency and a lot of innerchild training. I became a lot stronger over the years buth stil feels stuck in life. Can psychedelics help me whit dealing with traumas or fears that therapy cant do for me? Do they work tesame as therapy? Or maybe because of my traumas ther are not for me? Thanks ,