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  1. This is a very good topic. E belive the word slave is too strong. I like the analogy of cell in the human body. Humans organize themselves in super organisms, and like the cell, they have some individually but no will, because they have specific funtions. So you can say that that super organisms have a will and you do not because it is no longer necessary. What you know is what the central nervous sistem (the media) tells you. You are programmed to do and think in certain ways. We now have colective goals. Individuals exist but toguether they don't. The cell analogy is not perfect but it explains allot, we are a super organism ourselves, our cells now do not have individual objectives, but they did, like bacteria have.
  2. I can tell you are really developed, just by your words. I was very wrong, you are very intelligent ...
  3. @Extreme Z7 I think we are almost always in some dream state. I feel a sensation of awakening when I wake up in the morning, when I wake up from a tought and when I wake up from our more comon state. This last one is similar to the other ones, when you do self remembering it happends. But it is also spontaneous, because of the knowledge we now have, I think it happends still in auto pilot. I like the expression time travel, this is exactly how I feel.
  4. @Extreme Z7 we cannot do personal development and forget the very things that provide the possibility. knowledge for ex. Do not take offence. We all have egos, if not we would not be here at all. Decent is also a classification, a label. I wil tone it down, but i think you have the same problem.
  5. @Emerald Wilkins there are more senses than those you stated. Balance, warm/cold, pain, the way you can locate things with your eyes closed ... etc look it up. It is interesting.
  6. @TwoDays i understand what you mean, but in this forum we are reduced to this logic and reasoning because what you are talking about can't realy be communicated by words/normal language, because words have diferent meanings to diferent people. I consider this to be a problem in this forum.
  7. @Extreme Z7 do you think before you write? You post me a video? graves model? I have seen 100% of Leo's videos on youtube. You are very right, like a parrot. Everything you said is there, except you do not know the meaning of the terms used. I talk about the development of science and you confuse that with material possessions? Hahaha I was talking about humanity, not MY LIFE. Of course If you were not just a parrot you would understand this without difficulty. Don't reply, because more parroting will not help this matter.
  8. @Purple Jay This is the kind of thinking that gets humans to the dark ages. When they were inventing the technologies that allow you to write this very words on a computer someone like you was saying "who cares about this" Electricity who cares... engineering who cares... physics... etc etc who cares... I just tell i don´t care while i live in my engineered building, using electrycity and physics all the time with my gadgets, my microowave, my television ........... why would anyone care? seriously? advice: see the new series COSMOS with Neil deGrasse Tyson, all of it. Then you will understand, and you will never say anything like this again. ( if you did see it already i give up)
  9. @FindingPeace you made some editing, I said atom wave, not just atom. We can never see pass a certain small point because the light wave is bigger than that thing we are trying to see. So we can't see with our eyes but we can fire particles against it and get a reading. This is not some fantasy image, it's a computer image. This is absolutely amazing, but for you is not enough. You must have all the answers now and with self development people say " this is reality" and that is that! And you find this to be suficient. The good thing about science is that all must br proved. So they don't make afirmations like we make here and then think we know something about reality. And this is were I agree with you, our perception may never give us the possibility of truly knowing reality, just an aproximation. And that is all we can do. Yet... this is what we can do at the present moment, the future is impossible to know. Impossible.
  10. @Galyna @FindingPeace I think there is a real problem here, because people are talking about science, and especially quantum mechanics which is very hard to understand. But they say " i saw a few documentaries". I saw thousands of hours of science content. Hundreds about quantum mechanics, and General Relativity. All the top scientists say and agree than reality is mutch beyond our perception! this is quantum mechanics, and General Relativity! The models are used to understand it within the LIMITS OF OUR PERCEPTION. QUANTUM MECHANICS AND MOST OTHER "MODELS" HAVE PRACTICAL USE IN TODAY'S TECHNOLOGIES. Most documentaries use language for ignorant people like us, so that we can understand something. Do not think you understand something because you watched some program about it. TOP PEOPLE FROM ALL AREAS SAY THE SAME THINGS WE SAY HERE ABOUT THE NATURE OF REALITY. (actualy mutch better things, we are like children when compared to some people) You find them funny? :) I find funny that people is some forum on the internet make fun of some of the most brilliant minds of all time! And speak like they understand them You see this ego response? i watch myself write this, and i will not stop it from sending I do not think this is the right forum for me. (english is not my first language, sorry if i misspelled something)
  11. this is a real image of an atom wave function from 2013, they utilized a new quantum microscope. not the real atom because at the moment it is not possible to do that, but it exists.
  12. just in the previous post you speak abou science, beyond your direct perception i dont think i understand what you mean. To say that the world is just our direct perception is just playing with words, because the next second everybody talks about something someone else experienced. like you just did.
  13. @FindingPeace I like what you said but i think we can be certain that the is an infinite reality outside our perception, this is very easy to know. There are many electromagnetic waves that we use that we cannot see , radio, microwave, ultraviolet, infrared .. We use this in our everyday life, and we dont see them. What about our perception of time and space? what is time and space? General relativity states that this is not what we perceive. And this is also demonstrated and we use this everyday with GPS for example. Science does not claim to explain nothing deep, but some of it must be right, because we type words on the computer and other people can read them. we comunicate at light speed. WITHIN THE LIMITS OF OUR PERCEPTION SCIENCE WORKS. All this "first person experience" is fine to understand ourselves to some degree, but " reality" outside ourselves? do not think so. In the face of infinity (all of reality), we are not much better than little monkeys playing with our words.
  14. I do not know. But at this moment, we cannot understand reality in the way some people think we can. 1º because we are part of this reality and so we are reality classifying itself has reality, using words. 2º because we know that the world extends beyond our perception, and is probably infinite, so how can we understand this concept on infinity with our brain that is just one small part of it?
  15. @Galyna It is very hard to comunicate with normal language, because words/sentences have different meanings to diferent people. But yes, we are good.