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About Sincerity

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  1. Could you share what your way out was? If you're comfortable of course.
  2. I will never be happy. What would ever satisfy me? How would I be consistent in peace or joy with waves of the vast ocean of all sorts of different energies constantly washing over me? I don't see a point in me. I am truly pointless. Even when things have meaning, they don't. Even when some of the stuff I do is cool, it matters not in the end. I might have literally everything, but I'm never capable of really appreciating it. The best partner in the world, a cool place to live, a job I like, everything. What a waste and a disgrace. I hate seeing the news constantly. I hate not wanting to do anything. I hate screaming into the void. And honestly, I hate myself. Expressing this is so stupid, BUT WHAT'S THE OTHER OPTION? I don't want to express ANYTHING, I find it dumb and pointless, and yet this is an expression in itself. Fuck my life, fuck me and fuck everything. The only reason I'm not killing myself is because WHAT WOULD BE THE POINT OF THAT. WHAT WOULD THAT ACCOMPLISH? NOTHING! LITERALLY NOTHING! I AM IN FUCKING HELL AND NOTHING I CAN DO CAN CHANGE ANYTHING. DEATH AND LIFE ARE EQUALLY POINTLESS. I DO NOT HAVE THE ENERGY TO KILL MYSELF, BECAUSE I FIND THIS ENERGY DUMB AND I DECONSTRUCT ITS MEANING ANY TIME IT ARISES. FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY DOESN'T ANYTHING HAVE ANY MEANING?!?!?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This place is some fucking purgatory and it's not making me laugh. It's literally preferable to stay at work or go to sleep earlier rather than engage with this experience. 😂 Fuck this piece of shit hellhole.
  3. Locking. The user is banned.
  4. So that's what you stuck here for for the last 6 years? There are other places with much better shitshows for sure. This place is so tame in comparison, people don't appreciate it...
  5. You didn't even post that much since February. 23 posts in total, that includes your threads started and replies (excluding this thread). 7 being about the dog, which you apparently lied about. So what are you on about? Btw, what was your intention behind this "experiment"? Are you not exposing yourself as a malicious liar right now? No wonder you didn't find these "minds genuinely interested in exploring consciousness, reality, and human existence", lol. Because you ain't one yourself, which is evident from your attitude. Who'd go out of their way to fabricate personal stories on an internet forum and then berate people who spent their time trying to give you advice? "Any halfway intelligent person should have questioned it"... most people just assumed your honesty. That was their mistake apparently, they didn't see your true colours. Honestly, rethink yourself.
  6. The people around me are lonely. How come I'm the only one who has enough interaction? Sometimes too much? It's exhausting. I'm slipping. I just want to live in fantasy. I eat and watch Adventure Time. I am pointless. Maybe I'm the lonely one? I could do so much, but nothing is appealing.
  7. Wow. Your new blog post on Love is your most touching and profoundly clear explanation yet. Thank you!
  8. I had my first sex with my current girlfriend. We've been in the relationship for over a year, living together for 8 months. Each month we're having the best sex we ever had. It's amazing, really. Discovering the ever deeper meanings of masculinity and femininity together.
  9. I'm too good for that.
  10. Surprised no one posted this yet. Credit to my best friend for sharing this song with me.
  11. Aww thanks, that's nice to hear Most of the other guys and gals deserve as much praise. If they're active, they're almost certainly doing good work. Yeah, and the best modding is supposed to be invisible. So that the experience is seamless for others. What is obviously noticed most easily is outbursts by users who felt they were wronged... and even then these posts are usually not hidden away but allowed to be seen, which is a sign of transparency. Also, in the majority of cases when users make these posts, the Mod team and Leo are in alignment that the Mod action was deserved. When you tell another member to fuck off or call them a "mentally retarded idiot", you have no ground at all to complain about being warned. Examples relevant to the original post.