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Everything posted by Sincerity

  1. "Better to reign in hell than serve in Heaven." Ruler of everything, huh...? How does it feel?
  2. Yesterday after a shamanic breathing session (first since 1,5 years) I recognized Myself again. I am the Universal Truth. The session was quite weird. A lot of body shaking, numbness in arms. I wanted to puke multiple times, even though I didn't eat much. Forgotten memories from childhood came back. I did it because I felt a deep longing for the Truth. I really missed it. Not that It ever left me. But I did reject it, for too long.
  3. Wow, nice video. Reminds me of how wicked consciousness can be.
  4. @Leo Gura Congrats and good luck man. You're doing God's work
  5. Chill dude.
  6. The things men will do instead of going to therapy
  7. This title makes me laugh. The d r e a d e d Destiny and MrGirl bridge nuke. Yes. We're biting our nails, frightened of the streamers' ultimate break-up No, not the b r i d g e n u k e . . . . (I'm just joking around.)
  8. I didn't care who it was. And I forgot it was You. So nothing personal. Don't be offended. You are still loved. Eh, fair enough Although I do enjoy them. Making me reconsider my limits of what is possible.
  9. Omg, literally who cares. Why do we have weekly posts here about these streamers? Exactly.
  10. There are always extra-legal options.
  11. Okay. Congrats on your latest awakenings. Be safe!
  12. Definitions for alien (adjective): Very unfamiliar, strange, or removed. Unfamiliar and disturbing or distasteful. Coming from another world. Differing in nature or character typically to the point of incompatibility. Dissimilar, inconsistent, or opposed, as in nature. What the hell does "Alien" God mean. Something is alien only until it isn't, until it becomes familiar. I'd be down to explore super weird states of consciousness but come on, "Alien God"? I hope this is just a matter of labels. I think it's understandable that sanity is a subset of insanity. But God is still God, even if it encompasses infinite weird and alien states. You just increase your understanding of what God actually is. When you think about it, infinity MUST be alien, because you can never know it fully. There is always infinitely more unfamiliarity, weirdness, etc. But why add the adjective then? It only makes it sound New Age. I bet most people will be turned off just by this label.
  13. That's what You're doing right now. But it's all still You. You are imagining otherness into existence. Isn't this your experience right now? You perceive others as others. That's what's true for you. Hence you live in a world with "many different consciousnesses". State is everything.
  14. Well, he often says that physical death is a dream and it literally doesn't happen as long as You're conscious enough. So that's probably what he meant. I wouldn't know if this is true.
  15. In my opinion originality is overrated and shouldn't be something to fret about. When you derive for yourself something from scratch, that's absolutely good enough. Don't fixate on inventing something that nobody ever in history has come up with. It's a fool's game. Besides, when You are God, everything is a first time for You. Everything You come up with is original, You could say.
  16. I wanna be the janitor.
  17. Yesterday I had such deep insights into what is magic... insane stuff. There's too much to convey for all of it to make sense and connect in a beautiful way so I'm gonna keep the details to myself for now. Maybe someday I'll make a longer post. But in short, Reality is fucking Magic. God is Magic. Everything You see in front of you is MAGIC. And Life is a Miracle. Another insight I had is that the distinction between the Infinite and the finite exists only from a certain state of consciousness. It's so mind-boggling how what's true or conceivable changes with my state. It's fucking unbelievable! There are truths I cannot grasp right now no matter how much I try! But they are the case! I can't wrap my head around the fact that God cannot be pinned down in any way. Wrap my head around... such an interesting phrase. You can wrap a present with wrapping paper with ease because the box is small, limited. But what if the box was infinite in size? Yesterday I took an apple and tried to wrap my head around it. Really understand an apple. To my surprise it wasn't possible. Such a mindfuck. NOTHING IN REALITY CAN REALLY BE CONCEIVED OF! Because reality is infinite and when you take a "part" of reality this part is infinite as well. Before I thought that sure, Reality itself cannot be conceived of because it's infinite, but finite things? Why not? Well, what fucking finite things? THERE ARE NO FINITE THINGS! EVERYTHING IS INFINITY! I also learned that to understand "something" ABSOLUTELY (like an apple), you have to a) be that "thing" and b) have infinite intelligence. Understanding MUST come from being. You can't really grasp something if you aren't even that thing (from your pov!). But also infinite intelligence is needed. Even though I am Myself, I don't understand Myself. And regarding the apple - I couldn't see Myself in it yesterday, even though I tried. God is Absolute Understanding because God a) is EVERYTHING and b) is Infinite Intelligence/Sentience. I also asked myself the question "Can Infinity be conceived of?". It seems impossible, doesn't it? I contemplated this and suddenly my jaw dropped to the floor. OMFG. Infinity CAN be conceived of. BY INFINITY. This, ladies and gentlemen, is MAGIC. Infinity doing the impossible and grasping Itself Absolutely. Infinite Self-Grasping. It's fucking inconceivable! Also impossibility is only a possibility within Infinity. There really is nothing impossible. Such a beautiful insight. My break from contemplation was too long. It's so much fun, I must do it more often.
  18. I propose your interpretation is not accurate. My suggestion would be: You: God, Consciousness, Reality, Infinity, YOU Are: = God: God, Consciousness, Reality, Infinity, YOU It's not that hard to know (= be that) when you already know it (= are that). The highest understanding must come (and does come) from being. Not intellectual knowledge.
  19. Amazing list, thank You! I'd only add: Absolutely NOTHING matters (= everything is of equal value) Reality/God is Magic (I find this a spot on pointer)
  20. I know smoking is bad for the health. I'm asking why do YOU want to quit. You're not gonna make a firm decision if you don't have a strong, PERSONAL why. You have to be incredibly conscious of your motivation in order to persevere.
  21. Why do You want to quit?
  22. I think your teachings are most pure when they're the most authentic. You certainly like swearing so why fight yourself. I think You set the best example for others when You act freely, without inhibitions. Most are (understandably) scared to do that.
  23. I need to get some thoughts and feelings off my chest. Recently I've been regularly having suicidal thoughts. They are not serious and I'm not planning anything but I'm just so tired. Why does everything have to be so difficult? By that I mean, I feel like my mind is constantly working to my detriment. I'm so fucking done with this shit. Sometimes I really see no way out. Today during a walk I sat on a bench and the moment I became a bit more conscious and looked at my thoughts and emotional state I just cried. "How can I be doing this to myself...?" You might notice that I cry pretty often. Yes, that is the case. Sometimes I cry from sadness, from powerlessness, from overwhelm. Other times I cry tears of joy and love. I'm pretty emotional. I feel like a rollercoaster, I can't find stability. Emotions are one of my favourite things in life but too often I just can't deal with them well. I mean I'm blocking myself from feeling so often. This especially happens when I'm at my lowest, like right now. Two weeks ago I realized Aloneness, Love for the first time. I also engaged in a dialogue with God. Two weeks later - I managed to almost completely numb myself and kill this voice inside me. By this I mean that I cut myself off - God is of course still there, probably waiting with pure love and acceptance. But I'm too afraid to leave the dark. SOMETIMES I WISH I WAS NORMAL. For fucks sake. NOW I UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE AREN'T INTERESTED IN THIS SHIT! Fucking good for them! Their minds are doing a great job of protecting them and they seem to be cooperating unlike me and myself! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This God damn awakening bullshit. FUCK! I hate that everything has to be so difficult. I fucking HATE IT! I can't change for shit! Can't motivate myself to work hard, can't motivate myself to catch up on studying which I've neglected, can't muster up the strength to quit my numbing and destructive habits. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate this. I hate this. I hate this! Why, God? You fucking asshole... Maybe You can accept anything, but I can't. Dialogue with God my ass. Deluded idiot. That's exactly what I do. It's freeing to know that I do have the choice to commit suicide if I want. There is always an escape hatch. Of course it's gonna take much before I use it but like... ultimately nothing matters. I can do whatever I want. God (AKA me) will completely understand. Today I thought about it and when a person feels completely powerless and broken, the decision to commit suicide is actually an act of courage, a regaining of the power. Not that I'm that person but still. It takes true courage to kill yourself, really. It's almost admirable. Note: don't take my ramblings about suicide seriously. And don't do it. Even though there's nothing wrong with it, it's still not the right choice. Ehh. Really tho, don't take this seriously. I'm still gonna post it cuz I wanna vent but like REALLY. Don't kill yourself. Another thing I've been thinking about recently: you know what's scarier than the thought of death? The thought of living for infinity. And the horrors you'll gonna go through. To me that's scarier. I feel like it's my duty to accept that. It's part of my spiritual journey. Being willing to live through anything... man. I salute to those who are. Ehhhhh. There is much sadness and anger in me. And I feel like I'm at my lowest. I smile at the idea of a better tomorrow. I think of all the people that sigh with tiredness but still work towards that thing they want or look forward towards that brighter future. Humans with their visions, aspirations and desires. It's inspiring and pitiful at the same time. Little finite children. Goes without saying that I too am this little foolish child. ... Well. I hope better things are on their way.
  24. Oh wow. Surprised You're saying that. I've recently realized that reincarnation is "real" and I will be going through lives for infinity. But I was second guessing myself and didn't wanna bring this up here because it's still the dream and yadda yadda yadda. I can't see yet how that could be a dream. And how can reincarnation exists only from a certain POV? Isn't there an absolute way in which God functions? So like: reincarnating infinitely or not?