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Everything posted by Sincerity

  1. @Something Funny @Princess Arabia Guys, I counted 8 posts of yours talking about profile pics. Please don't derail OP's thread.
  2. Of course. I'm not telling You to be more nice. I'm only telling You to own niceness. Maybe. But also remember: distinguish between what You THINK God is telling You and what He is ACTUALLY telling You. It is a matter of LISTENING. Really LISTEN. What is happening around You? What are others telling You? What are You feeling? See, this is not "soul-talk". This is "mind-talk". These are beliefs and I would guess that these exact ones are limiting You from integrating your goodness. You literally just exposed yourself! LOOK AT WHAT YOU SAID! This is what You believe. And do You think THIS isn't preventing You from accepting your goodness? With a belief system like this it's impossible! You do You man. Of course I don't know You. But I am listening to what You are saying. My assessment is that You are resisting your goodness and going in the opposite direction, trying to be something else. Stop running from yourself! Everything is going to be fine.
  3. I think it takes a really strong man to be GENUINELY nice. As in good-natured, kind. It's easy to be "nice" in a meek way. But to have kidness flowing from your pure, loving heart is something admirable. Perhaps for You right now it's not about integrating your inner animal/monster, but quite the opposite... the niceness in You? Think about it. You're saying in your post that You want to change it. "Wtf do I need to do." How about You LOVE IT? What if You rejected it because You thought that it's "bad" to be nice? Because You thought people will walk over You and women won't see You as strong? What if You were afraid of the pure goodness in your heart, because You believed it's the opposite of what You "should" be? And WHAT IF You owned who You are? Don't You think You'd be stronger then? Your resistance towards niceness is a fight against windmills. You can't change the Truth of You. Maybe others see in You what You don't want to see in yourself. And maybe, just maybe, Reality is trying to tell You something profound, something true. Don't resist it. You're never going to win. The sooner You accept yourself, the better. And trust me, Reality will reward You for it. Reality appreciates EVERY act of letting go and open-mindedness. Maybe Reality is saying to You: "The Andrew Tate stuff was nice, but how about we do things differently now...?
  4. @LastThursday I loved the Einstein Tile video! Amazing how intelligent solutions often times arise from playful tinkering.
  5. @BlackPhil Religious dogmatism not allowed. Please review our forum guidelines. Edit: Removed related posts because of derailing.
  6. Maybe it was the blog posts?
  7. A beautiful song. It reminds me of my relationship with Reality. My love for Her. I love Reality. It's such a pretty word. REALITY. REALITY. REALITY. It's a perspective, and what an intimate one! I can see Her in EVERYTHING! I can love Her in any form. And just because it's "a perspective" doesn't mean it's untrue. After all, is there anything but perspective? Consider that as God You can choose to look at Reality however You want. It's so awesome that You can have a PREFERENCE and choose to perceive Reality a certain way. I love seeing Reality as a Woman. That's what I realized today. For the past week I have been focusing on God (Mentor, Creator, Father) more than Reality and it didn't resonate as much. I do like the Wisdom. But I like Love more. Doing things for love is just easier and more natural for me. I am happy to do whatever She wants. When Her will is fulfilled, mine is as well. Doing the right thing though? Doing it because it's wise? I mean sure it does resonate and morality is really important to me, but simply not as much as the "feminine aspects". Here's the key insight: when your attitude towards experience changes, You change. With each change of perception You LITERALLY change. When I focus on loving Reality, I feel like the more feminine aspects are awakening in me. This week when I was focusing on being humbly devoted to God, it's like I was being transmitted a more masculine attitude. Maybe these are simply different paths? Also probably there's not only two of them... maybe infinite? Maybe I'll go about exploring many of them to be more well-rounded? Maybe? Maybe? Maybe? It's so important what You focus on. Choose it wisely. I really do enjoy the love, so I'm gonna focus on that. The endgoal is to become Love. ^ Literally me and Reality (kidding..?)
  8. Your journal is so great. You are an inspiration!!!
  9. @StarStruck @PurpleTree Please don't derail the thread with nonsense.
  10. Connect to God and follow Him instead of yourself. Don't be afraid. His guidance is infinitely more intelligent than your judgment. You will get all that You want, and more. How? I don't know your way. Do as your intuition is telling You. Be mindful. Be courageous. Be humble. Do the right thing, for You. What worked for me so far: psychedelics, a lot of journaling, dream work, meditation, striving to be good and to do the right thing in my life. Don't underestimate the last one.
  11. Here are the 25 great math explainers from this year's Summer of Math Exposition, created by 3Blue1Brown and other folks: And here are the three playlists from the 3 SOMEs: You are SURE to find something that sparks your interest here!
  12. @zurew Yup, those two are the champions.
  13. When You do something out of love for yourself, You are the only one who can appreciate yourself for it. So do it, thank yourself. Be grateful. It's simple courtesy to thank for actions done out of love. Pay attention to this. It's important! Most would think that it's nothing honorable to do something out of love for yourself. For others? Yes. But for yourself? No. Do not be "most". Fucking APPRECIATE IT. You are the ONLY ONE WHO CAN DO IT FOR YOURSELF. THE ONLY ONE! Open your stupid fucking mind and DO IT, FOR YOURSELF. DO NOT DISRESPECT YOURSELF. DO NOT BE THAT TYPE. Counterintuitively, You are the MOST important subject to give love to and thank.
  14. Yoo, that's clever. I love the quote at the end. "Egoless people have very strong characters."
  15. Regarding yesterday's Roy situation, isn't it funny how it very much reflects this described psychology? Roy wanted to be banned for a long time, but he just couldn't reach You. You could say he was powerless. And then he lashed out in an explosive way. Such an accident that it happened in this particular thread.
  16. Moved topic to mental health subforum. Have faith please.
  17. The Feminine in Me is flourishing. She is so, so, so beautiful. My Fiery Soul. My Spirit. I love Her so much. I am high on life right now.
  18. Sweet!!!! I'm so happy. Every tear out of profundity has great meaning.
  19. Haha. At your service. I recommend the book Inner Work by Robert A. Johnson for dream analysis. Funnily, his dream analysis advice is now very useful to me in seeing God's lessons, happening to me in Reality. It's almost as if Reality is a dream, right? Hahahahahahaha. (I'm not saying the book is 100% true. Try out what resonates and throw out the beliefs and assumptions, cuz it has many. But stay open! You never know what turns out to be true. )
  20. @Yimpa Nice! Although I'd urge You to delve deeper. Usually the profound lesson of a dream will not be immediately obvious to You. There is high chance You have missed much from this dream. If dreams were immediately obvious, they wouldn't have meaning. The whole point is that they're NOT immediately obvious. So stay open, don't forget about it just yet and be mindful of what's happening around You. Because most likely there will be further clues pointing You to something. It MUST change You on a deep level. It MUST play itself out in REALITY. YOU MUST CHANGE!!!!! I can't stress this enough. So don't discard it yet. Don't think You are done with it. It's a lesson from God, so be respectful and don't close your mind. Because when You think You already got it, You effectively close yourself off from the actual message, which will bring You to tears in REALITY. Your dream feels very profound to me. It will materialize if You stay open.
  21. Dreams come True, if You let them! Explanation: Be mindful of your visions, nightly dreams. When You let go and let Reality flow, the meaning/message of a vision literally plays itself out in Reality. It HAPPENS. And when You get the message, YOU CHANGE. Because it touches You profoundly. These are the most personal lessons, unique to what You actually need most (not what You think You need). Very often we cling to a very specific way of fulfilling a desire/dream. We get fixated. If You let go of what You think is best, all your dreams WILL come True. But NOT in the way that You think. In a vastly better way. Reality simply KNOWS BETTER. God's Intelligence is Superior. Open your mind to Wisdom and let It teach You. Let your dreams play themselves out however they want. Everything will be fine, I promise You.