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Everything posted by Sincerity

  1. Interesting distinction! I'd say thriftiness would be a subset of cheapness.
  2. Yup Hahahaha My parents will always go on bragging about how cheap they bought some shoes or pants from a thrift shop, and always mention how nonsensical it is to buy things from company stores. They have these rules for themselves that they won't spend more than 100zł (~$25) on pants for example. Both have a fair share of trauma around money (even though they're not poor of course) and I know I have some too.
  3. From what Barbella said, the situation was that he kept the better chocolate for himself and only let her have the cheaper one Aight aight, fair enough Actually in my culture cheapness can sometimes be seen as a positive quality too. If You have an idea of a stereotypical polish guy they're often seen as cheap. And there might be something to it. I'd say my parents have been pretty cheap. (but I'm CERTAINLY different!!!! hehe)
  4. No offense (seriously) but I laughed out loud reading this A girl is saying that a man won't share a $4 chocolate with her and You're saying she should change her definition of cheapness... and that cheapness isn't objectively bad haha
  5. This is a great question for shadow work. If You could avoid ONE thing and NEVER have to deal with it again, what would it be? If You could get rid of one thing in your life and never again have to care about it, what would it be? It is important that You find the one answer. Not many. One. Of course this is somewhat of a trick question because when You find this feeling/energy that You wish to avoid, well... You will be confronting it at that very moment. Stay with that difficult energy/vision and feel into it, experience it wholly until there's no more charge to it. If You do this correctly You will be a tiny bit purer after this. This is not an intellectual exercise. This is a FEELING exercise. You FEEL the answer and process it. Example of what answering this question was like for me today: If I could avoid one thing and never have to look at it again, what would it be? Hmm... A feeling of fear of writing my thesis comes up, but it's not that strong. No, that's not it. Fear of telling my father about my psychedelic use comes up, but it's not that strong, it feels doable. No, that's not it. Fear of getting into a relationship with one girl I would be ashamed of showing to my friends and family. Not that strong, that's not it. Then a sudden feeling of intense powerlessness washed over me. In my minds eye I saw a pitch black humanoid entity with white glowing eyes on a dark background. I was identifying with it. I had visions of "me" screaming crying, resisting an unknown force invading me, begging for help curled up on the floor. It was very dark. My entire body got tense, especially my legs and face. I had an extreme grimace on my face and felt strong tension in the head. It lasted for about 3-5 minutes and then the feeling of desperation started subsiding. The grimace on my face loosened and I started feeling calmer and more peaceful. Then finally it was done. Then a string of thoughts appeared about writing this here and here I am... Not sure about the origin of this feeling. But it felt like something important, very much hidden before was processed. Hope this resonates! Confront your demons - what You resist persists. And happy new year.
  6. Additional tip/note: this exercise can remind You of your love for reality. You can become conscious of your personal reason why NOT to erase your suffering or the possibility of death to your child. Because then it wouldn't be REALITY. Do YOU care about reality? Maybe You do but don't even know it. (It's not truly reality as in direct experience but still, go with it...)
  7. This question is really doing me wonders. I think I didn't convey well enough how powerful it is and how far You could go with it. You have the power to "avoid something out of existence" and your imagination is the only limit. Yesterday it reminded me of my fear of losing my close ones. Imagine You could cheat death and never have to care about losing someone very precious to You, like your child or sister. It's easy to think You aren't scared or attached but see, this question is precisely to get the "ugly truth" out of You, your "lower feelings" which You are NOT aware of right now. If You could erase the possibility of serious harm/death of your child/sister/whoever, wouldn't You? If You had the option, IN PRACTICE? It's an imagination exercise and it's really worth taking seriously. Intense focus is crucial here. Imagine so hard You forget about all else and don't hold yourself back from feeling.
  8. @Leo Gura Pretty please? This must be the most polite and justified request ever.
  9. Oh I thought You were joking with the YT shorts hahaha. Still I think You could go deeper. (for yourself at least, don't have to share it)
  10. Lol Ooo, that could be something in me too. I feel I could face this sometime. Niceee, good one. Fear of deceiving yourself. Great answers, they ring true. Hope You felt into these feelings. In my view it's about going deep with courage into them and in this way melting them away. You don't have to be stuck with them forever, take action by looking at them and processing them! Again for someone reading this, if this post resonates I strongly suggest You step away, focus on this question in silence and feel the answer. I really can't stress enough how important it is to FEEL it. Spill some tears if You need. Just "knowing" the answer intellectually will do nothing, zero, nada.
  11. Absolutely not lol.* Self is a bias. *In the end, at least. You might have to go through periods of purification where You will intensely experience "lower" emotions like hatred and helplessness, but it will pass. This is often part of the process.
  12. Happy new year! 2024 is going to be awesome.
  13. Ah, a relativist. Well, I disagree. Some users here, some perspectives are closer to truth. And some are further away. It's not about ideas, it's about connecting to Reality so to say, or becoming conscious of it. Which is what spirituality is about.
  14. It's apparent to anyone with some experience. You feel the depth behind experienced people's words. Your words are empty because they do not have experience behind them. Simple as that. You might be saying similar things to Leo or Nahm for example, You might be thinking for a thousand or ten thousand hours but it still doesn't change the fact that You don't have EXPERIENCE. I'm not assuming anything. It's clear as day. There are many users here which have genuine understanding based in experience and that's visible too. But You are not one of them. As long as You keep being arrogant and educating others about things You have no experience with, there will always be someone calling You out. You should expect that. And for the record, I'm not at all enjoying it. Frankly I'm tired of it. Good luck then...
  15. It is shameless of You to educate others about awakening when You have no experience yourself. You are muddying the waters and You have to be called out.
  16. The epitome of your arrogance and closedmindedness. Like You'd know what awaken means... Unbelievable.
  17. Spare video please...
  18. Thank You. We're all learning from each other here.
  19. My literal reaction to this information...
  20. My heart is crying because the main post is going over your head.
  21. You know best what You want and what You don't. So perhaps my advice wasn't applicable to your situation - You gotta assess this. I will bring up this point though: This may sound silly, but I think You can still enjoy something that You don't really want. I understand You feel accomplished, proud of yourself at the gym, etc. And that's great! Nothing wrong with that. But thing is, why do You procrastinate and lose momentum for it then? You could contemplate it like Alexop recommended. Maybe it's just me but when I'm doing something from the heart there's just no way for me to procrastinate (for long) or lose momentum. On the other hand when I'm forcing myself to do something it's IMPOSSIBLE for the long term - even if it feels good when I do it! It just doesn't work. So what I do is focus on what resonates. You mentioned You've been strong on the entrepreneurial side since your teens. I'd guess (?) that You don't have to force yourself much to take on this work when it's the time for it. If so, then why is starting this work easy, but going to the gym is hard? You did have the drive to consume a lot of content on building a business, take notes, etc. Maybe that's how it feels when something clicks with You, and the cyclical loss of momentum for the gym is how it feels when it doesn't click? I don't know. I just think that if something really clicks with You, starting doing it is rather effortless and You don't procrastinate much. But hey, maybe that's just me! You are a different person. I don't wanna discourage You from going to the gym if that's what You want. Though You have to examine your emotions and find out why You are feeling the way You are feeling. And note that if You wanna escape a vicious cycle, You can't do more of the same thing.
  22. For the record I don't remember your posts 😭😭
  23. I found myself in a very similar situation to You in the past. Actually I still feel similarly at times with certain things, but much less I'd say. Here is my advice. You think You need to do many of these things (like go to the gym), but the truth is that You don't really want it. AND THAT IS OKAY. It seems to me that your case could be described as follows: the mind trying to force the heart into wanting something. But the truth is the mind will never succeed in that. You will only cause yourself pain. It's like You're trying to go against the current of the river. The mind should serve the heart and NOT the other way around! Listening to the heart instead of the mind is difficult. Your mind will provide You with all the explanations of how You will be DOOMED and how You will DIE and your life will go to HELL if You stop going to the gym for example. But it's all bullshit. The heart is guiding You well, You are just afraid to follow its wisdom. You are afraid to abandon the mind, but the mind's guidance is retarded. The mind thinks that something should be done and the heart knows what should be. It's not that going to the gym is bad. But maybe it's just not for You! I don't know what your heart wants but let me tell You, You could find many alternatives to the gym - You could be going swimming, You could sign up for yoga classes, You could be dancing, running, playing tennis, walking 10K steps everyday, I don't know! Hell, maybe it's a matter of just going to another gym! Point is, instead of trying to force yourself to want something, start doing what You're really dreaming of! Because if You have to force yourself so much to go to the gym it's a clear sign that You're doing it out of the mind. See, if the heart wants something it's effortless. You just do it. You don't have to fight. It's easy! Going with the current is easy, while going against it is a constant fight. In practice, how do You start listening to the heart? First of all You could LET GO of your need to go to the gym for example, let go of the "shoulds". Just let the whole thing go and be okay with it. You have to trust that something else, something better will come eventually. HAVE FAITH! Be open and wait for it. And then it will come. Maybe your friend will mention to You some martial arts classes that he heard of and You will think "oh hmm, that sounds interesting..." - and this will be it. You will then sign up for these martial classes and You will be going there effortlessly. It won't be what You thought You should be doing - it will be something better, the right thing. Notice I said that your friend might mention to You this possibility. A friend was an example, You could see a billboard or read something on the internet - just go along with it. My point is that THIS is how it often works. You "accidently" hear about something and it instantly somehow clicks with You. But with time You can realize that these aren't accidents. It is much more magical and profound than that. But in order to be open to these "accidents" You have to let go of the retarded "shoulds" of the mind. Don't be afraid. Break the cycle. Actualize what You are REALLY meant to be. Hope this resonates. Happy new year.
  24. Bump. As others said before, this should be pinned.