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Everything posted by Xefaxxx

  1. Where to start.. well i have very low self esteem issues, OCD, Very Addictive personality ( bad relationships, drugs, food etc) , Negative thinker, the list goes on.. I think it all starts wit a scar i have on my head from a accident as a kid that I can't accept.. I've read self help books.. go counselling every week ( with alot issues).. logically i have all the knowledge nd info on wat to do but struggle to put it into practice thats the frustrating part. I judge other people because of my insecurities.. i've created in my head what the perfect person should look like nd if some1 is fat or not the image of the perfect person i created.. then they can't be beautiful?! Can they? Bcoz im not beautiful wit my scar so how can they be. Anyways this is just the tip of the iceberg of a day in my mind.. any info nd tips would be great. P.s sorry about writing.. so used writing slang ☺
  2. Thanking you's ? at the end of d day its going nowhere.. so i may as well embrace it ? i'v also stopped judging anyone or anything the last few days.. it's helping alot.. we don't even realise were doing it, its more like a bad thought habit.. no more i tell ya's.. thanks again
  3. Thanks for your reply's.. I think 1 step at a time is what i need because i have no patience i start and rush everything and then don't get the results i want so i give up before i give it time. Best of luck to the both of you on your life journey ?