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  1. So, i NEED HELP!! since my sex-life in the last years has been mooving on a scale from miserable to non-existent, i decided a while ago to stop watching porn, which kinda works out well with minor draw-backs. now i also started to stop fapping at all and this is where my problem showed itself: THe first weeks i felt so good, so energized , i didn´t need to sleep , i felt like i got superpowers .... then serveral weeks in i´ve started to fantasice about various scenarios like in a day-dream, especially after seeing attractive girls .... usually very primal scenarios where i can impregnate the women, concensual and non-consencual. I started to fall back into watching a lot of creampie-related porn and now even hentai-over-the-top material where you can see women with hyper-fertility-traits like giant boobs , insane hip/waist-rato etc... (you might have seen this shit) getting fucked and impregnated ,in some videos you can even see x-ray depictions where the man shoots his cum in her womb and shit.... all the primal MOST animalisitc fantasies start to get sooooo strong since i´m not regularly fapping anymore. AHHHH!! Anyone know something about this? What could be the reason? Is this normal? WHy am i so obsessed with impregnating women seemingly? (BUT only in a fantasy , i don´t really want to have the responsibility of having to raise a child ...at least not yet) I definetly know that NO women could or would want to live up to those fantasies and that i am totaly screwing myself up with this hyperstimuli-conditioning. It starts to affect me in my reallife as well , the other day, one of my tinder-matches , who was by far one the best looking girls i got mathced with in a long time ... i actually made a joke to her about how i would like to knock her up (because i was so horny and couldn´t see that it is not funny at all) .... needless to say she reversed the match after that .... FUCK! i feel like such an idiot!!! It is not fair! WHy are women so beautiful and why do i feel like i want them, but i can´t access them in the no-effort way i am used to when i watch porn. I am preparing for a LOOOOOOOOONG journey of recovery from this shit... WIsh me the best & i´m happy to get some ideas.
  2. Good that you see the harm, here is how i stopped my hardcore gaming addiction (spent almost 5000h within 3 years on LOL) yes it is possible 3years = 1000 days x 5h a day ..there you go uninstall all games withdraw from your gaming-community PEACEFULLY (dont you ...you guys are full of shit i am something better now! i life my life purpose while you are just loosers ...DONT DO THAT... instead just go ...well i have some other plan whenever some of your "friends" wants to involve you in gaming again... unplug the monitor and put it away, only plug it in when you wrote down on a paper what WORK!!! you need to do on the pc... then work it and then unplug the monitor again! prepare for extreme withdrawel effects ... your future self will be so grateful to you!! namasté mofos
  3. HEy guys, Hey Leo, please tell me if you don´t want that @Leo Gura, but i wanna give value to the community by sharing my way of consuming your content. Which is by listening to it as 2x audio-format. https://www.mediafire.com/file/crcch2iflhdxban/TrainingEpisode.mp3 Enjoy!
  4. Great Comment imho! It is exaclty THIS, a chance to FEEL the pain , to discover , to open up and allow the pain. Also i think when to horror and the pain gets so overwhealming you can let out an equally horrible groan just to express physically and let it manifest what is happening now! You wont believe how freeing this can be. (also make shure no neighbours are around or they will think you are either insane or into some really weired sex-practices ) ok namasté mofos
  5. I just wanted to share some thoughts about: -Life Purpose, not living your life purpose & the feeling "what is Wrong with me!?" -the HORROR of not beeing in controll of your thoughts -Envy others, Letting go & Surrender -behaviour change (related to leo´s new video)
  6. Been there, let me just ask you if you take any drugs or substances even alcohol or cigarettes. If yes, absolutley start dropping those immediatly. Also stop hanging around with the people you hang around with and start eating healthy , also meditate consistently. Look inside what really brings joy to that deepest inner place. If you follow these action-steps , i hope to hear from you in 3 month! peace bro
  7. living your life purpose and beeing spiritual is actually the same thing!! when you really dig deep it totaly is! 100% shure !! peace bro
  8. Here is my take on it ... whatever you think is your life purpose... scedule a plan and then work on that purpose for 30 days in a row for some hours each ... (like 1 or 2 maybe 4 or 5h each day! depending how much other work you have to do... then after the 30 days take a resumée. was it fun? was it productive? will you definetly go on doing it naturally anyways ...or was it different than you thought it would be, how many days did you skip, and why? how did you feel ... Do that imo Peace bro
  9. Worth it? What do you wanna get? Happiness , knowing yourself & knowing your life purpose , opening up to infintiy?? Whatever of those it is, no , researching conspiracies is only marginaly help... if you wanna entertainyourself, have some fun, enage in the monkey mind, just distract yourself after a hard day, and enjoy some fantacizing , then YES! it is worth it... peace bro
  10. So most of us work 8h a day or more... Then go home and plan doing all these great things... but then you notice your energy is gone ... You just gotta hustle throu? is it even possible? How can you be stronger than your excuses? ---->>> WHat do you guys think?? I´m pretty shure 90% of us know this topic and struggle more or less with this ...
  11. Depends, lets pretend this is whats going on in your part of consciousness: i am Jospeh i have an ego, the ego is an illusion and not part of reality. so jospehs job is to do consciousness work, so he is not clinging to his ego anymore. If joesph can drop the belief in his ego or the clinging to his ego then jospeh will be enlightened, the new enlighten jospeh will be so cool!! so happy and possibly rich? he will be a super-jospeh , nice... Which sounds good, the problem is only that there is no jospeh with the problem of needing to get rid of his ego to begin with. THe fact that consciousness got conditioned into THINKING it is joseph who needs to do this and that in order to get that and this is what makes it feel that something is not quite right... so what is needed is not to ADD enlightenment TO jospeh, but to rid oneness of this joseph-idea, who is this joseph anyways? i heard he is quite a nice guy, i heard he will be rich soon, must be something about this guy
  12. so let´s look at what happened. you felt something. there was something... an experience. you didn´t like it. it felt like what? fearfull? did you experience the emotion fully or did you start to label it and give it names and try to put it in a concept? like: oh i don´t like this feeling ...now i call this feeling fear, and fear exists in the subconsciuous. there is a place called subconscious ...so if i don´t like this feeling i can put this object called fear back in this place called subconsious.... this is the usual strategy. I recommend staying true and not engaging in the language and concept game too much, just feel the emotion that comes up, let it overwhealm you, if you think "NO! i will die if i let this happen" ...then remember ...who is saying this sentence? the character possibly? are you the character or are you what is prior to the chraracter? do you wanna be a limited charakter who is enlightened ....or do you wanna be light iself knowing it has the possibiliy to act throu a charakter but is not limited to that... like any psycheledic substance i recommend using weed only very rarely , maybe 1 or 2 times to see what happens and then go back integrating the insights and stay sober for 2-3 month before you engage with substances again ... (and 3 month might already be too short!) the REAL work comes AFTER the waking up EXPERIENCE anyways ... waking up is nice but then you have to clear up ... 4 billion years of evolution left us with mechanisms of jealousy, comparing , greed, agression etc... and these are just the super obvious ones. i hope this helps a little bit
  13. In a sense people don´t exist, yes! and that includes yourself. What does exist is "one-ness" or emptyness, or awareness... This oneness mistakes itself for a person ...and it IS a person ...but NOT ONLY! and NOT MAINLY a person...it is still mainly one-ness beeing conditioned for 4billion years to be human. (so quite a long evolutionary time isnt it, thats why you shouldnt expect the ego or the character to disapear anytime soon ... and it is ok if it doesn´t ...just don´t make the mistake to believe everything it says and see you are more than that! Do people exist? who want´s to know that? Awareness would not ask such a question. THat question is asked by your charakter not by one-ness , so let the question be there as what it is ..just form arising in your consciessness, but don´t give it too much attention, if you do, the ego will grow. and a big ego leaves no place for the silence of awareness ... peace
  14. I feel like the new video on sutble addiction is one of the most fundamental & at the same time practical ones leo released this year! Absolute recommendation to watch It made me think what my subtle addictions might be. 1. The need for beeing the nice guy the normal guy, beeing "accepted", beeing correct , beeing "standart" so noone can take offense in anything i do or say!!! I just noticed that this not really who i am, but it is something i DO!!! Even thou i meditate consistently for a year, i still feel the need to be "normal" and "inconspicous" around people , especially new people, althou it feels horrible!! and boring!! and dead!! everytime i start opening up & get a little "crazy" it feels really good, but it is always an effort at first ... i think i REALLY! have to work on this one. 2. "having a cutting-edge work-ethic, beeing super-productivity, becoming successfull" ... to the point where i just started thinking ...hmmm maybe i´am addicted to this?! I mean it is a small degree. Of course taking action is the way to go & and people like richard branson are people i really think found an amazing way to take action and still have fun and enjoy life and even the buddha said something along those lines "meditation is great, but taking actions is better" (paraphrasing) ... so i am not shure about this one. I have trouble envisioning an alternative? beeing more passive? clearly this cannot be the answer. Hm ..have to contemplate this topic thou!! 3. Suffering in overthinking sometimes it feels , i just NEED! to have a problem that i can solve to improove. Even if there is not problem , i can only be OK if i improove and learn and have paradigm-shifting epiphanies if NOT!! i suffer! because i lack out on reaching my potential .... maybe this can also be a subtle form of addiction. so any thoughts on these? What about you guys? what are your 3 sublte addictions? How do you work on them? WHat are the underlying mechanisms for those addictions? can we find some kind of solution? Meditation for me is definatly the biggest source of freeing yourself over the course of weeks and month from these addicions! Has anyone found other solutions to add? Cheers.
  15. I am happy for you that you had a positive and mind-blowing shamadi experience. In life there are painfull experiences and blissful experience, both of which you will experience more of in your life (judging from your pic you are still young and will hopefull live a long life Experiences are form. You can see them, hear them, feel them. Accept them as they come. If bliss arises in your meditation. Fine. If pain arises. Fine. "What to do now?" ...Hear that question. Accept it & let it be. "I feel like i should do something!" ...Feel that emotion, see it and let it be. Feel , See & Hear the form and stay silent and mindful.