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Everything posted by Falk

  1. @Huz88 nono i would have died after 2h , just normal sitting , good old straight back sitting on a chair, hanging out this some thoughts of mine. @cetus56 yep! thats what i mean, shrooms can be dangerous af, because you can´t predict the dose, fingers off i would say
  2. @ZenDog i was just sitting with straight back on a chair. with crossed legs i will get cramps too, so i dont do it for longer sessions anymore, only for 1h maybe.
  3. Jeah with drugs it realy depends i would say, when i was 18 i was very depressed and actually felt like i got nothing to loose, i guess that´s why i came out on top if these experiences ..i´m pretty shure if i was attached to my "personality" at that time the experiences i made (especially with salvia) would have turned me literly insane. Don´t take this stuff easy, it is extremely potent, also we were quite stupid and didnt prepare well enough in terms of set and setting back then ... but that´s a different story ...If you are interessted in what happens without taking the substances yourself you can read on a site called "erowid" about good and bad trips , it is quite interessting. Some describe it very good so you can grasp how it must feel like without actually doing it yourself. @cetus56 I will have to try, but intuitively i would say yes.
  4. Hm? ok ...i found that 60minutes actually are my personal changing point where it gets realy interessting, (that´s why i like 90 sits if can afford it time-wise) so maybe try that. May i ask what is the obstacle for you? Pain? Boredom? i guess boredom can´t be it, so it must be the pain. if you find sitting in lotus too bad for the legs then just sit on a chair on a pillow, that´s how i usually do it I can´t stress enough the importance of frequency and duration of this practices in order to actually grow, Just watch 30min less of teal swan videos (i know it can be addictive ) and do 30min more meditation instead...
  5. @cetus56 Very well spoken/ very articulate , you should think about writing a book about this. Yes, I experimented with mind altering substances when i was 18/19ish, but this is a long time ago... Had some very amazing and some very hellish experiences, where i actually thought "nice! now you did it, you broke yourself, will never return to normal life" which made me realy question the very fabric of reality and of myself and i can totaly see how some people actualy go "insane" from using some of those substances. I always say when "you" experience something realy strange and alien, it can be dealt with ..but when the very alien thing suddenly is "you" then the mind seems to get a serious problem which sounds funny years later but back then i know it wasnt and some of my friends actualy spend some time in recovery-hospitals, gladly noone was runined for life... I personaly am glad for those "experiences" today, but i didn´t feel like this was the right path for me so i refrained from further engagements in this field when i was 20 and from then on living pretty much sober. I feel like meditation is more of an emotionaly secure way of getting to your true self. Meditation is more work instead of just beeing thrown into something and i feel it is way more predictable compared to chaning your brains neuronal activity with certain substances. But i can definatly see why people are fascinated by that possibility. To be quite honest i became too scared of the negative effects of those "drugs" because lets be honest, everyone on youtube just tells you about "my amazing dmt-experience" , "cool salvia 100xextract first time experience" etc ...because the people who induce schizophrenia on them don´t upload videos And in fact it IS a very small ridge you are mooving on specially when you are emotionaly unstable! i would recommend to put your hand off of drugs and meditate and get rooted in life first before you start "loosing" yourself. @Infinite awesome inspiring people to do longer meditations was my main concern when posting this. I think inspiration is realy important, leo inspired me to do the 6hours, i wouldnt have done it if i hadnt watched some of his videos. it is realy worth it. life changing in fact!
  6. @cetus56 hm maybe yes, i´m not shure since i wasn´t conceptualizing in words at that moment, something about that picture isn´t quite right thou, it seems a bit too complicated for what i experienced ...it was not like "awareness looking in a mirror" it was more like ...awareness existed...or just ...."exist" @mikeyy nah it is basicly sitting and not mooving, that´s it. i guess the duration and the frequency of the practice is important for the result @Huz88 i´m doing 1h every day since 1st march and i already did a 2h and a 3h sit the last weekends (postet my experiences here too) , i thought why just do 4h now? just do 6h! @Emerald Wilkins 3h before that, but i intuitively felt i have to and i CAN! push that day. The first 2h in the morning it was so cold in the garden, but then around 11am just when i was about to freeze to death (haven´t taken the wind into consideration ) the sun came out and warmed me up for the rest of the 4 hours ...i actually ended up having a slight sunburn on my face
  7. Hope is the egos last chance of survival, Go beyond hope, Hope is a cowardice concept, Real authentic expirience doesn´t need hope, Hope is an insult to what is now! Hope is you saying: "This here! This is not good enough for me, i hope there will be something better" BULLSHIT!! How much i depend on opinions! I didn´t know that, Basicly my whole life is this! Mother be proud, i don´t want to disappoint my father, that´s the only reason im doing this job right now. What would those people think if i did this? No i can´t do it. It is actually a form of mind-controll. It is scary how strong it works. It is emotional dependency forcing me into making descicions that are not good for me. That have nothing to do with who i am. This is BULLSHIT!! The last 3 years i was weaseling my way throu life. This is not how i see myself anymore, i wanna grow out of this. I won´t die like this! This is not who i am. A huge willigness to change, to open up, emerged in me ...."me" ...or it just emerged or it connected to me. This willingness will only be one of the first steps.
  8. Hey guys i have a question: Should i spend some time with the most amazing person on this planet (even thou the person might not know it yet) or with some toxic people? Also in a sense there are no toxic people just people you interpret as toxic, maybe because you feel like their behaviour might get adapted by you, which is only possible if you fear that your own will isn´t strong enough to keep your own positiv habits independently of others... in this sense: "those people are toxic" translates to "i can´t trust myself fully yet" ..which is fine if you can´t, just stay away for a while, deepen your understanding and then come back
  9. 1.You wonder why your life isn´t going anywhere 2.You feel empty and notice there must be a change 3.Don´t want to put in work 4.Still wanna feel good! 5.Masturbation! ...then repeat with 1.
  10. More specific pls. What "certain" thoughts don´t come up in your meditation?
  11. Cool, can´t realy judge those professionaly, but it like them personaly. The question is: Do you secretly hope that drawing will lead to money to fame to girls falling in love with you and you finding love ultimately? Because if it is...let me tell you, even if you get money fame and girls you won´t be happy, this sounds so cheesy like a bad advise, but if you start to meditate more and see into yourself you will notice how true this is. Most of us humans are totaly in the dark concerning our own motivations!
  12. Don´t worry you can not meditate "wrong", spending time without distraction is always something valuable , specialy in todays overstimulated times. Try experimenting with different meditations: breathing, do nothing, strong det sitting, body scan and see who you like it, also increase the time if possible.
  13. I think better than giving you the reason why you feel bad now ...take 15minutes and do work: Write down very fast without thinking and revisting it ... I´m a student and this semester was a failure because .... I feel bad now because .... The ultimate goal i want to achieve by studying those topics is ... Next semester i will....
  14. That´s nice, how big is it? on canvas? do you have a site where one can buy your stuff/ this? (i´m right now looking for a cool work to put on one of my empty walls)
  15. @Maximillien time to moove out then
  16. So you´re french eh? Better choose : be french or be enlightened ...you can´t have it both ways buddy! *kidding obvi, living on the boarder to france myself * How old are you? if you still live with your parents i guess pretty young? It is normal that they critizize, be glad that you found the self-actualization thing in young years already. Soon you moove out and you can do what you want ..cheers
  17. @SaynotoKlaus Do you work in your freetime on your art projects every day? Did you show your work to people? can you post smth here for us to see?
  18. Hey guys As an additional practice to my normal mediation, i started to go back to my childhood memories to revisit them and i found that i don´t find a lot of memories before i was 5years old ... I heard of many people who remember things when they were 2 years or even 1 year. So my question: is there/ do you know any techniques to mentaly go back to forgotten old memories from early childhood?
  19. 1.MY SITUATION I meditated a lot the last month and became more aware of my thoughts. Good thing so far. Now i noticed that so and so often i start to drift of in my mind in a modus i now call the "defender/agressor" mode. Meaning i replay situations where i feel attacked by something someone said and i attack that person back, having an internal conversation with myself claiming superiority but acctualy beeing pathetic/ extremely unsecure. Examples (all scenarios happen in my mind only): +i find myself telling my dad he´s an idiot for saying such and such +explaining to a friend why his view on life is wrong +showing some acquaintance that what he said about me is wrong and actually he´s an idiot ... 2.MY QUESTION: SO! now i started to do the following: whenever i catch myself doing it again, i count it, label it "1", "2" and so on and then stop it. When i started it, i counted to 12 on that day , lately i only go to 3 or 4 maximum if at all... But the question i have is this: Am i only supressing the symptom by this technique?? Or should i go deeper and look for the reasons i do this in the first place? For example i noticed that i usually do it when i feel like im beeing deminished by critique (pride), or after i compared myself to other people and now feel small (envy) or just for some reason i don´t realy understand i start to get feeling of "i hate that person". Or should i actually tell that person that i hate him or her? I guess that would be the worst solution right?! Given the fact that it mostly is about me i feel. I started to read about shadow work and it seems this could be something that can help me to understand the roots of those things? Do you have any ideas how can i productivly intergrate and heal those places in my that produce hate and envy?? Or do i hate people because i just don´t realy love myself and my life? That would also be an easy explanation, what can i do about it? Massive fucking action, internaly and externaly? THX!!
  20. What you said fits very well in an appraoch i was thinking about... the "whatever you resist, persits" thing ...so i will just try to watch it and allow it next time and be aware of it ..thx! @Arik
  21. I experienced it too lately, solutions/ideas: -get more sleep and/or meditate in the morning after you slept well -don´t fap in the moring or before the meditation -if you notice you are tired say this to yourself 3-5 times : (breathing in) "I breath in fresh energy (breathing out) "Breathing out my awareness increases" ...or something along the lines, then continue with your meditation focus...
  22. @ranzo1 The stereotyp that: as a good looking guy it must be easier to find "love" or getting real connection an intimicy is not true at all ! I just realized that focusing on good looks will drive you outward, away from your deeper feelings and away from your authentic true self!! it will make you narcissitic ( i have exactly that issue) It is easyier to focus on looks and appearance and i sometimes obsess over girls how look good but in the end this kind of connection is always shallow and i hate it that´s why i started to allow more emotions into my life ..become softer, allow to appear weak, don´t spend energy in giving perfect impressions... which i rely on a lot ...it is the only way if you want to become authentic in this life.
  23. First of all: with 19 years it is normal to be confused, you will find that a lot of questions you ask are in fact not "logical questions" but questions stemming from emotional disconnect and existential angryness. IT WILL take time..sorry no way around this! I´ve beeng there too when i was a teenager...i guess we ´ve all been there. Now! Seeing how many questions you asked i can recommend you to start meditating and watch your thoughts, you will notice eventually that 90% of the thoughts you think tight now, are mechanical self-replicating processes that don´t realy come from your "heart intelligence" / from a positive place / a place where you want to be or from a view that enables you to create a good life ... that will be the aim, where you one day will be! Now to the questions about leo: Ignore him OR follow him blindly? a) why even make the contrast so sharp? watch if you do this kind of thinking with other stuff in your life too...if you do... better start to work out a new perspective, because with black/white thinking your path will be very limited!! b) i would suggest to see him as ONE more source of input, selectively take the bits from him you like and find resonating with you right now! trust me ... just follow the flow and you will come to the best places ....i started meditation because of leo and from the new found and rediscovered places in myself i started to change alot of things in my life, that i haven´t even thought about 4 or 5 month ago... and i feel i just start now, beeing 33 now and haven´t done any inner work the last 7years (very outward, material phase i had) i noticed it will take me some years untill i can reach my authentic self...shit just takes time and work and commitment but it is worth it! Peace
  24. What ? you notice that i paraphrazed ray comfort ..he made that statement with the banana ...obviously it is NEITHER the banana fitting the hand NOR the hand fitting the banana ... i mean the hand is a multifunctional tool so, yes ...it can also grab a banana...but it can grab thousands of other objects as well ...so there is no co-evolution between bananas and the humand hand. IF bananas were the only food for apes and apelike animals then you could argue that the hand must evolve in some way to also beeing able to open and hold a banana or otherwise be usefull to gain energy (or negentropy as schrödinger called it) from the banana but since that is not the case, there is no point in arguing the hand evolved for holding the banana ... but you are right ..it is slightly more reasonable than the other way round but also not realy solid.
  25. Yep same with me ..if the water or "drool" as you call it (i didnt know the word for it since im not a native english speaker) gets more it is annoying, i did sessions where i didnt swallow 60min and then my mouth was complete full after i did it i knew i can do it and now i usually swallow , but jeah it takes even more concentration and it is good to do it without swallow at least once or twice to know if you can manage it...