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Everything posted by Falk

  1. Abraham Maslow was once worried, that himself gaining too much weight would be in conflict with his actualization progress. So the next day he visits a doctor and goes: "Please doctor, can you tell me what i can do to stay slim?" The doctor looks at him, nods and goes: "Well, just keep your mass low..." (OUWW!! ok that hurts, im REALY SORRY!)
  2. Life is not binary :off (unenlightend) / on (enlightened) your consciousness is not a mofokn light switch , but it would be cool right? me: "on" "off" "on" "off" ...god: "stop it! it is anyoning as F**" ! Nah im just kidding obviously this can´t happen since i don´t exist... Ok back to topic : There will be enlightening experiences on your journey, there well even be moments when you think "now i understand it all" and maybe the next day you still feel awesome, but your spouse wants you to bring down the trash-can and you notice...this is still life It is not a journey TO "destination X" but rather... well ...a journey ..HERE! NOW! journey ... We all "should" not mix up cross experiences with sustainable self knowledge. (don´t tell leo i used the bad word ...please! ) PAYCE!!
  3. Meditate 1h everyday , get a sense of your "unmotivated" or "natural" perception first...and then let´s see what you say about your need to be a 10/10 in anything
  4. @Kylir 5-6 Month sober is good, i mean you do want to keep it that way for the rest of your life right? It is a good foundation to build on. Try to build and keep up a meditation habit. When you look back in 2-3years you will see it was worth it. If you wanna fix things you have to start inside... and you did. Stopping porn & doing therapy is a good start...
  5. @AceTrainerGreen You know what´s the most important part of getting out of this shit? Trusting your intuition! Do you feel how it could benefit you if you stopped all the entertainment stuff and getting to know yourself instead? Can you grasp how your life will be in 5years when you stop entertainment now , vs when you don´t ? If you can intuit what this is about , you will find the strengh to do the right thing my friend cheers
  6. Thats cool, when do you start work, i usually wake at 6 right now starting work at 9 Cold shower every morning! The classic! Once you got used to it you don´t wanna miss it. I would recommend to create a telecommunication-free space! No calls/email-checks and the likes in the morning rountine! You can do those later.. 30sec cool.. won´t hurt i guess, you can use it as warm-up, then strech really good 5-10 minutes and then do 2 or 3 yoga expercices if you like to implement a bit more "body" aspect. I think it is great in the morning rountine to involve some kind of pysical aspect! Make it 2 Big Glasses immediatly when you wake up and then a nice cup of green-tea with lemon after the exercises ... your body needs more water in the morning!! 30minutes for cook + eat? What you eat, when you say cock i guess it is eggs? Try to vary thou ...1day eggs then 1day oatmeal with fruits, then 1day just a green smoothie ... I usually always do that before sleep so my brain can soak the affirmations in...works cool for me ...haven´t tried it in the morning, should be good as well i guess... I do hatha yoga once a week for 90minutes and it is great, im both really destroyed & happy afterwards, book a course... You can add: +Going for a walk (if you have nature close it is the best) +brushing your teeth +Meditation! try 15minutes or 30minutes
  7. Lately i hear a lot of self-help teachers /success-coaches etc. say : FOCUS ON JUST 1 THING / be like one massive river, dont have branches / put all your eggs in one basket / ...you get the idea... THE THING IS: all great people of all times have had a more wholistic approach on life, beeing interessted in many things at the same time and their great value for human-kind came from the synergetic effect of the universal genius / the critical mass of having access to different areas at the SAME TIME & connecting them to something new!! Aristotle, da Vinci, Goethe, Einstein, Leibniz also most successful people/CEO´s today.. if you read their biographies they are often interessted and trained/skilled in different totaly unrelated fields like music, arts, poetry, mediation, philosophy, chess, etc ... I personaly LOVE the wholistic approach, to see the bigger picture and beeing able to syngergize throu wisdom in different areas , i think in a world where we seperate everything, and have an educational system that creates so called "experts" we create a bunch of "idiots" who can´t see the bigger picture and only work like machines beeing realy good in 1 area, but what we need today is the exact opposite! So this is my plea for an wholistic approach towards human excistence. What do you guys think?
  8. Yes! agreed 80hours+ is quite unsustainable when "working" the onesided lifestyle of an expert. It is unhealthy, unfulfulling, incomplete. For a person with a more complete, or a "holistic vision" for life (this is my point) "work" can mean engagement in different intellectual or physical areas, as well as inner work on consciousness & meditation , work on the own physical & psychological health (and when you do it right it IS work!) , Those areas all fertilize each other, so 80hours+ each week is just where the fun starts... "work" is nothing negative here... I guess this is mainly semanctics, after all it usualy is if we go deep enough @Ajax Thx! yep that´s pretty much what i tried to say, i like it
  9. Lately i feel that some of my friendships start to end since i grow and actualize & change my life more and more into the direction i feel is great for me. I call it the "developmental scissor" that opens when 2 friends go realy different ways. So, has anyone experienced this on his or her journey with people who were close, maybe just 1 year ago and now it seems like you live in two different worlds?! ------------------------------- I just noticed the other day when i talked to some of my oldest friends, whom i know for almost 20years now that i can´t fucking stand his whole attitude anymore, his bitter approach towards successful people, his constant whining/ insulting of others, even conspiracy-theories of how the world works as excuses to make up for the lack of personal responsibility, all if those things i can suddenly see crystal clear and identify them, where before i just kinda felt: "well bro i get you, i don´t share your opinion, but i guess you might have a point" ... now i´m like "NO!! MOFO!! you don´t have a fucking point! WTF! stop whining and do smth!! you are a great guy but you´re fucking wasting your life! we know 20years but i can´t stand the person you became anymore" i´m afraid to tell him this because i think: "DID I BECOME A BAD PERSON"?? "is it wrong for me to think like that"? "am i an asshole?" "uncompassionate?" Should i tell him all this? Does one even OWE to be cruel, instead of just ignoring someone from now on ..which would be WAY easyier!! Is it better to tell a person the truth or to think "i can´t help anyways , why get my hands dirty and just ignore that person" OR is there a better 3rd option?
  10. 1. Have you done your homework on LSD? 2.Can you 100% trust the people who sit you during the trip? Have you made shure they are reasonable and sensitive and "vibe" with you. Absolutely avoid!! abusive/Inexperienced sitter who makes fun of you/ lock you in when they think you act too weird etc... (YES! Those people exist and they might turn a nice expierence into a resulting psychosis for you, so don´t joke around with that.) 3. Are you shure there are no cases of mental illness in your family? no 2nd grade paranoia uncle? or a grandmother who was said to hear voices when she was young.... 4. Are you in a stable state, grounded in life, generally consider yourself to be happy and trustful towards life? ...If you can answer all 4 questions with a "YES SIR!", you at least made it as safe as it could be to try LSD...the final decision is very personal and can´t be answered by anyone but yourself. Also if you answer the question "Do you wanna try LSD because you hope the expirience will solve some of your problems" with yes, then i would recommend to not! do it and instead work on your problems classic/oldscool way. LSD or any entheogen/psychedelic substance is NOT a Shortcut to a perfect life without problems. I know obvi right? Just sayin..
  11. Of you course you are right I might have been too unspecific, I want to give a better definition of what i imagine to be the NEW version of a Universal Genius, a "Wholistic Human" Lets propose one Person is investing 50h per week into "A" ("A" is his main thing/interesst can be a business or science research or the likes ...) Now he could invest 30h more per week into "A" and make it 80h work in that area, become an expert, do that for 5+ years and expect to be "on top" of this field "A" (maybe getting several promotions / beeing head of department etc...) but i say what will happen is... (and i KNOW very successful people who exactly experienced this)...he will be burnt out/ joyless / depressive not only if he failed to reach all of his (neurotic?) goals but EVEN IF!! he reaches his goals, because the goals are 99% just sublimations for something else that person realy wants! he is neuroticly onesided! (in lack of a better word) The Alternative would be, to instead invest the 30+ extra hours into totaly unrelated areas, that seem to not benefit his "career" on the first look form our western goal-oriented point of view and short-term thinking what success is: -learning an instrument!! (Crazy! what? ..no! better communication between left& right brain hemisphere) -meditation!! (again better l&r communication, also more creativity, more "grounded" personality) -going for walks (reducing stress hormones, beeing alone) -investing in doing maybe 2 kinds of different sports, boxing and yoga or gym and swimming (awakening the body-intelligence) -having a fullfilling love-life & gratuitously help people ("total waste of time right"?? no! beeing emotionaly secure/connect ) In 5 years the same person, would instead of hoping for a promotion, have an amazingly expanded horizon and easily just start his own business/ create real value/ beeing confident of making his "own game" instead of trying to 80h/per week "suicide-working" himself to the top of a sick industry that means nothing to him really... So what i mean by "universal genius" is NOT learning about everything the mind can learn, but seeing that the mind is only ONE part of a human, and now learn about everything that is HUMAN! Investing in equal parts into intellectual work (which i still hold realy important im not saying to become a neanderthal ) , in emotional understanding, in creative expression, in love and comapssion, and in body & health ... a Person who can do THAT! is my defintion of the NEW TRUE UNIVERSAL GENIUS in the HUMAN sense! Because that´s what we are after all! PEACE! I know this might sound crazy but i think it is quite beatiful
  12. Da Vinci, Leibniz, Aristotle, Einstein, Goethe... What? I think we are talking about 2 different things here
  13. Guys! I was like you ... "Yoga is for women"," it is not manly"," i´m only going to the gym" ...blablabla ...ok whatever! I can only recommend you to try a yoga course in your area if you had not yet!! It is fucking intense!! nothing for middle-aged house-wifes (stupid me/prejudice) but totaly integrating HIGH muscle-intensity-training & mobility & awareness of your body, i don´t know anything that makes you integrate more besides meditation!! Highly recommended for all you guys out there who wouldn´t try it for some stupid prejudice.. DO IT!!
  14. Hey guys Has anyone had ongoing experiences/ installed a permanent habit of sleeping bi-phasic or know someone first hand who does? Right now i tend to say.."nah fuck it i´m just going to bed early weaking up the birds early in the morning getting my 8ish hours and all is good" but im curious
  15. I love the video where he just lays on a massage table and screams and roars for 5 minutes he doesn´t give a fuck what anyone thinks and it is clearly working for him... inspirational how he connects with his body!!
  16. Ah ok that´s cool, maybe just concentrate the paragraphs more, "vaporize more water"so to speak so more essence/pure information will be in the talk. There are many techniques you can look into if you want to improove talking/charisma/beeing a presentor etc... 1.deepening your voice techniques are aweseome for people who want to speak in front of people (watch eliot hulse for that) 2.Weave in 1 joke in every paragraph ...you can prepare one and fit it in casualy or even come up with one when you feel like it... 3.Look at camera for 90% of the time / make it natural you will grow into it.
  17. You think your thoughts are holding you back? YES! exactly! That´s their job! thoughts ..especially negative/self-doubting thoughts are natures way to decrease entropy! They are important for the whole eco-system we are just to narrow minded to see it... Imagine there were no self-limiting beliefs ..everyone would DO! tons of stupid stuff all day, build shit, burn coal to power bigger engines, waste so much energy and entropy would increase dramaticly. The only way poor nature has to defend against that are negative thoughts to make shure humans don´t fall even more into blind activism and only act in the few occasions where there are little restraints (thought-wise) The down-side of this is that you can´t leave your shitty 9-5 job that you hate AT least not until you REALY INVEST! energy and start to apply ACTION! to break that powerful mechanism. I just posted this to make clear how strong of an "counter-player" we have when we start to self-actualize... nature has good reasons to not let us do whatever we want easily peace
  18. @Progress hey i like you name and your avatar ..hjm those pineapples 1. I would consider the option of making the videos more tight content wise , prepare for a certain topic and then go realy juicy for 5min max! Free talking like you do is fun and it works if you are realy next level charismatic (because people won´t only stay for the information but for the "feel-good" effect ...people like ralph smart can just talk or elliot hulse they just talk ..but they have TONS!! of experience TONS of knowledge already and also TONS of charisma) and you might get there if you develop more but right now it is too early and it will shy away people if you don´t realy get to the point and GIVE them information that is well structured... imho 2. Absolutely look at the camera / be confident!! make it seem like it is imporant what you say! otherwise i click next in 2 sec (cruel but true 100%) ok have fun
  19. I can kinda relate. Since i have a comparably low sex-drive, hunting girls was never my main ambition. At the same time whenever i realy was interessted emotionaly/sexualy i lacked courage to communicate since i felt inadequat under the veneer of beeing cool/happy/having no needs/stoic... Be careful to not become a person that plays beeing desirable but "unavailable" (happy and a mystery, especially good looking men can easily fall for this one!) and in that way inversing how you initialy felt about women ("they are so desirable but i can´t get them")...and now this is your revenge you know what i mean? stay true to yourself and if a women realy interessts you it will still take courage to tell her and one should express that ..it is healthy...and if you are fine without a gf ...also good. btw...your "TO-DO-list" is funny... concerning your first point you should rename it in a "TO-BE-List"
  20. We can all learn somthing from george carlin. Funny, witty with a big heart. I won´t say R.I.P. but i will say, i will try to be more funny, more witty and show more heart...
  21. @Coco hey there First of all i think it is great you can notice your progress, from relative "unawareness" to "aha-moments" to taking more real action, also from black/white view to seeing grey-areas ...next stop ..colors Anyways, if you like talking about these topics, why not create value out of the topics + the fact you like talking about them and just make a video about those topics, it will be a new experience for you and you are independent from others reactions. I don´t know you so i can´t tell you why people dont respond well to your topics... I am also interessted in these topics but i never force them on anyone, in fact i mainly like the "taking action/self-work" part of self actualization more than the "communicating about" part of it , even thou that one can be fun too. I had a talk about realy practical self-actualization with a friend of mine just the other day ... After talking about his current situation i thought ...wow i can realy easy help you, you will get out of this in 6month ...I tried to convince that friend, with whom i normaly only have bs entertainment-joke talks about nothing , that he has to change because he is wasting his life, which is my true opinion, he should stop smoking week, stop playing games, work on his attitude, work on his health , stop complaining about "the government" take responsibility etc...the classical basics i would call them ...and he reacted REALY BAD!! to say the least, he completely shut down the conversation, almost insulted me etc... well i guess forcing the self-actualization thing on people is just not working ...THEY have to want it themselves... i guess ... cheers
  22. I would recommend doing this regularly. 1. Stand in front of a mirror (realx breath look in your eyes get acclimatized first some minutes) and then make one statement that realy represents you/ that realy is important to you (it might be a sentence that you normaly wouldn´t state publicly or smth you woldn´t say in a conversation with other people) 2. examples: i wanna know who i realy am / i am unhappy in my current life-situation/ i wish i had a spouse but i can´t approach/ i feel anadequat whenever X happens / i wish i would be Y / ... etc... 3. Ask Why! Then answer it honestly while looking in your face, just honest answer then ask WHY again ..and so on until you understand something , until you get that moment where you learn something new about you and your motivation, your deeper mechanisms! (in some cases you get to a cul-de-sac with asking "why"...when you notice that just stop and start with a new statement) take everyday 10-15minutes, don´t pressure yourself , just be yourself and have fun
  23. Yesterday I finaly did it. the big 6 hours strong determination sitting Right now i don´t realy have words, i just transcended the pain and reached a state of calmness. The frist 2-3hours were quite easy,then the pain realy dropped in and i felt like jesus on the cross, but i remembered matt kahn and just gave love to the one who is suffering and the pain dissipated... some later in the meditation i became extremely horny but ofc i didnt moove and just experienced the feeling... At the end of the session i felt amazing! i opened my eyes and saw the garden i meditated in with a new vividness and "life-magic" I spend 20minutes watching a snail-shell, the texture of the bark of a birch and the irregular/fascinating pattern of the small white paintdrops on the black metal-chair i was sitting on... those things where so amazing i thought, this is the best ART i´ve ever seen!! Everything seemed so alive and meaningful. Later i was back in my appartment and i acutally had to cry because i felt how shallow my life is, i thought i wanna go more the direction of "feeling" things instead of just "thinking" my way through life...life is prescious, i´m not going to die as the shallow fuck im right now!
  24. So i started this habit of preparing green smoothies everyday (2weeks now) replacing 1 of your meals ...you fill the mixer with 40% fruits you like (mango, oranges, kiwi, peaches, whatever you like and tastes awesome) and 60% green stuff (normal salad - there are tons of different ones you can try out what you like and combine, also you can mix in some watercress, green of carots, some leaves of certain trees etc... your fantasy is free..you get the idea ) then put in water to 2/3ish and maybe add some walnuts or sunflower seeds (godlike!) or other seeds like chia, linseed etc... BAAAM! tastes great, easy to digest and will give you TONS OF ENERGY!! one of the coolest new habits i wanted to share
  25. 80 for 2 days is cool ..where are you from btw?