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Everything posted by Falk

  1. I´m the center of attention, or i can imagine i am. She looks at me. I have her. I am the good looking smart alpha male ...Cool, life is great! Then this smooth guy comes in, he hugs her. They know each other, she smiles at him, laughing, does he look better than me? he is cooler than me isnt he? She loves him!!... FUCK! This is not cool!! FUUUUCK!!! I wanna kill this guy! Why does she love him and not me! ...Ok i give up ...Life sucks *depressed mood* This is the short version, i feel like i´m emotionally retarded I know what i get triggered into thinking is 100% hightest quality bullshit, but it still happens and i get fucking pissed off! I know for a fact, this shit is hurting my relationships!! and even flirting & trying to have fun gets quite serious and tense/uneasy unless i´m the only man she is talking to... I would totally choose not to get triggered like this if i could choose!! It is not that i want to think these unproductive , idiotic thoughts!!! So ...should i go to the gym even more often, gain more muscles, dress even better, be more witty and humorous and learn how to destroy the egos of my competetors, maybe learn some real fighting mooves so i can actually kill men who wanna talk to my girl ...or should i just try psychotherapie? nah but seriously i tried to spice it up with a bit of humour but essentially i mean it...
  2. which one would you recommend to start with?
  3. Hey guys what is the best Youtube Channel that i can watch everyday for 6 to 8 hours , giving me amazing tips and talking about building a perfect life? haha no but to be real , i struggle with this a bit myself , watching too many self-help / productivity / personal development videos instead of just put away the laptop/pc whatever and ACTUALLY doing shit!! I think this is a huge phenomenon right now , and have to daily force myself to limit the amount of time in the internet for this reason ...i think limiting the amount of internet-time is more beneficial for your productivity than the best youtube-channel out there ...obviously do a sensible mix for optimal results ... i can´t walk the talk on this ...but honestly more than 1hour per day on youtube is probably a secret form of self-sabotage in terms of actually going for your goals in life .... saying that ... i´m online for more than an hour already... i´m off! ciao
  4. Cool and awesome i was lately thinking about priming myself more positively with a visionboard kind of thing ....so question: Are you printing this out and put it on the wall or you just have it on the pc?
  5. There are no paradoxes, a paradox is something that occures if 2 concepts (man-made concepts that is ..obviously) contradict each other , or seem to not be congruent with each other. Solution: accept that the 2 concepts are just 2 concepts that are functional each in their own limited way for a certain area of the terretory (reality) ... having no free will is a concept, a pointer to something...the concept might be helpfull to realize a deeper truth about yourself and the world ...once you reached that deeper understanding you can put the tool / the concept to the side also responsibility is a tool/ a concept ...i personaly agree with you that resonsobility is an important concept to make put order and integrity in your life and force you to thrive rather then just cope with life, so the tool is very practical. But ultimatly in a bigger picture it is just a concept that you choose to be true, it is made in your brain ... there is not really a need to be responisble ..you can also be a hobbo and die at age 30 ... the universe doesnt care ..or does it? ..the universe caring or not caring ...is just another concept ...is it useful if i belief the one vs the other is the higher quality question. Hope that wasn´t extremely unhelpful. cheers
  6. Get ready bro!!! ...i´m going to brainstorm some crazy mofokin wisdoms on ya ass ...READY???? 1. Abundance mentality! She is NOT the one! She is one girl of many beautiful girls you will have in your life... don´t put her on a pedestal, don´t be needy. Scarecity leads to neediness, playing-safe-mode and weirdness!! BE ABUNDANT say it: there are 100s of girls for me in the next year alone, and this one is just one of those, i live in abundance! 2. It is a numbers game! Rejections are a necessary step to success! Always trust and stay in the abundant mindset and always review your interactions and learn from them! 3. Go get her! Be agressive, show clearity of intent!! Don´t be afraid to escalate. 4. Your life purpose is higher than any women! In general don´t let the women itself be the purpose or hope that she will be or that she will do things for you ...that´s just lazy and passive and castrated!! Don´t do this shit! 5. Be playful and free!! Show her she has no sexual power over you at all ...that will make her chase you! Set the right tone within the first 30seconds. Also deepen your voice, talk slow and breaking raport Eye contact – never be the first to look away (meditation helps) Body language – alpha posture / lean back enjoy , you feel safe ! THESE are all honest signals that you are alpha, that you are high value and that you have gotten social proof in your life!! if you take anything away from what i write here then it should be this!!! 6. Always be a leader, Trust yourself, Noone will trust yourself for you! Noone will give you the permission to love yourself and noone can validate that your life purpose is a good one ...you have to find that stuff in yourself! that´s what personal development is there for!! 7. Stay calm , when she wants to shit-test you with problems and objections just stay humorous and calm, ignore her shittest or misinteprete the shittests as sexual intent ...8 of 10 cases she will LOVE!!! this 8. Be authentic be honest. This doesnt mean you have to tell her your deepest fears and insecurities .(acutally NEVER DO THAT!! FORGET that shit when your mother told you to be open to a girl she didn´t gave you the advise you need to fuck her!! HAHA you know what i mean?) ...because you should not do that!! you have to resolve those problems on your own, because they are only in your head and in your body...BUT! Be honest and authentic in your actions and your intent towards her! 9. Stop taking value !! Give value !! you are the MAN!! Happiniess is what you want , and counterintuitively Happyness doesn come from what you get! (the girl, the validation, the money, approval, status) but from what you can give to others!! Think about that!! What can you give??!! 10. self esteem Is a product of an abundant mentality, beeing able to trust yourself, beeing active instead of reactive, leading her! Never be passive or dependent on her , that includes asking her what she thinks of you!! Don´t ask her what she thinks ... Make her think you are are higher value than her but display of confidence, social proof, self-esteem, beeing able to stfu from time to time and ability to show your sexuality and escalate ( in optimal chase you do invisbile escalation ...check out "todd valentine" for this one) 11. A women should, will and can not be the reason why you are happy in life! WOW!!! this is a huge one for me, the women in itself is not the goal she is just the enabler to force yourself to become the best version of yourself. You only get her if you don´t need her!! You only get what you are willing to loose!! NAMASTÉ MOFOS !!
  7. This is only for people who already have a meditation practice going. If you are a total newbie start with mindfullness/ breathing techniques and come back in a month L/R Brain-Hemisphere Meditation (Gain deep insights!!) ( since i´m german – please excuse any erroRrs in mey spelllllling haha ) 1. Idea: When you don´t moove your body, and have no sensory input, no sight no hearing, your brain will go to "sleeping mode" sooner or later (alpha/beta waves). Now what if only one half of your body is in sleeping mode and you function from the other half only? How would your perception change? How would your sense of self change? How would your thought patterns change? Or will one active hemisphere be just the same as both hemisphere´s beeing active. Note: Of course this methode is not able to shut down one hemisphere completly and simulate what it would be like to only have one half brain. It is a very primitive methode and i would love for your ideas to make it more advanced 2. The Method: You alternately shut down the sensory input from one half of your body. Since we can´t controll touch/feeling and can neglect smell pretty much, we focus on controlling only hearing and sight. 3. How to do it – Preparations: you put an earplug in one Ear to reduce hearing on that side to a minimum! You close your eye on that same side to reduce sight to just black + some minimal "distortion noise" you can also put an eye-cap if you find a pirate who´s kind enough to lend you one Also have paper and pen ready! 4. The Process: beeing shut of from sensory input on one side , now just relax and watch your thoughts and write them down whenever the thought is significant to you. you will get a feeling for it , just trust your intuition! If your right ear and eye is closed you also don´t use your right hand to write but you write with your left hand. (since you don´t want to awaken the right side) If your left ear and eye is closed you also don´t use your left hand to write but you write with your right hand. (since you don´t want to awaken the left side) 5. Duration: After 20minutes on one side you switch sides for a total of 40minutes. Of course longer sessions are possible and recommended for intensified results. 6. Analysis of the script: First you only collect data by writing your thoughts down, then after the 2nd or 3rd session review what you wrote down and find patterns. I won´t write down my findings here to not influence/bias your research. It will be really interessting to share and compare results in some days and over the weeks. 7. Some things to look for: Look for "dominance" of one of your sides Look for the "emotional state" that you feel, is there a difference L vs R? Look for thought patterns, are there any thoughts that ONLY occure on one side in your script? What about the amount of verbalized thought L vs R What about concrete thinking vs abstract thinking? What about accessing random memories VS making plans What about beeing associative VS thinking linear Do you feel more comfortable on one side? Does one side feel more alien , like "not beeing fully yourself" to you? Do you feel tired only on one side? If there are patterns when you review the list you will see them!! The list is of course unexhaustive, so please share your findings and ideas on what to notice.
  8. I just wanted to say : Thank you, bro! Thank you for all the high-quality content that you put out for free!!! Thank you for inspiring me every week with a new concept. Thank you for the positive influence! Thank you for convincing me to meditate...consistently. Thank you for promoting open mindedness. Thank you Leo ...to you and all the people in the forum (and everyone else too) Have a nice 2017! i hope you continue to crush it in every area of your life Keep it simple
  9. Exactly as the title says .... the last month i watched a lot RSD-stuff and started gaming ...pimpiiin *tyler-voice* and i have to say ...after 2 horrible!!! days of trying to approach women( and i couldnt do it) , i basicly hit a wall, and a huge part of my ego was ...well gone ... a different person emerged a person with less theory BS and more open to the moment and what is present (if that makes sense?!) ...something snapped in me ... the dissonance between a) wanting to talk to these girls ...b) beeing fearful and totally in my head and c) watching myself beeing torn apart between those 2 poles i couldn´t tolerate it anymore ...i noticed that so much of what i THINK about myself who i am ...and in generall what i THINK!! is total fucking BS!! I noticed how i talk the talk ...have all these theories about life but i don´t walk the walk ... i just saw very hard and evident what a pathetic little idiot i was, i was forced to see it by leaving my comfortzone... so i just erased that and then just started to approach ...and what i found was ...in the next days i met soooo many incredible people, talked to amazing women who even inspire me to change my life ...and also had nice physical enjoyment on top of that, so i really recommend everyone to do this ... guys and girls! You will grow so much ...I think it is especially usefulll for the "spaced-out" meditators , sitting 1h every day meditating THINKING!! "oh look at me im fucking high and mighty" and then i can´t even talk to beautful women i see on the street because of my social anxietey and conditioning??? REALLY?? HOW the fuck am i supposed to be happy ...how is anyone supposed to be happy in such a condition of repression and fear and unability to trust in yourself?? THIS! is exactly what you can learn with pick-up. i wouldn´t even call it pickup ...it is just "beeing open" "following your core" "riding the wave of what you truely are" ... for me this pick-up shit is also about spirituality and personal growth more than just ...fucking chicks you know ... i think especially tyler from rsd explains this very good. In short "pickup" forces you to not be in your fucking headspace , leave that and instead just be present and in the moment and ...GO!! I love it! And i might be totaly wrong and misguided, but if that´s the case then it is also part of life...
  10. @Svartsaft i disagree but i still gave you thumbs up, because i somehow felt you need it right now all the best
  11. I dont pay for becoming boss...i maybe put this wrong ...i pay a fee and 98% of it is the worth of the wares in stock
  12. Jeah you are right maybe i am authistic , and if you are normal that is nice for you. But for me it is hard to overcome social conditioning and the voice in my head that tells me : dont do it / you can not do it ... i could take it as a curse ...but i decide to take it as a challenge
  13. In the future there will only be life-coaches and motivational speakers who motivate themselves to become better version of coaches and coach them to become better motivational speakers but jokes beside ... I just recently had my first session with a life-coach and i plan to take 6 hours now (recommended time to get some good success) and im really looking forward to it... Also i had 1 semester Neuropsychology as a "nebenfach" and while i enjoyed it i´m not shure if it is neccessary for life-coaching ...i mean it wont hurt but if you study neuropsychology you are more usefull in different areas i would suspect. Well anyways , wish you all the best
  14. This is my experience with Serin: --------------------------------------------------- So i´m taking 5mg Phosphatidyl Serin since 2 weeks now. Serin has been prooven to increase neurotransmittersynthesis + dopaminproduction. (you can read arcticles about this stuff yourself if you like) I feel like i´m just way more intelligent since i take it LOL ... i mean emotionally intelligent that is, i suddenly understand why i DO and don´t do certain things... Plus i just found a solution 1 week ago how to avoid my addictive behaviour concerning spending time on PC and internet (and IDENTIFIYING IT as a problem was a big step as well) ... this shit will safe me years SO!!! anyone tried it? btw im taking soja-extracted PS...
  15. First of all ...10month you dedicated to actualize yourself and become more aware ... so that´s already a good thing. Chances are , if you hadn´t done this in the past 10month it could have lead to some horrible decisions you might regret in say...5years when you look back ... so this is a positive thing. very traumatizing events can stay with us for a long time, but it will get better and better ... Also i can relate a bit, i often found myself spending time in the present thinking about the past or future ... (oh man! what if i only did this! 5years ago, what if i didn´t make that mistake, what if this accident wouldn´t have happend to me 10years ago, ... or ... in the future i will be rich and THEN i will be happy, when i have sex with a 10 then i will be happy , when i´m married and have a beautful wife and 4 happy children and a house THEN i will be happy ...)
  16. I just made huge changes in my life ...so about some month ago i was in a similar spot as you describe .... here is what i think about that now: "Nothing has ever worked"??? ... What exactly must happen that "IT" "WORKS" ??? What do you want? a kiss? sex? a longterm relationship? You ask what women like? Why do you want women to like you? Think about it ... if women would want men with big ego ...would you boost your ego then? Would you change to make them happy? SO that they approve of you ?? so they tell you: oh you´re a good little boy now... Or a you just whining about not beeing alpha enough? "Oh the world is so bad ...the alpha ego guys get the girls ...the world is so mean to me " I don´t wanna ridicule you...i want you to see how useless your attitude is...if you want a girl, just approach approach approach!!! approach anxiety? excuse!! stop the fucking excuses ...What do you want? Make it about the progress... you win everytime you try ...and you loose everytime you don´t approach you don´t put in the work ... it is about the path ! "i tried pickup" ...so what did you do? go to a club with your friends on saturday stand in the corner with your sunglasses on and then wonder why the girls didnt want to suck your dick?? get out of your head !! be in the moment! i dont care how you do it ...just make it happen and i garantuee you ... within 5minutes you will be kissing/making out with 2 of 3 girls you approach!! IF that is what you want .... you want romantic realtionship? why?? you think that will bring happieness?? you want a romance cover up for the fact that you don´t life your life on your deepest purpose? thats why the realtionship fails! dont focus on women.,. dont hope that a women will give you what you need... she can not! YOU!! have to make your life aweseome.... if you rely on other people it must fail ... there are books about this ...read the books leo recommended / meditate look into these issues/ watch RSD, watch eliott hulse how to get out of your head and get into your body ...blablabla ... you probably know all this!! you know the facts ... FACTS!! will not change you ...FEAR ...will not change you ...FORCE will not change you ... Instead find a mentor ... rely, repeat, reframe you will do it ... just stop beeing a fucking pussy (i say this in a friendly way) cheers and all the best
  17. I actually adaped this habit from steve jobs Assumption, and i think not an accurate one. Just because you "want" to do smth else doesnt mean that you quit your job and lower your chance of survival another assumption ...based on the first assumtion. And even if "the economy" would "colapse" do you think life would stop ? self limiting belief ... justifying your limiting belief by saying "those people didnt get it so neither will i... that is another belief... infused with victim-mentality , it took me a while to go beyond that as well but it is crucial if you want to grow as a person! you are very good at finding reasons why you can´t live the life that you want, arent you ? ...btw so am i , i guess we all are that to an extent. My solution is instead of finding reason why you can´t achieve your dreams ...actually fucking work on them every day, i know it sounds mad but it is all we have ... (which is another belief of mine ...it might be wrong or it might be right ... that´s life
  18. You can ask yourself every morning what you would do if this was your last day.... You might see there is quite a difference between what you acutally do and what you would do ... that´s where the work starts
  19. Yo my swaggy friends, this is the "super-fun-enlightenment & meditation-poll" with 7 questions (i´m german so excuse my mistakes & don´t be a grammar nazi we germans don´t like that!)
  20. I was doing self-inquiry and suddenly!! I stand in this river and know who i am!! It is me , it always was. the next second i got swept of me feet and flow in the river, im not myself i am the thought of the river of that moment ... Suddenly There i stand again, knowing and beeing aware of just having gotten swept of me feet... I stand again...This time i will stand ! i am awareness!...i stand! ... BAM! and i´m in the river again, i´m not aware of it now, i will only know it in some seconds when i stand again My mind is a strong river
  21. I think it would be cool to be able to stand in the river and be connected to everything of the flow and still don´t get swept off of ones feet. that might be the artform of a nice life.
  22. That´s an interessting question, what is the ego, how to define it? I would say the ego might be defined as : the sum of your thoughts, feelings, visions & hearings, interpreted as beeing a solid self. (so the idea of the ego is based on the idea ... "here is a bunch of input... that it you!!" without doing the meta-analysis and asking "who is taking up all this input?")
  23. yeah lel , when i read the sentence ...(paraphrased) "from now on you have to ejaculate into your brain" i bursted with laughter like ...wow this sounds like really great advise ... wtf also women are these neurotic , unreflected creatures and it gets excused by the fact that their behaviour helps you becoming super alpha, aka. when you can stand the bs-tests of your women you will be able to fuck the world ....basicly is what he seems to say but the book was still a good read and i would still recommend it.