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Everything posted by Falk

  1. One cool thing about meditation is that it sometimes answers our questions, but not by actually answering it, but by revealing that the question we asked was a result of a mind-state we were in when aksing the question and when the mind-state changed the question looses it´s meaning. Basicly giving us the experience that we are bigger than our questions who are just small temporary word-games that might seem meaningful while they most of the time realy are not. I´m not shure right now if that makes any sense what i just wrote i thought it does...
  2. Do you find yourself boring or are there things about you that are awesome and how can you get more of those!?! Don´t invest any energy in thinking about or appearing intresting to others! Invest all energy to feel/become awesome! Be authentic, cause everything else will bite you in the ass so hard, you might think you just absolved a 5h strong determination sit! But you didn´t, so the jokes on you ... so be authentic and you will attract intressting people.
  3. Why do you wanna know the kinds of pain? If the pain is strong (after 30-40min it is) ...won´t you do it? Set a timer and try 40minutes standing no mooving for yourself (exeptions are: swallow, affective leg moovment to not fall, occasional eye moovement) Nothing strengthens your willpower and your personality like this practice!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>Small anecdote from my life concerning the practice of sd-standing: I play badminton with a partner, i usualy loose or go even since he is quite good. This week we played after i did a 1h stand the day before (which made me almost break down in tears of unpleasentness/meaninglessness...fuck i´m a good salesman anyways ... i realized how EXTREMELY focused on the game i was!! i WON that fucking game 5:0 !!! this is not a joke! i realized how i usualy react after each point emotionaly and the first time i felt i have strong controll and a crytsall clear sight into my emotions/ almost like i developed a new "sense" which i think was the main reason i won that game) It was realy cool! and not in a creepy way but i felt quite natural and effortless like i have grown. Next time i might loose again The sample-size of experiences related to the practice is too small yet to draw REAL conclusions about its effectiveness , but still a cool anecdote i guess...
  4. This i for everybody who explores his or her sexual energy right now and is learning the balance between controlling and endulging sexuality. I did: No porn in 3 month / challenge of not fapping/very rare fapping for 6weeks. Now i read about trigger practices: which basicly means to expose yourself to a trigger signal (porn/pictures or thinking about naked girls etc) and watching yourself while doing so without!!! engaging in any sexual practice (keep those hands out of your trouser! ) It is basicly a sexual meditation, i found it very interessting, i could learn a LOT!! about my self and how i tick, things i never realy could see, since while in "sex-mode" everything is usualy rather blury/wild and "unconscious". your thoughts on that topic?
  5. Yeah i get that but my experience is : my post-practice-orgasms count for 10 pre-practice-orgasms ... this is some next level shit It is like a river flowing out imediatly VS ...saving the water up to contain a whole ocean, controll that ocean and then when you can´t take it anymore you releaze a complete ocean ... if you know what i mean
  6. It is a bit convenient? -> Someone must have put it there! -> God did it!!! (is that what you trying to say? sorry if i misenterpreted it!!!! ) But if not: i reminds me of the Ray comforts "banana argument" http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Banana_argument Isn´t it convenient how the banana perfectly fits the humand hand?! Can´t be a coincidence! God did it ..sweet anthropo-centrism
  7. On the first layer of attraction it is all about physical features. Men look for: tits/ass/face etc... and Women look for: muscles (healthy look), wide shoulders & chin etc... Some might not admit it but that stuff turns us on as humans.
  8. After i did 1h/day for 2 weeks i did 2h which was my longest sit until now. (i plan to do 2h every sunday now) I switched to alternating between sitting and standing practice. If you think sitting 1h motionless is challenging ... better not try standing my friend
  9. Meditate to remind yourself what life is. The fear of death will vanish the moment you see what life is. Love remains.
  10. Meditate 1h every day, unless you are realy in trouble then do 2h instead. Start getting to know yourself, look into your thoughts your behaviour your beliefs. The rest will fall into place!
  11. This is for the Strong-determination-sitting "fans" out there (we love our sds don´t we? also hate it , but that´s a different story) Once you start to push the limits and go for the 2h or even 3h sits you will realize how it gets easier and also very time consuming (3h can´t be done on a work day) SO: Like the title of the thread suggests the idea is to intensify the experience!! while 2h sd sitting with closed eyes might be easy to some of you (like myself) ...now try "only" 1h standing/eyes open ...i did and it was PURE HELL!!! (i spare you the details of me starting to cry from pain and relief when the timer finaly went of ...) But it can be stated (at least from my limited experience) that standing absolutely increases the intensity of the practice to a different level!! (don´t know if better? but definatly way more physicaly intense) So this is a suggestion for the classic sitters to try something new , this idea is not mine, i think i found it at shinzen young´s blog but it doesnt matter anyways , i wanted to share it because i think while sitting is absolutely great for personal development , the standing version should not be neglected as well! Cheers, my fellow kiwis & let me know what you think ( i know the SDS community is not very big , since for most people it is not relaxing enough like a "real" mediation )
  12. Nice ..so what you trying to say is you do it almost 5 years ... you have an aweseome recipe without meat? (also pls dont tell me you actually count the days ) I was thinking about eating a lot of legumes for the protein, missing out on my fish and chicken
  13. The practice is quite simple but very effectiv. i was just talking about a minimal variation of it by standing up instead. You can read about it here, i put links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHI1aPUxs4s http://shinzenyoung.blogspot.de/2014/05/duration-training.html also
  14. Go away, don´t expose yourself to negative input! Trust me you don´t want that. There are good people/ new friends out there. You will find them. Making the decision to head away from gossip is the first step in the right direction, not only to better conversation but to a better life.
  15. It is not what people look like , it is who they "are" -don´t look in every mirrors (exept the basic morning hygiene thing)/ no selfies etc... -think about what people do you like the most: you like people who look good or people who are nice and understanding and maybe wise... -meditate and contemplate about the meaning of appearance and the value of personality (both are important) but don´t get one-sided
  16. Hi henry, Maybe i came of wrong here. I don´t mean physical pain. The practice will make you face existential "somethingness" which i havent figured out quite yet but which i seem to not be able to stand very long yet. (The first day after i did the practice thou i was centered like never before even when exposed to a lot of people and noise in the supermarket for example and i felt like : this is definatly a direction i want to go ... Have you tried it yourself? Doing the practice while Standing and with opened eyes i mean...
  17. i think you asked a very good question for everyone who just starts his journey, by not asking what to DO but FIRST! what to NOT DO / what do get RID of !! 1. Observe if there is 1 thing that is not directly related with creating an awesome life and takes a huge chunk of time constantly. 2. Get rid of that thing permanently (expect withdrawls the first week!) 3. Repeat Step1 untill you cleansed away the most important energy-suckers
  18. good old aubrey. A man beeing 40, looking 80, beeing obsessed with not aging Brilliant scientist thou, no question! Funny i just thought about aubrey de grey and his project yesterday. Inevitably enlonging human life span will be possible in 20 years, no doubt! 95% of people will work as basicly slaves making cloth and phones and drones and nano-bots and 5% will be 130years old, looking 60, playing golf enjoying a pina colada enabled by the freshly grown 3rd liver, better enjoy that shit, it cost me 30k *cheers*
  19. What is it that makes us so dependent on certain things i sometimes wonder. I don´t watch tv for 10years but everyone has different addictions i guess. It is not realy about watching no tv, it is about beeing stronger than your addictions.
  20. @Time Traveler Addicted to games and porn? i can relate , i´ve been there. What does games and porn have in common? How do you acces them? With your PC/Laptop! So: Put the Laptop away in a different room or just unplug the PC-monitor as default setting and ONLY!! plug it in when you need to do something important / also unplug the inet-cable or switch of the rooter as default setup. You will get withdrawl symptoms but you will have amazing free energy to finaly start to get you life going!
  21. I know that feeling, i think everyone has experienced it or will experience it at some point in his life, it is human to feel it. You think you lack meaning and that hurts. Change perspective: meaning isn´t realy lacking at all, since you can create meaning, you just need to find the place from where you can do so. The thought of "lack of meaning" is a hurting illusion and stopping you from getting to that place, so discard the thought.
  22. Every meditation-technique gives you a unique view on yourself. If one way of looking at yourself has been exhausted try a different one, look from a different angle. Maybe try mindfulness or breating or even "strong determination sitting" , then after some time return to "do nothing" and see what changed...
  23. It takes practice. If you go back in the flow of thoughts don´t worry. Just notice it and watch. With Meditation and time you´ll get better. Might take weeks, month, maybe years. We all build up a momentum of at least 20years of giving into our thoughts, so changing will take time...
  24. I changed a lot of stuff since 3-4month .... -Chew slowly and be aware of what i eat while i eat it -daily cold shower for more power on the tower .... -erry day 1h meditation -no porn ^^ -no more pc-games -documenting and counting negative self-talk (since i i started to write it down it reduces drastictly!) -plan my week on sundays and briefly review the week (what was good what can i improve what plans didnt work why etc...) -be productive in my passion and work on ideas -try to sit straight while in chair / at pc and walk straight as well, readjust my back -never change a plan ot of: A) fear B) lazyness C) bad preparation -Sleep on the left side (jeah, that´s the crib side ) it is beneficial for heart and stomach (human anatomy) -When im down (stop! don´t make plans don´t try to think ...just stop and try to get sleep or eat) -2glasses of water at wake-up (body needs it after sleep) -Cleaning my villa on sundays (ok just my appartment ) -Never boast for real! it will bite you in the ass in some way..always stay humble -Have 2 days per week without using my pc at ALL -on the other days keep inte unavailable and only surf when important stuff -Have a schedule and stick to my plans -never again ask for approval of other people for things i know are right!! -try to get as much stuff done on monday as possible (gym, read, go pc-free) -play chess /lichess chess riddles -learn new songs on guitar : just finished "dream a little dream" next is : sultans of swing (love that one) -go for walks and focus on my senses while doing so -find positiv people and dont take them for granted but be especially nice to them (this one is new)