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Everything posted by Falk

  1. Meditate for 15minutes and realize this question is made up by your mind, it is neihter meaningful nor beneficial, like asking "why does this tree exist in this time frame" you can drop it and use your energy for more beneficial things! Yes it is possible, you do it right now, and there are good reasons why. You can´t know what happens when you die and you have to accept that you don´t know it. Chances are when you die there won´t be a "mind" to experience time in the firstplace ...so again : Focus more on positive things. The last question is the best question you aked here! What you probably look for is what everyone is looking for: love, piece, beeing your authentic self, let go of suffering, find meaning in your life, creating an awesome life...did i guess right? so get to work! Asking 100questions is not going to help you since your mind isnt working in your favour of achieving the things i listed. Your mind is a drunk monkey on ads ...etc ...you know this comparisson. See throu the tricks of your mind. Don´t trick yourself into thinking asking more and more questions means something, means that you get closer to the truth... unless you do have the mental focus and the mind of an einstein and work 10years on 1 topic on 1 question your mind isnt going to help you much in creating a good life for yourself, but it will only distract you in a endless sharade of meaningless questions if you realize it it becomes funny (quite counter- intuitive?! yes i know) Cheers
  2. So the question it comes down to is: What´s the difference between a psychopath and an "enlightened one" or are they the same? If an "enlightened one" says: "i am god!" you can go: "cool, me too" and he will smile and say: "I know, you are god, too" If a psychopath says: "im god! " and you go: "cool, me too" then he will say: " Nono! you don´t understand it is only ME who is god, not you! "
  3. Why can´t i find creatin on your list? You can try taking creatin (normal monohydrate) You may know creatin supplementation from the bodybuilding scene but what creatin actually does is way more fundamental than just improoving muscle growth/regeneration. it does that ofc but it does so because it helps to replenish ATP which we also need for ...basicly EVERYTHING in our body, (i studied bio-chemistry, i knew it would be good for something! )...and since 80% of our energy is used by the brain...guess what... if the brain has more energy capacity (more ATP) the "intelligence" is beneficialy influenced... They did some good studies on that ( all double blind/ vs placebo) you can check it out for example here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1691485/ I do 5g/day soluted in water, since 5g is innocuous for permanent supplementation. 10-15g can lead to diarrhea if you do it for some weeks ..so dont over do it ^^
  4. This was just what i needed ....i just did a 80min sds and when my alarm went off i was like : what? already? this can´t be ^^ i start 1 week ago and the first sit was crazy ...i cried 3 times , the 2nd and 3rd sit were a bit hellish with pain in my back ..then it became easier and easier every day. so tomorrow is day 8 ...i will do a 2h sit ( i might regret that emoticon tomorrow in the last 30minutes
  5. What is the best way to spend my free-time? And how much time should i spend on what area to get the best personal growth results? A week has 7 x 24h = 168h Say i work 40h/week (i guess most of us do or will in the future, unless you become a monk) and let´s also say i sleep 7h/day on average (workday maybe only 6 and weekdend sometimes 10) = 49h/ week lets say for making food/driving around/ cleaning appartment/ shopping/ showering (basics) i take 2h/day = 14h/week 168-40-49-14 = 65h So in Theory i should have 65h per Week... How can one spend that time the most efficent? How much time for sports? How much time for meditation? How much time for reading? How much time for working on ideas?
  6. yes! very good idea, i wanted to start journaling my time but until now i always thought : nah to much effort (even thou it actually isnt) i think i will give it a try , maybe im supprised by the result... @Nomad the 3 body work-out seems to be a cool addition to my morning routine ...i will try the 10min version of it , thx
  7. Cool that was what i was looking for, some nice ideas for me and a good recommendation of what some of YOU guys do. i already thought about increasing my medi time from 1h to 2h also focusing on my senses on walks is a nice idea ..i will try that , i already walk 30ish min /day but usually only stand and watch when i see smth amazing. creating sometihng meaningful ... also a good idea ..i was planning on painting and making music more anyways ..so jeah, i appreciate it. @abrakamowse 100pages is good, im a slow reader thou (not native tongue) so i have to write down vocabulary as well and usually do 20pages a day but im happy with that right now @Anna calculation is good i know i wont overdo it ..no worries ^^ it is just nice to have a framework , i also can relate to what you wrote about the medi morning routine ^^ right now i usualy go ...wtf? 6o clock? nah!! i will do it in the evening tomorrow i will make it in the morning!
  8. +To describe the true nature of beeing : words can´t be of any use. +People get caught in the self-reflecting nature of words, so it would be best to drop them, while searching for truth. +Only speak for fun and with the awareness that you actualy say nothing. I realized i got so used to use words that i havent questioned the very use of them lately. I feel everyone get´s lured in by their own words, making up a reality with their words and then get trapped in that reality just to complain about how "the reality" isn´t like they want it to be ^^ Isnt it most essential to recognize that humans are animals that make up a word-world... You can´t have an awesome life with a disfunctinal language application.... For example .. a person says: "i have no motivation today" assuming that there is such a thing as motivation and "i" , so what he says is : " i have a theory in which i can explain why doing nothing must happen" ..so the real issue is that this person mostly doesnt feel like doing anything is worth it ... this is why meditation is so important, because the words drop and a deeper layer of truth comes to sight. ...which is just a theory without any meaning, and i wasted 10minutes ..im off meditating now
  9. + What about trying 1h meditation on sunday? I can´t stress enough how important the lenght of the meditation is sometimes. Eventhou everyone also leo in his videos says it is ok to do 10min / 20min for beginners , which is better than nothing , 20min is also nothing compared to say a 2h meditation...Inrease Lenght is Strongly advised for the "next step" +also try different meditations to spice it up and learn about the different inner "channels". Try Mindfullness / Try "Do nothing" or "nothingness" / Try body Scanns/ Try mantra-meditation ...and if you are adventurous Try "Strong Determination Sitting" to really step it up !! Here again 20min are NOT enough!! On my first SDSitting the first 20min-30 happend nothing i was only bored and my back hurt .... only after that i had an experience i wouldnt want to miss to say the least... Cheers
  10. @Natura Sonoris i checked eben pagan and just wanted to ask if you did any of his programs and is it worth it? i mean 300-500bucks ^^ sometimes i feel those programs promise you the world (become a millionair etc) with only ...30 min work per week ^^ ( i get a bit wary when i read stuff like that
  11. Thx. Yeah but i think instead of saying: i wanna read "a" book each month (book can have 100pages , can have 500 pages) i tried , and now i find it better/ works better for me to say...on 3 evenings in the week i take myself 1h to read. I think it is big goal "a book/month" vs direct small but directly messurable goal with termination: mo /we/ fr evening 1h reading... taking small steps consistently works out pretty good...i usually do my reading routine and with seemingly no effort i look back some month and can go : cool, i read 3 books ! Cleaning/making bed is basic stuff i already includuded, im not at that stage anymore, im looking for smth more advanced here Also i meditate 1h every day consistently, and i guess you´re right ..with doing what works best will be right , just was asking for some inputs here Maybe something positive YOU guys do everyday that you find improoves your lifes ... @Natura Sonoris thx i will look into that!
  12. I also had a "relapse" or backfall in the first 2 weeks. It was a special event and i drank alcohol (even thou i usually never do, not anymore since at least 4-5years) and after that! i went back to porn. Maybe it is the same for you? So a solution maybe to not drink ^^ If that´s not the reason then still: no problem ..falling back is a challenge to ask yourself how did it happen? it all started with ..opening your browser didnt it ^^ so : take internet free days! also watch your inet behaviour. unplug the router if you feel you might watch porn soon ^^ just install mini-barriers for yourself to make it hard for the porn-watcher to have access to porn. i went on crazy porn-journey / fapping sessions ...4-5h at best and now i havent visited a porn-site in 8 weeks ... I think i mainly watched porn because i felt alone and i wanted to feel good, but i realised i can´t get there by watching porn ...i need to change my life, become ceo of this shit!! change stuff, work on my issues, get out! get fit! eat good...everything ..there is a lot to DO!! WORK!! you have to not only stop watching porn but also start to fix the deeper issues! you wanna get aweseome? Get to work! you have two hands ^^ ...not like that thou ^^
  13. I learned my lesson here : No matter how good you are ....there is always that one guy who´s better btw your avatar´s eyes are creeping me out ^^ that´s how i imagine someone to look after 100.000h of WoW....
  14. 500 nice ^^ i wish i had wasted so little time i played around 5000 normal games + 500 ranked games at least, each game beeing 40min average = 3666 HOURS!! + the time i spend researching stuff, updating my knowledge about it etc...i would round it up to at least 4000 hours ... .... ... ... I learnt that i can´t handle addictions at all and i very strictly watch my behaviour towards everything that might develop into an addiction now
  15. Till fall 2015 i was basicly addicted to league of legends, because of the permanent rewarding mixed with disappointment when loosing a game , directly feeling the need to play one more and so on! ...playing it almost every minute of my free time!! Which i now see as absolutely idiotic and it almost ruined my life completely , it definetly did a LOT of harm without going into much detail here. Since i stopped i have basicly +50h of free time every week, which i now use for: reading, meditation, gym, badminton, learing an instrument, learning new vocabulary, cooking everyday & eating healthy , playing chess, meeting friends, going for walks, etc... It is incredible what you can do when you stop channeling your energy into "useless" conduits... I´m not saying games are bad per se, but there are certain characters who can NOT handle stuff like drugs or games AT ALL!! and i am one of those, good thing i never got introduced to heroin ^^ i would most certainly be dead as a mofo by now ^^
  16. This is NOT a magic bullet replacing other techniques!! It is an additional method to bring unconscious and semi-conscious contents into your awareness by first watching/monitoring your monkey-mind carefully, then taking the responisbility for EVERYTHING your monkey-mind does (you become the monkey-mind), and then deciding to stop. Basicly it is : 1.Monkey-Mind thinks X 2.I think X 3. I stop X And that´s it! Pretty easy hm? Thats how you gain complete controll and STOP the monkey-mind! That´s why i call the method : "Stop-the-monkey" (Because Peter Gabriel references always work ) I will explain in more detail now: 1.take your favorite meditation posture, close eyes and monitor all inner movements. (verbal thought, earwigs, visuals, memories, emotions, all stuff that just comes up even if you don´t want it...) 2.when a movement occurs you realize what it is and then you take responsibility for that movement like you created that movement! (Because guess what: part of you! actually created that movement even thou you might in some cases not be aware of it!) 3a.Now you decide to stop the movement by imperativly thinking *STOP!* and realy feel the power to stop whatever you want since you created it in the first place. (don´t cherry pick and only stop "bad" thoughts , also stop nice/happy thoughts , cool visualizations etc... the task is to stop EVERYTHING you can monitor without exception!) 3b.After you stopped the movement it will be quite/motionless for a certain time Y , then a new movement will arise from "nowhere" and you repeat with step 2. eventually the time without a new movement coming up will get longer and longer and you start to feel like a blank paper/ water without waves (use your imagnination to find a picture ...ofc AFTER the meditation ended ^^) also after the meditation is a perfect time to then suggest to yourself which thoughts you wanna have more often in the future and then close by repeating a positive mantra for 10minutes ( i feel good, i feel great, everything is love smth like that...careful! you will actualy remember that phrase the next days whenever you might get into stress-mode instead^^ it is extremly powerful!) So give it a try and let me know about your experience with the "Stop-the-monkey" method.
  17. My Frenemie is like this: Upsides: +funny guy/ fun-times for the most part +lot of same interrests and topics to talk about Downsides: -Never calls / i always have to initiate everything... -Over-competitive personality (specially with women it always turns into a competition, even with random women who aren´t even very attractive he goes wannabe-alpha mode/ tryhard-mode to get the laughs... annoying) -Talks about how good he is at this and that and how he is even better than his boss at work...A LOT -Drinks a lot & even gets agressive sometimes (getting into fights with random strangers...stupid!!) -I listen to his problems from work, when i tell something i did (smth. neutral or even something i achieved lately) he makes a joke about me ...nice! When i feel like having a bit fun, talking shit and laughing i wanna call but then i also think it is not worth it getting into this mess... What do you think? How do you deal with such people that you kinda like but also know they are actually pretty toxic !?
  18. @Anna Thx Yes i think i can handle "strange" or "disordered" as you call it, people too, in fact i find them to be intressting in a way, but you´re right, if it get´s exhausting i should stop and i wont take initiative to contact again ...if we meet once a month or so let´s see how it goes, i think that´s an adult way to handle the situation. I have enough stuff to do anyways ^^ so it´s not like i will get bored. Thx again! @An actualizer When you say ALL people you meet are toxic , that kinda rings an alarm for me... you maybe know what im implying here... but it´s not for me to say, thx anyways for your response.
  19. How you can get nice gains has been explained now... Also ask yourself WHY you wanna gain? I started to do body-building cause i wanted to feel more confident with women, to have a trump in my hand (and im not talking about wanking off donald ^^) So it is not like: she has nice tits and i want her but have no chance... now i can go ...see!! i have nice muscles i know you want me ^^ I know this shit is pretty low! and reptilian-brainy but i had to start somewhere ^^ now that i look quite fit, the gains are secondary it is more about health and i concentrate on other topics more now...
  20. Since im not english native , i read a lot of books in english and write down all the words i dont know in a booklet... then i recap them keep practicing, everyday when reading im happy and go : cool! i know this word now because i learnt it yesterday and so on... last days i learnt for example : retaliatory strike ^^ incommensurable & irreconcilable (for me this shit is hard^^) here is a cool question for you , let´s see if you guys know this : what does "dethesaurize" mean? anyone? YES! it is an english word...
  21. haha ^^ well done! I do it every morning, first gel/soap and warm water and then i switch to medium-cold to wash off and then some seconds even colder (it is not as hard as going INSTA ICE!! ^^) also i go to sauna once a week and afterwards i do ice-shower! it is basicly water that is about to freeze, if you never did that TRY! you feel AMAZING after that you feel super awake and in the winter i even went outside after the ice-shower and layed down in the snow naked and i didnt realy care it felt good! 2-3 hours later you still feel awake and present, so it is a perfect complementation to meditation.
  22. I stopped watching porn maybe 10 weeks ago. I felt that the permanent over-stimulation (having hundrets of perfect women with huge tits doing literaly EVERYTHING! you can imagine ALL!! the time) leads to not beeing interessted in normal women anymore. I found myself to not even make an effort anymore to get with a girl since i jerked off 2times just 1hour ago to porn where girls who were 10times hotter than any "reallife" girl is, did everything i could dream about in my fetish-fantasies.... and those fantasies tend to get more extreme over the years!! I´m a bit tired now of beeing a slave to artificial!!! sexual fantasies ...i dont mean my normal sex-drive (which is quite low for a man, every second day sex is fine for me when not exposed to porn ) i feel like i created an intensified over-sexualized need, like a unhealthy chicken that is superfat after just 2 weeks cause it got fed with growth-hormones and filled with food 24h... Because what i actualy want is a meaningful relationship, if anything. I feel by watching porn i glorified "having sex" completely but this is not what i actually want. In a strange way it created an artficialy multiplied need, implying that having sex equals beeing happy. But it has nothing to do with real life. It is a world that can only excist if you spend most of your day in a small room behind your screen feeling everything is awesome, while in reality you are not even alive ^^ I don´t want that anymore! And i dont.... I still jerk of every other day since i feel it is good for me (calms me & endorphine release ) but not to porn!! , only "normal" thinking about girls that i met etc... I don´t say watching porn is wrong or anything, just for me i found i couldn´t handle it very well without getting sucked into this other fantasy world that has nothing to do with the real world (sucked in.... no pun intended After all it is a personal decision, most of my friends still watch porn all the time and i don´t tell them that i do not. (don´t wanna seem strange ^^ MAN! what happend to you ..first this meditation-thing ....and now: no more porn?! are you sick? No im fine thx
  23. There is a realy good & productive solution for your question and i think you already know what it might be: On next Monday you start 1 week without Music ! it will be like a 1 week anti-music-meditation where you can test how you feel and what happens to you if you dont have music. Write down before you start what exactly you expect to happen, what might be the worst case, what you have to do to make it (hide all devices..etc...) And if there´s a moment in that week where you go "insane" and have to listen to music write down what it felt like and why you think you did it. (If music is played in a store or at work that doesnt count as breaking the rules, only if you stay in the store like 5hours to be able to listen ^^) Good Luck & you can do it!