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Everything posted by k-ahmadzadeh
k-ahmadzadeh replied to Vercingetorix's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Atb210201 Such a stupid and arrogant epic phrase without any meaning. You need to teach yourself a bit analytic philosophy and basic rules of formal logic. -
I agree with your statement that it's all meaningless; and share the same persistent apathetic mood. It seems to me that such case is a sign that the brain isn't working correctly, because average people feel pleasure or get satisfaction from doing banal, ordinary things. Averagely, humans are programmed to get satisfaction from doing 'meaningless' stuff. But somehow some of us realize that most things are boring and banal. I don't have solution except a cope. The cope here is persistently engaging one activity from which you can get at least a bit pleasure. In this case, you should have a goal and you should consistently work in the way of achieving it. Additionally, escapist staff can help you to spend your time with less suffering: like music, video games, movies, etc. The less suffering in your daily life, the more bearable life is.
I don't know your personal case, so it is impossible for me to give an explanation. Maybe you had some social understanding problems. If I would be good looking, I am 100% sure that I could easily find relationships with nice women. But just because you failed at secondary stage of dating process, it doesn't mean that looks doesn't matter. Quality physical attributes are decisive, without it you wouldn't get first date even.
There is an option of giving up. Attraction is all about how you look. I've also given up. It is sometimes huge relief to have awareness that you don't have any control over your attraction. So, you can keep being single.
Hi! I just wanted to present you an interesting fact that my lovely mother's some dreams come to true. Put it another way, sometimes her dreams predict what will happen to our relatives. She saw specifically deaths and illness of our relatives in dreams before their happening. My sister has also experienced such dream few times, and it came to true. My mother even isn't interested in spirituality, she believes in traditional Islam and praying 5 times everyday. Do you have any opinions regarding the cause of this fact? Regards
Thanks a lot to everyone for the responses! @Rafael Thundercat As I mentioned, I don't intend to complain about my personal problems here. I am just seeking for some perspectives on my life 'philosophy' - whether I am right, or how alternative approach can be proposed to this. Because I believe this is the highest quality forum in the world in terms of discussing these issues. @Leo Gura Leo I appreciate your wisdom and admire to you a lot! I would kindly disagree on the point that I am using this thinking style to justify my inaction. The problem here is that, my perception of the world makes me very unmotivated, because I don't see any valuable reward in the future if I would commit myself so called 'meaningful' activities. So, it is the cause of inaction. Basically, I only work to continue to survive and build more 'physically' comfortable life. I observe my mind and, realize that the nihilism and perceived powerlessness of myself is so deeply penetrated my 'soul' that I've lost my creativeness. In interaction with people, or in work I simply don't propose any new idea or initiate anything new. I am completely pacified. But your point is good. Maybe I need to do more self-inquiry to be able to an find alternative philosophy. @mmKay I spend my days / weeks just with working, sometimes meet with my colleagues, and do some escapist staff, like watching documentaries, movies. I almost don't use any social media and don't socialize in bars, clubs or events. Basically mostly lonely and monotonous life.
Hello everyone! First of all, I want to mention that this post is not written to whine and complain. I am writing it to kindly receive some wise philosophical responses - not common advices. Perhaps Leo also has new insights on this topic. A) I immensely suffer from loneliness. However, I am on the way of 'radical acceptance' proposed by ACT therapy. I am completely black-pilled and do not believe it is possible to have a relationship with a woman I find attractive because I am not handsome. I am currently 26 years old and healthy. This indicates that I will spend the long years ahead alone. (When I say black-pill, I do not mean the misogynistic ideology, but rather the view that physical characteristics are decisive in dating) B) I am a nihilist, apolitical, and have completely lost my faith and feelings regarding the value of any ideologically-based social action in the world. This means that I have no motivation for any so-called "meaningful" engagement with people (ex.: in politics, education and so on). My motivation to contribute something to the world has completely disappeared, and now this idea seems funny and childish to me. So, I don't make a slightest effort to gain social identity (which is illusionary) and status. In summary, as I have no commonality with others, I am spiritually completely isolated from society. As a result, I feel physically alive but spiritually dead. It seems that I am experiencing nihilism very deeply. Due to years of loneliness, nihilism and financial problems, I sense that I'm surrendering to life and signing capitulation 🏳️🏳️🏳️. What are your philosophical thoughts in this regard whether descriptive or normative? How sustainable is joy-less life?
@MarkKol I think that significant amount of young men (19-35) experience a trouble in dating. Have a look at statistical data, and history of sexual selection. The guys who get laid easily are in minority and have very rare 'value' in the eyes of women so that women reduces all barriers for those men. Rest of them experience struggle more or less. Most of men I know, experience difficulties to attract a female attention. Given the fact that relationships are transactional, I would kindly suggest you not to take your loneliness personal. Because if you possess that rare 'value', you would find yourself in the abundance of female attention. I would argue that attractive qualities are not under our control and given us by chance, like having good genetics. So, this is not personal. We need to often remember that romantic relationships are very similar to business transactions. Nothing is personal. 'Not persons, but values are important' in the eyes of people. But loneliness is very hard in itself, I agree. It gradually deprives our capacity of feeling joy and motivation. I wish a specific drug would exist, that you would inject to reduce the feelings of loneliness.
@Clarence It is really tough condition. The last few years of my lovely grandfather was similar to your grandmother. His wife and my mother took a lot of trouble to take care of him, and it was very annoying experience. Perhaps you can hire a caregiver to lessen your trouble. In this case, I guess, the costs of it would be lower than moving to another home with expensive rental prices and so on.
@Growly Brother, you need really to stop consuming those materials because they only remind you of the negative aspects of life. Hopefully, you have other positive elements in your life or can engage in activities that promote positivity. When you feed yourself with negativity, it diminishes your capacity for positive feelings and attitudes in your daily consciousness. Try to maximise positivity, and negative influences will lose their grip on you. Then, you'll likely notice that there are other valuable aspects of life beyond relationships and socializing. To release sexual tension and fulfill your need for feminine energy, consider seeing high-quality escorts. It can really help you. I regularly meet a girl who is too sweet to be escort, and it helps me release tension and refocus on other aspects of my life. I am practising both, thus, gaining benefits despite being black pilled. The principle here is to maximise your quality of daily life. Additionally, you can seek out like-minded friends. When it comes to friendship, wise individuals don't judge based on looks; who are only people you would want to be friend.
Therefore I said that he has no idea about being involuntarily celibate. This isn't advice; it's merely lazy commentary. The only potentially effective advice lies in maximizing one's physical appearance and traveling to non-Western countries. At 171 cm, I receive some attention from financially disadvantaged girls in my home country. However, in Europe, I receive virtually no attention and sometimes girls intentionally ignore my presence in order to avoid my potential romantic invitation. There have even been instances where girls arrogantly turned their backs on me when I glanced at them.
In theory, suffering is inherently bad in a sense that we, as rational and healthy minded humans, would ideally choose not to suffer. I would also say that there is no need to romanticise suffering which can gradually devastate your life completely in its high levels.
Hi! I just wanted to know your opinions regarding my case, which can also be common for some members of this forum, I guess. The issue is that I can't allow myself to be more optimistic or positive. Namely, when I feel some motivation and optimistic emotions for my near future, another internal voice or awareness arises and tells me: 'What a stupid person are you that expects good things will happen in such a brutal and uncaring world', 'life is unpredictable and you don't know what will happen tomorrow, so being very optimistic is so stupid', 'in the face of having a lot of problems, being positive will bring only a disappointment to you!'. But I see that without a sufficient degree of optimism, it is hard to feel motivation in the way of improving my life, career, etc. So what are your opinions on this matter? How do you create optimism in your daily consciousness without deluding yourselves? Edit: I would be happy to hear your personal attitude towards this matter in your own lives.
Exactly! Feelings of disappointment are normal, but when it is combined with immaturity, it inevitable leads to toxicity. Transform a chad with immature personality into sub5, he will be in the same situation as some misogynists. This is not personal. If a significant portion of rejected men gravitate towards such communities, it suggests that there are inherent characteristic features shared by most men, which become apparent when triggered.
I am grateful to all of you for your comments! 🙏 @Izzaldin I found this very practical and I'll try to practice it 🙏 @Eph75 Thank you for detailed and careful response! It really sounds like spiritual mumbo jumbo. But it would be amazing to be in this state of consciousness. Perhaps it can be gained through taking psychedelics (according to the anecdotal evidence). These substances are illegal + hard to find in where I live. Otherwise, I wouldn't wait for to try them. Love this! Having the right emotion is the key. @WonderSeeker It is great to hear your method of dealing with this issue. I am curious about which methods do you practice in order to keep your state optimistic. There are many advises in the internet, which mostly sound like impractical or unverified. Therefore knowing your first-hand experience is valuable! I haven't ever practised a bombarding myself with positive affirmations. But the way of your doing it seems very reasonable. You only empower optimistic thoughts and let go negative ones.
@Someone here It seems to me that you simply have no idea about incels.
Thanks all of you for attention and responses! @Eph75 @Hojo I am, in fact, trying to practice the non-attachment that you've mentioned. I also figured out that It was only logical way of response to this challenge. ACT therapy also basically assert this point. But let me tell you that it only helps me to bear for life, but doesn't give any joy or satisfaction. Living in a monk mood in my 20s doesn't sound a good way of spending my youth period of life. But anyway.. @Princess Arabia Do you suppose that such issues can be solved in 2 months?
@meta_male I wish you health and healing brother! It is unimaginably hard, and I even can't find anything to say. Let me mention that I frequently fall into the depression and sometimes suicide seems very attractive option to me. In such times, I try to practice acceptance that everything is fucked up with my life, and then I remind myself that 'this is the situation that I don't have anything to lose, so why not to try again? why not to try to improve and to see what happens just for the sake of curiosity? given the fact that death will come to me one day, then why accelerate it?' Maybe this can work a bit for you.
Reading Schopenhauer helped me a lot. It hurts to be not good enough, but I often remind myself that the purpose of life was not to make me happy. In such a cruel world, everything can happen. So being able to contemplate on the life beyond my own survival interests in a theoretical manner, helped me lot. I am just a tiny, weak and extremely vulnerable being in this gigantic world and there is nothing to do about it. Everything is out of my control and it was supposed to be in this way.
"being free from outcome" is a myth.
It is practically impossible to apply. 'When you are talking, you need to be listened, otherwise there is no point to talk' - that's a basic constitutive element of an interaction. So you even need to influence / impress other people to be listened firstly. The guys who 'seem like not giving a fuck' are the ones who somehow are in abundance and have many options. If you have too many options, then there is no need to be concerned about what the specific individuals' or groups' think about you.
Guys I wonder how social skills can spark romantic attraction in a girl's mind. Given the fact that the act of sex is done by a direct bodily contact, then how being very charming and funny in a social setting can fuel the attraction alone? It seems to me that those skills can make people to be your friends, they'll love you very much in a friendship sense, but where is the sexual desire here? *** I would also like to emphasise that, in my opinion, the key to improve one's social skills can directly be related to his strong desire / passion of influencing and impressing other people. Here even one's subjective meaning of life is somehow related to being engaged with other people in a meaningful way. But if you can't feel a deep value in impressing other people like me, you'll struggle to find a motivation to continue socialising in the face of many rejections.
By listening to the whole dating advice staff, I only get the sense that the situation is hopeless for me and everything is out of my control except gym staff. He talks like as if everything is under the our control so that we can push a button and the thing we want will immediately happen. I would say that those dating advices can work for people who have right genes. Listening to this staff reminds me how I am unable to do these magical shits.
It seems to me that being physically young plays a part in fueling our motivation to build a great future and chase exciting goals. But once we hit 40, what's the game plan? As a 26-year-old young man, life already feels unbearable and very dull for me. Maybe it's my chronic mild depression, but whatever the case, finding top-notch motivation is a struggle when my life goals don't ignite any passion. Still, being young and having some vision keeps me hanging on, at least enough to keep working. But what about when I hit that older phase of life? I'm curious about your perspective on your 40s. How do you envision spending that period of your life? Bests