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Everything posted by newbee

  1. I guess it's better than crying (for too long) as that makes me then worry that my worries are going to manifest eternal hell for myself in the afterlife.
  2. Don't know why you're laughing, but to me this was traumatizing. When I came back to my senses, I couldn't stop thinking 'I need love. I need compassion'. To me the experience was like it started off with a tsunami in my head, literally my mind blown away (not in a good way) and I did not know what was going on and it went along with a tendency of collapsing (I guess that was the ego dissolving) into more and more ugliness that's never-ending. It felt like I was no longer human but I was a mind that went beserk for eternity and it went along with extreme, chronic annoyance. I had no awareness of my physical surroundings and could have severely wounded myself (physically) but I was wide awake in my inner experience. I thought 'fuck, I made the dumbest mistake of my life. I put this tiny amount of white powder up my ass and now I'm screwed for eternity. I could have never even imagined such a thing could be possible.' In hindsight, I realize my set and setting wasn't good enough, despite having done affirmations and what not to have a good experience, i was slightly feeling uncomfortable and slightly annoyed that my neighbours had visitation and I'd rather them be gone in case I might make some noise. Well, I probably made a whole lot of noise as this slight feeling of annoyance was completely blown out of proportion that went along with the collapsing sensation and what I would call eternal madness / unimaginable horror. I probably screamed like crazy the whole hour long and had bruises and I believe even a slight concussion from physically falling on the floor and bouncing my body and head (I was no longer on my bed when I came back to this reality). I know, you're supposed to surrender, but that's a lot more easily said than done. I felt surrendered to hell. It's like saying to someone who's being cut up with a chainsaw 'just surrender'. Technically, that would also bring them into heaven I suppose, but who can do that in such a situation when it feels all so real. I don't know anybody who could, so to me this is a bit useless advice. I guess if you're set and setting isn't pristine, you may be in for a hell of a ride, literally. It also makes me understand that anybody can experience madness or insanity really. It's God experiencing itself as the opposite of God. I googled it afterwards to see if some people are born like that, but unless I didn't google enough, no-one is born like that. It's either from drugs or severe (emotional/sexual) abuse I think.
  3. The problem is that your suffering isn't necessarily going to be alleviated as you could end up in the hellish realm (based on stories of near death experiences). From a viewpoint of reincarnation, you may pick up where you left behind when you reincarnate and I think religions in general discourage it because then they lose followers or believe you end up in eternal hell.
  4. I've experienced it on a bad trip, but why did you WANT to experience it? And can you elaborate on how it was for you and what did it taught you about consciousness? It made me develop a fear of death and wonder if there are souls stuck in that realm for eternity? The only thing that saved me was when the drugs stopped working, but what if you experience that when you die. How do you get out? Based on near death experiencers, praying to Jesus helps, but what if you forget or just can't believe it. It can make someone utterly desperate and hopeless in there, but since we create our own reality, then that's what you're going to get more of I think, so the archetype of Jesus having the power and compassion to be able to save you is what makes you manifest heaven, but I'm not sure so...
  5. I agree, it's a coping mechanism. I have this too btw. Feeling frustrated about thinking how much of my life I already wasted with daydreaming, feeling spaced out and constantly procrastinating. Perhaps we can use this thread to motivate each other to get out of this viscious circle. I think starting off with an agenda , to create a schedule for the day. (I'm already thinking I'll not keep to it) So I will start with these goals: starting tomorrow: -get up early, take a cold shower -do my affirmations -DMT breathwork - work After watching some psychologist talk about this, I think I have more like a lot of mind wandering going on. Not completely the same as maladaptive daydreaming apparently, but she said something about notice your triggers. I think this may be helpful and to add mindfulness throughout your day. Pay attention to whenever you wander and notice (perhaps write down) what was the trigger. There will be a lot but when you understand that others have this too, it's no reason to beat yourself up. I just did it and notice becoming more aware of these underlying emotions that are in the background but not fuly felt. Journaling might help too. Taming your wandering mind.
  6. Food is not love and you're using food as a substitute for love obviously aka emotional eating. Occasionally using food as a pick-me-up, a reward, or to celebrate isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But when eating is your primary emotional coping mechanism—when your first impulse is to open the refrigerator whenever you’re stressed, upset, angry, lonely, exhausted, or bored—you get stuck in an unhealthy cycle where the real feeling or problem is never addressed. Watch this video below to remind you what this can lead to. You have to value your health, because without it you will end up feeling bad and potentially very bad. Unless you are already super skilled in applying the law of assumption/attraction which I doubt, you are being delusional. I recommend the keto diet, but you will have to learn to be disciplined. Realize that you can make yourself feel good by developing healthy habits. Surely, there are things you can think of that you enjoy doing or explore doing. For example, music, (listening to or playing an instrument such as singing), art, sport, dancing, love making ... The problem you will probably encounter is that you can not think of or haven't found yet something other than eating junk food to give you an as high pleasure. You have to realize that junk food can not be the way to happiness and find out the truth as what is. What is blocking you from feeling the love you already have inside of you and what are you potentially trying to cover up by indulging in junk food, you may ask yourself.
  7. You're welcome. When you will become really good at would you manifest, then technically yes you can prevent your loved ones from dying in the sense that when it's time to die, you could imagine the scenery of you dying first surrounded by your living loved ones for example. But if you would imagine a long happy life and you dying when you're old, then we can expect that at least the loved ones that are older than you would have gone before you, but you may still be surrounded by other loved ones when it's your time, so it doesn't have to be an issue. You want to feel loved and not be lonely, then focus on feeling loved and imagine it. Your predominant thoughts is what manifests, so mental diet is also recommended. In the end, as Neville Goddard also alludes to, it's inevitable that you will manifest enlightenment at some point, because once you manifested everything you want, you may think 'oh but now I can lose it all again' or there is still the worry of dying, so you will want eternal bliss, but you can start with manifesting smaller things first before you do the bigger stuff. Also, check out this thread where the OP talks about how he manifests anything he wants.
  8. This makes me think of that's why perhaps the analogy that non duality teachers give with when you have a dream and wake up, the dream is gone, therefore it was not real, but often people then ask to one of these awakened teachers, 'how come when you awaken, or physically die, we are still here and the world is still here?' I suppose because there is a higher aspect of God that is continuing this dream as we see it, even when an individual physically dies or they become awakened, the world is still here. The end script of the entire movie hasn't played out yet, I assume.
  9. Hi there, you have to realize that you create your own reality through your own beliefs, assumptions and generally where your mind puts it's focus and attention on and your feelings as well. Feelings and thoughts are energy with a certain frequency that attracts similar vibration into your life according to the law of attraction. It's kinda like magnets or could be compared to being like a walking radio antenna where you are attuned to a certain frequency (in regards to different aspects of your life) and emit this energy wave that attracts people and situations on the same frequency. There's also what is known as the law of assumption taught by Neville Goddard which kind of boils to the same thing but sometimes explained a little different as in your assumptions (beliefs) also manifest your reality but is explained in the way that 'everyone is you pushed out' so you could for example imagine a different version of another person if you want them to behave nicer for example. Neville Goddard also said that the whole point of learning to manifest what you want, is that one day you will realize you are God (manifest enlightenment). If you learn how it works then you'll understand that what you resist persists, so you're going to have to control those worries and put your attention elsewhere which can be challenging sometimes, but you can google some of the techniques that are out there to manifest what you want instead of what you don't want. There's also people online who teach and coach people to get what they want and put free video's out on youtube, so feel free to google 'how to manifest your desires' / 'Neville Goddard' ...
  10. I believe that people their energy field does correspond with a frequency, just like thoughts, emotions, anything really, but it's delusional to think that some 'scientific method' will be able to accurately measure the frequency, because the 'scientist' his own perceptions and biases about these people is influencing the outcome, so it can't be reliable. In fact, I think that this method could only be accurate if the conductor (not the technology used) , in this case David Hawkin's frequency had a 1000 for frequency himself which is most likely not the case. You have to be fully aligned with truth as the conductor of this test to not skew the results.
  11. Then why you get so defensive when Kuba has a problem with equating love with torture or saying that God loves torture? As you know, you too would be defensive when you got tortured. I get what you're saying, it's about making the distinction between the meaning of something in it's absolute and relative sense of the word which I know you try to explain to him, but maybe he does or doesnt already understand, but regardless it's natural to get defensive at the thought of people who would justify rape and torture in the relative sense of the word (meaning the word as we experience it in it's lesser conscious state) by deluding themselves into believing that they 'know' love= torture therefore have a justification to not do anything about the torture. Notice I put the word 'know' in brackets because true knowing = experiencing and when you don't experience love, you don't really know, you just think you know. Large amounts of people (especially spiritual type folks who are 'vulnerable' to spiritual bypassing) would as a result allow and enable torture and rape, with the justification it's "love" because they think they are at a higher level of awakening and understanding which would mean more torture for the victim(s) that is you, me and them. For as long as you are here in a human vessel, whether awakened or not, it's better to side with the 'you' that is going through the worst (the victims of torture) and stop the rapists, if necessary, torture the rapists ('yourself') if that's the only thing that will help in that situation. So if in your own state of unconsciousness, you get defensive, where to direct your defensiveness best? Towards people like Kuba ('yourself' as well) who's understandably upset by what this type of talks could lead to and getting defensive about him not getting it (the theory when it comes to the statement in the absolute sense of 'torture being love') or better direct your defensiveness towards the people who say love=rape too often while being delusional about what it really means? If you ask me, talking too much about the theory of Love (in the absolute sense) is not helpful, because it usually results into more spiritual bypassing than anything, which makes people behave worse, not better. You spread more love by practicing and focussing on being courageous and showing compassion for the ones who need it most in any given situation which needs to be judged accordingly.
  12. That's odd since you claim to teach from 'direct experience'. So why develop a *theory* of love based on other people's childhood experiences? It kinda proves you have no direct experience of love if you need to come up with a theory. I also have wondered why you have previously stated that love is 'not an emotion and not a sensation', what is it then according to you?