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Everything posted by newbee

  1. Vicki Woodyard, Lisa Cairns (nonduality), Gigi Young (not necessarily about non-duality, but she is a female mystic who covers interesting topics on spirituality), Simcha Lev (had a spontaneous awakening), Tara Brach (Her themes reveal the possibility of emotional healing and spiritual awakening through mindful, loving awareness as well as the alleviation of suffering in the larger world by practicing compassion in action.)
  2. You're welcome and I also think it's quite accurate and needed to be said I'm glad this person was able to see through her male 'teacher' as well. His name is Igor Kufayev and I'm always surprised how others don't readily see through his massive ego such as his friend Rick Archer seems to be duped as well. Rick does many interviews with awakened people on his youtube channel 'buddha at the gas pump station'. But then again, I heard in an interview this Igor guy conveniently redefining enlightenment to mean that it's 'normal' for your ego to enlarge after enlightenment because that's how he experienced it, instead of being aware of the fact that he just had a glimpse and after that the structures of his ego came back full force *thinking* he's enlightened, lol. These men do need a reminder that enlightenment means or at least involves a permanent loss of ego, if not you may have had a glimpse but nothing more than that. Good points! Another red flag I can think of in relation to for example Igor Kufayev, is that I saw him talking while sitting on a chair (looked more like a throne) while his female devotees were sitting on the ground. A sign of Hierarchy over Cooperation or Equality. Thanks for the video, I'll check it out!
  3. Ah I just found the video of this drag queen's excellent commentary to the toxic woke lunacy of thinking it's oh so cool to have drag queens read books to their kids in school as it makes really no sense:
  4. Of course, both Blaire White and Buck Angel are trans and have a bunch of interviews with people who regretted transitioning and have criticism on the toxicity of the trans community. I also recall a drag queen who wanted to warn parents on accepting drag queens in schools to teach their children or those who take their kids to drag shows as he thought they don't belong there since there is a lot of filthy and dirty, sexual behavior as well as drug usage going on behind the scenes which children shouldn't be exposed to. I can't find the video back but that was the actual drag queen's opinion, so it's not just 'the stereotypical conservatives' who share this opinion.
  5. ROFL have you been living under a rock or what?! I can give you plenty of examples of people who made the transition and regret afterwards , even those who started as adults, so you can only imagine how many kids will be harmed if plenty of adults aren't stable either in their identities and have to admit what was done to them despite their consent was harmful. This is just a handful, but there's plenty more horror stories if you look for it. Of course, if you're so narrow minded that you refuse to leave your leftie bubble in order to truly be open and actually listen to people's stories that don't fit your narrative, you may never find them.
  6. Your critique I think is in sync with a blog post I just read from a woman who had a spontaneous awakening. It's an issue that many men (but also women, though more so men) have on this path to enlightenment and it is a good thing to address it I feel, because it's true. I'll copy/paste some paragraphs from her article. I'm sure it'll sound familiar : "Online forums and Facebook groups dedicated to endless debate about enlightenment, non-duality, advaita-vedanta, emptiness and more, are largely populated by men. And it’s men who are the most active participants in what often amounts to breast beating to prove who has the right answer or the most enlightened understanding." She further points out that a lot of these are 'stuck in the head' and she noticed two kinds of 'heady-awakenings': "The first is where someone has understood the concept of “no self” and then gone on to live their life as if this cognitive grasp equals true realization. This idea-based version of awakening is most common among online, male-dominated chat groups about enlightenment. (Yes, there are women there too…I’m just saying, it’s mostly guys). The second is the more rare case of folks who have been catapulted into the emptiness and get stuck there. Some call it Zen Sickness. It looks like apathy and indifference to any real engagement in reality. These sorts of men do show up in chat rooms online, but mostly to correct everyone by pointing out that “Nothing matters, nothing is real, there is no-one here, and so stop debating already.” I observed a lot of this type of behavior on this forum as well. Too much arrogance and not enough compassion, combined with a lot of insight is a sign of a person or people who had glimpses but are not awakened on a 24/7 basis. Also interesting what Adyashanti had to say about this: “Enlightenment does not mean one should disappear into the realm of transcendence. To be fixated in the absolute is simply the polar opposite of being fixated in the relative…. To awaken to the absolute view is profound and transformative, but to awaken from all fixed points of view is the birth of true nonduality. If emptiness cannot dance, it is not true emptiness. If moonlight does not flood the empty night sky and reflect in every drop of water, on every blade of grass, then you are only looking at your own empty dream. I say, “Wake up!” Then your heart will be flooded with a Love that you cannot contain.” That should serve as a good answer to those who insist on some absolute view such as "rape = love" and act like holding this insight is a sign of being awakened. It's another form of spiritual bypassing imo, to use an absolute truth against someone's personal truth. A truly enlightened person would prioritize showing/practicing compassion towards someone's personal experience/truth when needed as opposed to lecturing the person with some absolute truths, because they're not 'getting it'. Needless to say I do appreciate Leo's dedication and courage as an explorer of truth/reality, but I'd recommend him to become even more dedicated to checking in with his own self on how much he is actually living these truths in his day to day life, if being enlightened on a permanent basis is his true goal. Being the moderator of your own forum also serves as an amplifier of the ego and to become a teacher prematurely before becoming awakened 24/7 is unfortunately unhelpful as the audience they gain will only enlarge their ego and ironically stop true enlightenment in its tracks or make it a lot harder.
  7. I think Sadhguru is a fake, in the sense that he is full of ego and not enlightened. But people like him may come off as impressive and very knowledgeable because of their large following and perhaps having some psychic abilities combined with the massive energy they receive from their audience, they may do some energy stuff on your energetic body, perhaps a kundalini activation? Idk but I would stay away from this guy. Kundalini activation (I'm not saying that was what you experienced) is also said to be potentially dangerous..
  8. Interesting story from a guy, called Cornelius Christopher who was suicidal and eventually became awakened instead. He experienced a phenomenon physicists call a quantum superposition meaning two or more conflicted states / alternative realities existing at the exact same time and in the same space. There he observed his suicide from the past, present, and future, including the now moment. He discovered that there is no such thing as death as we know it when we physically die; only consciousness exists before it collapses into one of those realities. In his autobiography, Cornelius describes he had received many extraordinary gifts, including pure consciousness where he has no inner voice, chatter and no ego. he experiences pure silence all the time with no self-doubt and or ability to judge.
  9. Maybe you need to do some (daily) exercises to get more grounded which helps to dissipate fear such as qigong, yoga and (DMT) breathwork, cold showers,...
  10. Yea I guess that's the best attitude to have afterwards, to be grateful for your sanity and ability to use your mind to focus on what you want and actually control your body and mind.
  11. Was that not traumatizing to you and how do you digest/ process these experiences afterwards? Do you have a fear of death because of that?
  12. you can do visualizations to protect your energies or see a shaman / psychic to ask why you have spirits coming to you.
  13. I thought that because God is all there is, fear can not exist (because I assume you can only fear something outside of you or in duality), so love is automatically generated. But in another post you said that nothingness is even prior to love? Is eternal hell as much part of the absolute truth as eternal heaven then? Is this nothingness responsible for its own manifestations to experience "God" as the highest expression of love , but could just as well be something ugly like eternal hell or is that part of illusion? And is this also why many awakened people refer to this as "I am" / " I am that" / or "I am that I am" instead of what I would expect to be more common " I am love"?
  14. Ok, we'll see. I have to say like someone else in this thread, I also had a song of MJ in my mind today and I was even wondering why, because I didn't hear that song recently. It's called 'human nature' . It also fits with the phrases I just quoted from your post, I'm realizing now lol. So many synchronicities I have haha. Can you tell how it actually happened in the sense if there was a specific moment/ shift and from then on your ego was dissolved or more like a slow integration?
  15. Being alone doesn't have to be lonely. If you think it through, because God is alone, it can not have any fear because you can only fear what is outside of you. In a state of fearlessness/non-resistance, only love can exist. I think you are still experiencing duality / separation to a certain degree because of resistance and ego attachment. I know it's easier said than done when it feels real, so I send you many ?❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️ I recommend looking into or contact these non-duality 'teachers' such as Angelo Dillulo, Lisa Cairns, Matt Garrett..
  16. Watch this. This guy was living in a homeless shelter and manifested a whole different life for himself. He now has a 6 figure a year income and teaches others how to do it.
  17. "The real sanity is when the mind is overthrown." A title of a video with Richard Sylvester on non-duality I just saw appearing in my youtube feed, which sums it up basically. Insanity does seem like strong resistance against the feeling of losing one's mind that I guess could be caused by drugs (causing a shocking, overwhelming sensation of ego dissolution) or the mind feeling overwhelmed by extreme abuse (potentially followed by demonic entities entering one's energy field), but if you can allow to lose your mind, then sanity is restored. In essence, I think the brain of people experiencing madness is not the problem. Doing an autopsy on such brain is probably not going to reveal much. So what to do while experiencing it? It's easy to say 'just surrender and not resist' but I think you could start off by re-interpreting what you see/ experience, so you can lessen the resistance and remember that any type of victimhood feelings is what makes you give your power away and thus feel powerless. Ultimately self-hypnosis could also be a method to prepare one's mind to react differently in case it happens (during a trip for example).
  18. Sure, it's about multiple factors, but speaking of mental illness I've seen a testimonial of a girl who spoke of an NDE (Near Death Experience) that she got from going into a shock and then into a coma and all she remembers prior to that, is that she was in a deep, deep depression. Since she seems overweight, I assume she was severely bullied, but it goes to show how even depression can literally kill someone even if they weren't tying to kill themselves. And don't forget to check this docu out if you need to study more cases to find out why someone can go insane. Although this is considered demonic posession by some, it seems equally horrifying and my gut tells me that some severe emotionally and or sexually abusive event(s) must have led up to this..
  19. you can't just love something that you naturally resist and find revolting. You can try to be as fearless as possible which is what ultimately produces love.
  20. When trying to grasp it, I wonder if infinity shouldn't be thought of as in the lemniscate/infinity symbol ( a horizontal figure 8) where there is like an equilibrium and the middle point could represent 'the nothingness' so it doesn't go into insanity or it does actually expands forever (even if it could be imagined as in the infinity symbol where the loops continue to expand but there is stability to be found in the centre point, idk...since I guess it can't be grasped with the mind, perhaps I'm trying to look for an appeasing explanation to avoid going insane..
  21. Insanity is hell to me and after my experience I can define Hell as such: in hell, you are fully aware that every nanosecond of your existence is FOR ETERNITY and is absolute torture. Plus, here’s the cherry on the cake: not only does it go on for eternity, each nanosecond gets progressively WORSE. So , like I said, UNIMAGINABLE HORROR.
  22. Wasn't that because their colleagues didn't agree with their theories and their ridicule and overall emotional abuse made them go insane?