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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. I'm 18 and never had any 'real' relationships with any girl before but I've been really good friends with this girl from Ukraine who is 20 and also never been in a relationship, who I've known for about 5/6 years, and it's worked out pretty well. But for the past 6 months this girl has been really eager to message and call me on skype and etc more so than usual as she moved back to kiev a few years prior, and she has suggested studying at the university I'm going to for her masters degree, as well as suggesting that I stay around hers on holiday or something, is it possible that she wants something more than a friendship? Because she was never really all that loving towards me before and my understanding I was pretty much friend-zoned from day one and I still believed I was, but she has been messaging me a lot more like daily and seems really happy when we call and now she's offering me to move in with her which I personally interpret as her wanting more than a friendship? I'm unsure on what to do because I would love to move in with her but, the fact that I am uncertain of her intentions makes me unsure how to react to the situation because I don't want to say or do anything that would shock her in a bad way, because she has never made it clear on whether she likes me or not but that maybe because I said she was my best friend and i don't know whether she thinks I've friend zoned her. Any advice on what I could do to get a better idea of the situation and what she might be thinking would be most appreciated.
  2. @Anicko I have but I'm worried what she will think of me if I do, but I guess eventually i will just have to, if she is freaked out by it will have been a learning experience i guess.
  3. I rarely use cannabis i only smoke once every few months and im quite new to meditation as well, but through watching various videos on meditation the goal seems to be quite similar, to be aware without focusing on thoughts and etc (whilst meditating not the potential rewards from meditation), but through smoking cannabis I found that some of the effects are comparable to that of meditation (being aware but letting go of thoughts and removal of external stimulation), as i found it made me not focus on external stimulus or thoughts and just become caught up in this awareness (although only when in a positive mood to begin with). I'm wondering if the plant has any uses when it comes to meditation, or is it dangerous to make the comparison between some of the effects of cannabis and meditation? Im not a frequent user and don't intend to be, i am just curious in finding out what the actualized community makes of the comparison and whether or not it could be used to further aid our self-actualization progress if used in the correct manner. =)
  4. I've recently been looking through various videos on what men are attracted to in women and what women are attracted to in men, and I found that a lot of the time women seemed to be more interested in men that are 'emotionally stimulating', although I'm not doubting that this is most likely true but how important is appearance to women on how attractive men are if emotions are more important to women in terms of being attracted to a man? I've been wondering about this for a while because there are many men who don't look what would consider being attractive visually to the majority and aren't always wealthy to end up with super hot girlfriends or wives, but at the same time I've also heard women say that men look hot or attractive which kind of confuses me as why women would find some men ugly visually but are still be attracted to them regardless? I'm not judging whether looks are more important than appearance or visa versa but as a male I find this incredibly hard to understand, so could someone please explain :]
  5. I've been in a long-distance relationship with this girl for half a year now, hoping to meet up in September or next year depending on how college goes, we used to talk all the time but after I found some stuff out that seemed like she was lying to me about pretty things (not cheating) which i never mentioned which i thought that perhaps its for the best that I don't as they don't matter much anyway, then 4/5 months after I found out I told her that I knew about it for months but didn't say because I didn't want to ruin the relationship when I was having a bad day and her mood has totally switched since but I told her that I trust her and that we will make it work. But now she doesn't even message me, but she shares posts on facebook and instagram when she says she's busy at work or doing college work, and barely replies to me anymore and if she does she's often not that loving towards me, i told her about this last week and said that its obviously what I said so i took all the blame for bringinging it up and saying it was bugging me, and that upset her even more when I thought I was being lied to but told her that I wanted to work on our relationship so we actually communicate and can finally actually be together this summer (because I'm leaving home) rather than just breaking up, i don't know what to do, whether to just ditch the relationship or to somehow make it work but it feels like I cant be in a relationship with someone that I'm unsure but I feel is lying to me and doesn't talk to me so often anymore. I can't take much more of it, I have to do something to fix the relationship or ditch it because my libido has been so low for months to the point I can't even get erections and I've just turned 18 this week and I'm getting pretty depressed and I cant take much more .
  6. Cheers for the advice guys, much appreciated I agree that this is unhealthy bs that is not worth pursuing any longer as I've talked to her about it before and she never listened and I don't really feel that I like her at all anymore. plus this isn't my first long distance relationship if you can even call them relationships... even though it doesn't really fell like a relationship at all, just a load of meaningless commitments to something that 9 times out of 10 will never happen. I guess I have to grow out of this crappy safety zone of long distance relationships and have real relationships and grow as a person
  7. I think girls that cake themselves in makeup and fake tan are insecure.
  8. I don't know for sure because each to their own and etc (and I'm a white male btw) and here are some of the reasons that I've heard that many black guys find many black women are too bossy and have an 'attitude' which can put a lot of guys off. (Although I don't know but I assume this is probably just a minority of black women). Or that either they just have a racial preference in favour of white women. Or you're insecure about something, I say this because I've seen on youtube some black guys obsess over white women on youtube like 'Philko vs The Universe', who many in the comment sections have mentioned this.
  9. @Feel The Present Vegetarians and vegans do actually have higher levels of testosterone though and they have some of the lowest cholesterol levels. And since both natural and synthetic testosterone is made from plant based sources like soybeans and yams i highly doubt increasing fatty foods will do anything in changing your testostone levels. Also not to mention increasing your intake of cholesterol has a direct effect on the risk of developing conorary heart disease which also has a link to erectile dysfunction scientfic studies have proven this. And there is a link between cholesterol intake and elevated blood pressure if an atheroma forms which reduces the surface area of vessel cavities and as Pressure = Force/Area the reduced surface area increases the blood pressure.
  10. I'm a 17-year-old male turning 18 this month from England and this may seem strange but I only feel attracted to those outside of my country, and it has stopped me from wanting to get to close with girls in my country because I find it disgusting and it makes me cringe my friends think that I'm gay because I find it disgusting to want to be with someone from the same nationality because it seems like they are closely related to myself and the thought of it even makes me cringe, I've even gone as far as moving abroad to study at university in the Netherlands this year, is there something seriously wrong with me or is this normal behaviour and if so what can i do about it, it has driven my desire for a relationship and libido so low for years that I've been wondering whether or not I'm asexual but have always been sexually attracted to girls I've met that are foreign, I'd be very grateful if someone could suggest some solutions to the problem, that's if there are any.
  11. @Annie Not really, only Europeans that aren't from Ireland or the UK as a preference but I'm attracted to women from all over the world although I know this is pretty low of me but I'm put off by those that are also related to Brittish people such as Australians or people from New Zealand for example, I can see that some are attractive physically but the thought of getting with them still makes me cringe.
  12. Many scientific studies have shown that Vegetarians have elevated testosterone levels Exercise elevates testosterone levels amongst other hormones such as endorphin which make you feel good, libido is psychological as well as physical so that also helps. especially cardiovascular exercise improves blood flow which aids in maintaining erections Vitamin B also increases the sensitivity to the penis by aiding in the production of certain nerves and their repair which also aids in getting and maintaining erections Reducing cholesterol improves blood flow which also aids in getting and maintaining erections.
  13. I'm also 17 turning 18 and have been in many relationships already, and probably know what you did as this is was your first relationship And I'm guessing from the fact you mentioned being dependent on this girl and that and it happening during the summer break is that you probably gave her too much attention probably messaging and hanging about with her 24/7, I used to do the same and honestly girls get bored of you if you give them too much attention, and they hate it when a guy depends on them, if you weren't with her you would have probably gotten friend-zoned through giving her way too much attention and needing her, i did that in my first few relationships and that's what my friends still do now, but what you need to do now though to get over the breakup is accept that you messed up somehow and use what happened as a learning experience so that you know what you need to do better in you're next relationship whether that be with her or another girl.
  14. I might do, but I feel as if this mentality is so deeply ingrained within me, and I'm kind of starting to think that it's not such a bad thing since other people have the similar idea, I totally relate to much of what you think by not liking the mentality of many of the people in your area, I find most people in my country too simplistic and different to the point I believe I was born in the wrong country, and I'm doing the same to work hard to get out of here. I don't know whether or not this is relevant but i kind of feel that this mentality personally for me was brought about by playing certain games since the age of about 10 such as the 'Total War' games that separated nations and compared and judged them kind of gave me these beliefs though.