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Everything posted by Fabio

  1. @NoSelfSelfThat's exactly what Im experiencing.. Its like she has replied saying her 3 times she's available but after 3 days I feel like not taking her lmao
  2. If you learn from pick up artist Mike Mehlman, he says If you are boldly approaching attractive women whether or not they seem interested before the approach. 20-30% will give you their numbers, and 1%-2% of them will sleep with you. So that means if you want to sleep with 1-2 women in the next week, you'll probably have to approach 100 women confidently and know how to move things into the bedroom. He recorded these findings in Japan in 2020-2021, where he can approach 300 women a day in busy subways and get 20-80 numbers. He's literally approached tens of thousands of women over his life and believes the secret sauce is in stomaching rejection incessantly. One of my favs on the subject of pick up.
  3. lol the norm is funny. Any recommendations on where to learn these hours of sex? Is it as simple as taking your time for hours? @BlessedLion
  4. Interesting mini doc about Big Foot from BC, Canada where I live. I always thought it was a sham, but this doc has some interesting footage that looks realistic. Would be cool if Big Foot came out of the woods around the same time Aliens come out of the sky. Could be within the next couple years, we'll see. https://globalnews.ca/news/8070027/bigfoot-canada-photo-video/
  5. @IronFoot Its a lot of info to process and consider after one read but It sounds like there's is cons to staying and to quitting and that you care about your reputation going south if you stay or leave and that you are done with this work either way. So in a sense, there isn't a wrong decision as far as your jobs standing goes since you don't want to work there anyway. If you have time to apply for jobs while working there , then that is the safest option since you still have an income. Like when a man initiates a break up, its always the most exciting before hand with the new freedom. But when the reality sinks in a couple weeks later, it can kinda suck if they don't have a replacement of sorts. Have you done the life purpose course? Maybe there's something you've learned that you'd enjoy going towards working at. Ultimately, if you can afford to do so and are motivated to find a new job within a couple months, it sounds like you can afford quitting, but that's your choice. Selling Bitcoin before or around $100k USD isn't a bad decision as it has already made quite a rise. I doubt it will go over $200k this cycle, basically a 2.5x from here and could easily crash before $200k down 80% from the highs like before. Anyway. You understand your situation better than anyone, its just nice to have people validate your ideas I'm sure. So IMO, it sounds like unless your staying in the same narrow space of the industry, then either option would be fine; and then again.. I think people in the industry understand the cons of the job and would accept you as an experienced candidate for a similar job if you've been an otherwise good worker if something happens if you stay longer while you find another job. But up to you.
  6. @kamill Of course research all you can about vocal recovery and take all the time to recover and maybe hiring a vocal coach if you haven't already . The worst thing you can do is do singing strenuously. Many famous singers have dealt with this and continue their careers so since you have the talent then you'll likely get through this.. Im a musician myself, without getting too much into my story it is a long road with obstacles especially to make a career of it. But so is any career path, so if you love it then its worth it. Though I have had a side income the whole time so far.
  7. Ya, but not always a lot. Ive dated a girl for a month while travelling that happened with. Clearly the alcohol wasn't the only factor in her attraction
  8. "dont make it weird" might mean her friends are watching or she's embarrassed of how many people are watching. But I doubt she'd say that over touching her shoulder unless you like linger your arm there awkwardly long, you should be able to feel this distinction in the moment. You can tell if she's teasing you if she is still in a FUN vibe while saying it and not frowning or something. Always best to react in a relaxed, fun manner. If you ask her to walk to a different part of the venue and she comes, then she likely is into you at some level. You can walk somewhere more private and then try to physically escalate with her a bit and see how she responds without her friends watching (Its usually obvious to me when shes interested in making out by the way she stands less than a foot away from me). If you move in closer and she moves back, that is low interest. If she doesn't react or smiles, your still good. If you touch her in a way she is uncomfortable with, she'll likely excuse herself from the conversation and she won't come back. Don't chase, and move on to someone else. Or she'll ask you to stop, and then you stop and continue the conversation as if it hasn't happened and maybe later she touches you a bit but most likely if she told you to stop, within 5 minutes the conversation will fizzle out. Its a sign of low sexual interest. Move on to someone else.
  9. I dont imagine id be into a biological sister if i had one, but I know a guy with a step sister who lives in his house for a couple weeks a year. She is decent looking with a big rack and sometimes give off a fun, somewhat flirty vibe. He sometimes get off on the fantasy of secretly hooking up with her but would never try because of the likely family consequences. The off limits nature can create a lot of pent up sexual tension at times.
  10. Not sure what you mean by no beginning or end? Sounds like the way they talk about time in like quantum physics. Can read about that elsewhere. Why wasn't our technology introduced a long time ago? It's a complicated answer that is out of my ability to answer definitely. But the intuitive answer is because that's the just the way time and advancement was laid out by our creator. From us being supposed "bacteria" that evolved over a large amount of time into cavemen. Then into the stone age, bronze age, etc until now . All these stages required utilizing the previous technology to then create more efficient technology to complete the same tasks. Steam engines and railroads made transporting food possible and creating boats made travelling the world and seeing other countries methods of living as well as shipping goods. Instead of walking a year to another continent, you can take a flight for 8 hours. Because they made computers in the last 100 years, they could save the progress of previous generations and use that knowledge and more advanced technology to speed up the amount of progress even faster and that just continues to snowball. Now some computers can learn automatically on its own. What I said about writing with just your mind in 1000 years is already in its first stages with technology like Neurolink and might be only 20 years or less. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ya-bAYri84
  11. Interesting topic. Id say its not black and white. Our modern medicine I think is much more capable of handling things that previously would have been a death sentence. As far as diet, we have more food now than ever but the nutritional value is considered often lesser than the organic fruits/ vegetables and natural organic meat back then. Todays food has more GMO's and hormone fed meat that is the cheapest and most common today. There were no plastics that we're getting into food. But everything is a trade off. To get similar to ancient meat quality , you'd have to purposefully cultivate animals to be organic , grass fed, etc and now we pay a premium for that, where back then there weren't many other options. But we also have more sanitary practices of food storage and commonly have better refrigeration than back then , making our food safer. Its all a trade off. I think its easy to revere those times because there is many mythical stories of gods, and a mystique about it that we like to observe. There's only hints and artifacts of the past and we have to piece things together which is fun. I don't think its a better life as far as comfort, but its interesting. As far as future generations, they will probably laugh at certain things and admire certain things just like we do in the past. Can't deny we have come along way from the caveman days where I can type to you on a computer. In another 1000 years, I could probably write you this in a split second using just my mind. Might not even be that long. As I finish writing this, I see leo replied... how interesting. Anyway, that's my thoughts.
  12. I've been investing since late 2019. I made the same mistakes, don't listen to influencers on Youtube, they're often wrong about low cap coins or recommend them when the pump is over. Use what you need for your business, and invest what you don't need. Its for letting your extra money work. Don't expect to get a 100x, its unlikely but possible. I'd keep at least 50% in top 5 marketcaps, its a safe play to work out in the long run. I'd keep 2-3% max in individual low market cap coins/tokens such as under 1 billion market cap. Meme coins, etc often die off fast and there's tens of thousands of them. Always keep some cash handy for big dips and if you make huge gains, take some profits for when the dips return (80%+ dips on mid caps.) The tokens you're holding sounds pretty good, ADA, etc. I'd hold it if you can afford to. But id expect a possible additional 25%+ incoming drop. But in a year , they should be golden. Like Leo said, 5 years is the safest horizon though learning market cycles by reading charts on tradingview is helpful to time selling some and buy again at lower prices, but that's advanced. Be cautious with leveraged trading, you can win here and there but also lose more than you gain in one badly executed trade. Anyways, good luck and feel free to ask more. I have a website on Crypto btw. Id look at the section for timing the market better. https://www.cryptostartersguide.com/day-3--how-to-buy-the-tops-and-bottoms-of-the-crypto-market-for-long-term-investors.html
  13. Ive made out with girls in less than a minute of meeting them multiple times in night clubs. Your at all times gauging her receptivity of your advances and testing with touch to see how comfortable she is during a conversation or something. And slowly take it further haha Touching the shoulder can be a way to test interest. She might touch you back, that can be permission to progress further and see how she responds to that. Maybe dancing if its appropriate, maybe she'll grab your hands, every moment/ situation is unique. Just pay attention to the moment.
  14. I think of it in terms of food and hunger and your a slice of pizza. Women only talk from the moment and in those moments she didn’t want pizza. She might tell you she’s only into watermelons and salad. Then you see her eat hot dogs and get pissed because you think she lied. Well, that was before. Now , she wants hot dogs. Last week she might have been in the mood for pizza but you weren’t there. im kind of over simplifying but there is some truth to it. In other words, even if she feels in a moment she’s better than you, that could flip if you stopped texting her first and she saw you with a prettier woman. If she seems unattracted over text, stop texting her and let her miss you and text you first. best ratio is 70:30 her texting most. If she never texts you, then there was nothing that could be done. As far as rejection, 90%+ women will reject you if you approach them. Simply because they have a guard up or aren’t in the mood for pizza in that moment , maybe if you approached later. But, some never want pizza. It’s not personal , your just like a pizza ad billboard that can have conscious thoughts and you think “does this business prospect think it’s better than me?” . It’s irrelevant in a way. Anyway, hope there was something of value in the small book I wrote you. Cheers
  15. Just wondering if there is any guys doing pick up in Vancouver on this forum. I live in the Tri-cities, 29, and have done probably 800 approaches and attended a RSD BootCamp this march. If you want to go do some day game, let me know. Lots of people in malls in December. Cheers
  16. I went to a Jeffy bootcamp in March. Was it worth $3k? Maybe in the long run.... as it did point out things I could do better. But in a way no. You can only learn so much in two days, but it is motive to stick to it after the event as you spent a lot of money. To me, it was the experience into the pick up culture and RSD that worth it as its something I dreamed about time to time for like 10 years. Its supposedly the last year of RSD bootcamps at least for Jeffy and there was only 2 students. Was interesting to say the least. So for you, its a free event and you don't have to do a BootCamp. Id say the BootCamp is worth $500-$800 at most if you compare it to other things in the world that money can buy.
  17. @joeyi99 This guy is like a savior prophet of pick up who came to earth to be a poster boy of hope for all short and colored people and quite frankly all men No, I don't know his story personally but I did see Leo in one of his clips so either they ran into each other or they wing together. If I remember correctly, he fits the description of a guy Leo described in his pickup video but I could be wrong.
  18. @Kid A I can only speculate, but Ive had similar experiences, though I have hooked up with the same ethnicity in the past. Foreign girls do seem to have a higher appeal to me on average. I think it has to do with perhaps perceived rareness since your ethnicity is not as common in their culture. The language barrier can be fun trying to communicate, and if they're visiting your country, you could have perceived value as being someone who knows your culture, what to do, have contacts, connections, and an established life. And MAYBE some girls see your green card as a plus if they ever had a long term relationship with you lol. Just a thought.
  19. Thanks for the tip. Was just referencing the video where he uses approach count as a metric to record how long it takes to make progress (300+ days until his first lay, 1000s of approaches before guys become very competent at pickup, etc) but I can see metrics are not the most important thing.
  20. Been going over Leo's videos on Pick up and don't remember hearing his method of tracking how many girls he approached. I started pick up again recently, and I have been using my iPhone notes app to jot notesand putting a number (e.g- approach #10) and a small description of the approach and how it went . Usually do this after the club or the next day. But I really only remember the most significant approaches that lasted say more than a minute or a conversation or a clear indication of interest. I don't think I have been recording instances where I walk up to a girl and introduce myself and she sort of looks away to show disinterest (10 second total conversation). So to sum up the question: 1. How you record your approaches? Do you write it down and describe the situation, and keep accurate tabs or is it sort of a ball park in your head at the end of the night that could only be 60% accurate? 2. What qualifies as an approach? (you might walk up to 40 people in a night and fist pump or something for example and say a few words. But actually face to face talk to 12 for more than a minute.) Thanks!!
  21. @Rasheed Did you write this correct? It makes no sense. If you fall asleep at 9pm, and wake up at 5:30-6 AM or PM? If you did that, then its almost day light and the club is closed if its 6AM. If you wake up at 5-6pm then you just slept 20- 21 hours. Then you go to the club for 2 hours to go back to bed at 9pm? Is the club even open before 9pm? Yep, it makes no sense and won't work. I'm struggling with the same thing. I work at 9:45am so if I go to the club I usually sleep 5-6 hours and thats if I dont bring home a girl. The best thing would be a night owl, but its not ideal for your other life productivity if you'd benefit from waking up early. But idk, im still figuring out the life style for me. Generally clubs hours are ideal after 10pm until 2am. Learning day game would probably be better for your sleep. Going to busy parks, events, shopping malls, etc.
  22. Hello Trippers. I have been researching here and there for months and spent hours today trying to find an accurate way of measuring mg's for smoking and ingesting psychedelics with no solid answer. It appears all the digital scales under $400 or so on Amazon have complaints of the scales not being accurate enough to weigh Mg's consistently varying from a few mg's (which is a big dose difference smoking 5-meo DMT). I bought and returned one on Amazon that cost about $30 CAD and 5mg pharmacy pill I tested read as over 20mg and yes I calibrated as instructions asked. I am now looking at the Gemini-20. The one on Amazon some reviewers said was a cheap knock off. I found one locally for $65 with a 7-day return policy. The one locally should be the real brand yet it's more expensive on the manufacturer website ($150 with shipping but obviously guaranteed genuine being from manufacturer direct) But I'm almost certain it will still not be super accurate but better (within a few mg range of actual weight) compared to the first one I bought. My question is: What if I used a Gemini-20 for example and used a 2.5mg and a 5mg pharmacy prescribed pill as a reference weight on an inaccurate scale (Say I put a 5mg pill and it reads 8mg on the scale) and then I remove the pill and add 5-meo on the scale until it reads 8mg. Would that be an accurate way to weigh a 5mg dose? I have looked at the 2-3mg measuring spoons they sell online but those are only useful after you first measured a full spoon of the specific substance on a scale then you can record how many mg a full spoon is for future use. (Should probably write it down for reference) I have smoked 5-meo without a scale with a minimal dose with nice results but maybe under-dosing for a big breakthrough experience but yet still effective. Any other methods advised for dosing 5-meo freebase accurately? Thanks! I will be also using this method for other substances. I ordered 4-ACO-DMT Furumate to ingest . But that is like 3.5g of shrooms in the 15-20mg dose range which is easier to measure. . 20mg+ feels like DMT Thanks for the help getting to a solid conclusion!
  23. Watched Leo's video "The Counter-Intuitive Nature Of Life" and around the 42 min mark, he talks about how doing nothing for 10 days can up your results in life by 20% and boost creativity immensely. Ive been contemplating doing this for the last 2 days but am wondering what the logistics are for "doing nothing". Is this like a Vipasanna retreat? Do you eat? You must go to the washroom? Talk to no one. Sit down on a meditation chair for 10 days straight and do absolutely nothing? Do you do meditation techniques or just close your eyes and not worry about it? Just hoping someone with experience, preferably Leo if he see's this answers this question. Thanks kindly!
  24. @Leo Gura thank you Leo and everyone else for the feedback. My current conclusion is to get a Gemini scale for higher doses 10mg+ & 3mg measuring spoons will be used for 5meo Dmt by experimenting with how many scoops are required for a break through dose by starting low. Very interesting advice for plugging 4-Aco-dmt. I’ve never plugged before but it sounds like generally plugging requires much less than drinking it. Glad I learned that here. Im thinking to drink it with juice, is that at all advisable?
  25. I thought id put another post because my first one might've been confusing. You mentioned that you aren't sure if EFT will be a permanent solution. To be honest, I'm not sure anything is like a permanent solution in the sense of you do a method for a certain amount of time and now you're cured of anxiety and panic attacks for the rest of your life or something like that. Quite often through practicing mindfulness, meditation, EFT, Sedona Method all the types of things that are similar in their approach is that when you experience these heavy, uncomfortable emotions is that you become more conscious of a awareness of it and a sense of distance and a comfort and security in dealing with it. Instead of trying to cope with feelings by distracting yourself with whatever (not saying you do this, but many people do) is drink,sex,drugs,tv,movies whatever as a means of distracting. If you become aware enough, you can see yourself feel the need to distract yourself as soon as an uncomfortable feeling comes up and then you may start getting thoughts like .. "Im tired, or I can't do this" or whatever. This is usually a sign that you feel a block or resistance to what is happening in the moment usually caused by a memory from the past. So with EFT you'd probably go to a room alone when you feel this impulsive feeling, sit down and give your undivided attention to the feeling without judgement as much as possible and just let it speak. Listen to what it has to say. That's what the EFT scripts are teaching you to do, is giving you a bit of a structure to use at first but after you get the hang of it, it'll feel natural to just speak what is inside and accept it for what it is. The beauty of when you listen to what it has to say is that you aren't being the voice. Your seeing it objectively as a witness of something else. That is where the feeling of distance comes from it. The comfort of knowing okay this feeling is here, but its not who I am. You're the witnessing. Same with all sensory experience, sound, the feelings in your body, with years and years of practice it gets stronger and your awareness grows. All it takes is remembering once or twice during the day at first and eventually it'll become more and more connected. I know Im ranting a lot so ill end it there. Best of luck