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Everything posted by Fabio

  1. They are now called SMC "Self mastery Co". From what I can tell, its mostly Owen's youtube as the main marketing, and a team of staff (SMC) running the business end of things.
  2. I've been cold approaching for the last year and a half pretty consistently 1-3 days a week, usually 1 day per week after my last relationship. I've been working on my inner game for about 10 years and consider myself decently mentally healthy. Since my last relationship, I've made almost no effort on dating apps. Been trying to meet people only through approaching. In the last year and a half, I've made out with close to 20 women, and been on dates with 7 women , some of them multiple dates and still seeing one. My self esteem is fine. I don't think cold approach causes low self esteem, but it will trigger your already existing low self esteem when you get rejected if you don't manage your state and emotions. It doesn't bother me, I expect rejection and don't take it personally. Most rejections end with us both smiling because she has a bf or something. Ya its easy to forget about your low self esteem when your hiding from anything that triggers you. Cold approach reveals it. Im not saying Im perfect, or don't have times when I feel bad, but it passes within a few minutes, hours or couple of days as long as Im doing emotional work and then I'm back to normal. Im sure if I continue, that my dating results will improve with time. The dudes in your examples have issues to begin with and don't want to face them. Thats probably the bigger issue. The guy went to jail for threatening murder and the videos hardly seem like an approach that's inviting romance , more so a debate on veganism being bad. Which is fine in sprinkles, but not as the whole conversation. You have to be smart with cold approach, you cant just be a monkey spamming the same location with cringy vibes forever.
  3. I kinda agree that working on the internal while doing cold approach should be a priority.. More importantly this sense of inadequacy. I found when I feel bad about myself and there was no one to listen to me, I tuned inside, closed my eyes and tried to identify the feelings I am needing, the needs I have that aren't being met and feeling that kinesthetically. And imagine a conversation in my head with the person I wish was there to comfort me and meet my emotional needs and I would rub my arm or torso as if it was them to comfort myself while I told my frustrations to this person and they validated every thing I was feeling until the pain faded away. In other words, you imagine someone meeting your emotional needs and learn how to self validate yourself. This can help you be happier and be healing. You don't want to tell women all your emotional traumas or problems, but its ok to do this privately in your head to connect with yourself and heal. In the video when she was going to walk away and the way you said "You're just going to let love slip away like this?" It shows desperation, frustration, and can scare a woman and put her on guard. There's many women, and if you approach her like she's the last woman on earth , she's going to see you have no options. Towards the end of the video, you started to relax and talk about things you are more passionate about and that's good. Overall, the approach was ballsy and I salute you for that. When you run up to a girl, try to slow down a little right when you're getting close to her and walk past and turn to her so she doesn't get the feeling that its an emergency. You want to give her the vibe that you are a safe, fun and an enjoyable person to be around. Dont tell her this unless its in a playful tone, become it and show it to her. Its like Owen Cook says " if you can masturbate, then you can change your state enough to get aroused and cum to pixels on a screen or an image in your head. So if you can do that, you also have the power to control your state so you are fun and charismatic and thinking about things that are fun to you. " This is easier after trauma release work, but can be something you work on now. Instead of approaching a woman from a place of extracting love from her, realize your internal state has been like a dry well that you could be filling up through things like the exercise I mentioned at the beginning and other trauma healing exercises. Focus on the good in your life, and goals that feel good to you. Take this as a long term game, 27 is not old. You're definitely going to be fine, but do the work. A woman will NOT complete you. Love yourself.
  4. Damn , some people just cant be helped lol
  5. I have had experiences like that, maybe 6 months dry spells.. where despite my efforts in game I didn't get past 2nd base.. a lot of close ones. To be relatable, I understand the feeling of like feeling Im never going to get laid again and blaming myself or women. Im almost 30 and experienced that many times, and it has eventually always happened again. Been seeing two new girls in the last month and a half .. but I've been putting in the work for the last year and a half. It seems like its getting easier and could happen even more often. Anyway, the thing that changed things most for me is working on my mindset and being okay whether or not it happens and reminding myself constantly that its okay and I'm valuable either way. 25 is not old. You underestimate how much you can change if you put in the work internally and externally. The process can be enjoyable, I've made a lot of guy friends through learning game too. Its okay to feel down, but see it for what it is , just a feeling and temporary perspective.
  6. @Schizophonia because it quickly makes a 10 feel like a 7 or 6
  7. Just remember that pretty girls fart, shit, get diarhea and vomit. It'll help centre your mind.
  8. I used to have a job good for listening to audiobooks. I got an Audible membership and listens to very many books. You could pick good titles from Leos book list about whatever you're struggling with.
  9. I think Owen would come around. He seems to try to forgive everyone. Especially someone high consciousness like Leo. That video was a long time ago and Owen would probably disagree with things he did in the past.
  10. If Leo could get on Joe Rogans podcast I think it would be epic. Leo has a lot of out there perspectives that would be interesting for his audience. It’s just getting their team onboard
  11. Hi, I met a girl outside a bar. We talked for a minute or two and then we made out. Exchanged numbers, and left separately soon after. I texted her the following week and she often took a long time to reply, or had unexpected work shift come in the way of our plans. She has 3 jobs. After 2 weeks, we finally did meet up in the morning 10am because that's the only time she had available. Its clear over text that she was super unsure about me; asking for my Instagram and other things to confirm that its safe. Even when we met up, she was still expressing some concern but she did relax a bit. Even invited me to join her the next day for a photoshoot she was doing because she didn't know the people she was capturing. Anyway, we had a picnic by the water and shared our interests and we like a lot of the same music. After eating, we went to my campervan and after some mild resistance, she wanted to hook up and we did. I drove her home, all good. Next day, I asked if she needed me at the photoshoot after her not saying anything all day and it was almost time to be there. She said she was fine and didn't need me there in a roundabout unclear way in which I replied with a thumbs up emoji. And she "loved" the text. A week later, I texted her "Hey, how've you been busy girl? " . 12 hours later she replied "hey! I've been working and enjoying the weather haha wbu?" at 11 on a friday night . The next day (Saturday) 1pm, I say "Aw nice, me too. You free next week to do something?" The next day (Sunday) I hear nothing. Monday, I get a read receipt but no reply or acknowledgement. Finally tuesday 1am, she replies with "i have a couple of hours tomorrow morning, Wednesday evening, or Thursday lunch" so basically 3 days later she replies. Meanwhile, in the meantime I'm going out with friends, doing work, did a few approaches, got one pretty Korean girls number who lives 40 minutes away in a city I visit most weeks. Even with that all, I was feeling hurt that she was ignoring me and even with her reply, I feel like not acknowledging her taking 3 days and just accepting the date seems wrong somehow. Its like, almost everything about her texting indicates shes not interested, and most people would say so but then she makes plans and hooks up. Now some dating advice would say "take 2-3 days to reply back like she did so you don't seem more invested in her than her into you" and others say, that "even though its hypocritical, it'll piss her off if you do it back and could lose her" Im just kind of tired of suffering waiting for her texts even if there's some romance and sex for a few hours at the end of it. (Im already doing things like the Sedona method, meditation, etc to process my feelings around being ignored) What do you think I should do next? I have already told her before that I had to cancel a plan because it was too short notice after her taking so long to reply. Thanks
  12. "No, try to become that mindset. Practice it at all times so it starts to become who you are. Women can also sense wanababe's. You probably don't have to work that hard, though, with a name like Fabio. lol. That's a player's name..hehe." @Princess Arabia Hah thanks.. Some friends say "make up a nickname" and Im like "I dont need to, they already don't believe its my real name and want to see my ID lol"
  13. A noble goal. Thanks. The irony is , if another girl wanted to hook up that same night, it would have felt like a chore hahahaha, But I'll try to get that mindset at the beginning of the night.
  14. lol ya I mean thats ideal. From a couple of minutes of watching his other video, it seems he's already known by a lot of people and lives this life style. Seen as high as status in his community and has a relaxed confidence, and truly has a ton of options. Ya, when your game is that good, dress good and you're making good money, and you actually care less whether the next girl works out, it becomes easy mode. For 95% of guys on this forum who aren't extroverted or experienced, this will be like a 5 year goal if they work hard. Its not something you execute smoothly without experience by just watching a video lol. Though it can happen by accident on a good night out here and there. One night I hooked up with a girl, and went back to the bar 10 minutes later and like 3 girls approached me. I wasn't that attracted, but it was unusual. I could swear they could smell the natural perfume the last girl left on me and how little I cared about getting them. One was like trying hard. Another made out. haha. Its weird. Not my average night out currently. I take this post more as a vision board of how you'd like to be approached by your dream pre-selected alpha lol.
  15. Try this one. Its kinda geared a bit more for sales, but its still relevant and carries over to other areas of life. Try the exercises at home with the video to get the most value out of it. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1005899459919129&ref=sharing I wrote in notes that there is some exercises around 1:22:00 . There is more parts of the video that he does other exercises. The point is not to talk like this all the time, its so you can if you want to.
  16. Its opening a can of worms.. I agree, getting good at pick up is a long, process with a lot of disappointments along the way, as well as a lot of fun and learning experiences. The main lesson lately I learned is to control your own state. To game yourself If you will. As far as this "Any guy who has developed this legendary skill should feel entitled to use it whenever and however guilt free. ." I can see this being a bit of a dangerous mindset. Its like creating a weapon over years, and because of the difficulty of acquiring it, you are now entitled to torture anybody in however way pleasures yourself. Of course, I'm kinda exaggerating the pain caused by dating but taken too far, its unnecessary suffering. For one, you need to ask yourself your moral character and what you would feel good about. Do you feel better about yourself having sex with a girl who only wants a relationship to marry and you lie to her? As well, if you are truly the amazing pick up artist who can attract many attractive women, are you going to really choose to resort to methods that you consider or even wonder are "immoral"? Or you going to choose situations that feed your soul as much as possible? Something to think about. Something I wonder myself of what's possible. Many women seem to choose low consciousness behavior, and you aren't going to change that. But if I can, id prefer to date in a way that makes me feel like I did the right thing,. And that might be a dirty hookup with a girl who wants the same thing and probably cares less if I commit to her. Or date a girl that wants a relationship and likes the activities that I like. That sounds even better. You might be different. Catch the drift?
  17. @Something Funny Ive been enjoying Owen cooks content (paid and on Youtube). Some people criticize his over the top loud personality, but I went to his free tour last week and I got to say, he surely stretches your comfort zone. Especially if you try to replicate him. Best to try to imitate his exercises in your house if your only watching his videos to learn better. I spoke in front of the room, and he kept yelling "louder!" even though I thought I was shouting already. This is because its a big room. But it's easy to get in a routine behavior and not even realize the diverse ways we can express ourselves. Also, Bioenergetics can help. Elliot sometimes talks about his religious beliefs more in recent years, but you can ignore the religious parts of it and look at the exercises at a face value perspective.
  18. Thanks everyone for the feedback. It means a lot! Last weekend I went to the Owen Cook free tour in Seattle and ended up on a one night BootCamp where he was out in the field with us, it was amazing, almost spiritual energy.. hard to explain. Anyway, Owen loaned us his wheelchair and I did my favorite approach of the night with it haha.
  19. I see after posting that someone else posted this already. But double confirmed
  20. Thats kinda true, if you only approached people who were pre selecting you then it would be higher. But in the real world for most people, on average that is roughly the numbers. And why its NOT useless, is because it sets your expectations low and so you can realize there's nothing wrong with you for having a low amount of outcomes per number of approaches. Sure, it could be luckily higher but its easier if you set the bar low.
  21. @NoSelfSelf I wouldnt say im pissed if I brought it up. Just that her taking 1-3 days to reply to text messages doesn't motivate me to date her in a calm tone. Even so, it could back lash.. but some advice Ive been hearing in the last few years is "tell her how it makes you feel without blaming her" . I never did that in the past, I always tried to hide things that bother me so as to not "fail her shit test". You guys are way more aware of how I feel about this then she does; I barely text her other than once a week to setup plans or to coordinate plans. Also, she replied today saying she "could meet tonight at 8:30" I said because of the forums advice "I’m pretty busy, unless you can meet in my city, let’s do another time" which she replied "another time sounds good too!" . And I left it at that. Obviously, she doesn't care about me and I shouldn't either. But shes interested enough to meet up, and likely hook up as long as I don't mess it up. Anyway, going forward I won't contact her again and let her contact me first, if not, we won't ever speak. As far as everyone saying Im needy, obviously I need to dive deep into my self. Id think the same thing if a guy wrote on a forum saying what I did. But Im also more aware of myself as a whole than people can perceive through messages, and know I pass on a lot of girls that arent to my standards and also endure a lot of rejections in cold approach which I laugh off and continue with my night. Her not replying also happened in a particularly stressful time where other things in my life are stressing me out as well as Ive been sleeping like shit, so this is probably a wake up call to get myself together. I don't think its that Im attached to her as much as Im not getting an emotional need met and Im fixating on her being the solution. This is something that has been an off and on problem my whole life and I need to learn how to weed it out, and I've done quite a bit of inner work already but this could take decades; I started inner work in 2013. Anyway, thanks to everybody support and hope ya'll got some entertainment from my mistakes lol.
  22. @Schizophonia Im aware women do that... I was sure she was uninterested for a while ; but then she makes plans and hooks up. Thus part of the reason of this post, it seems unusual
  23. she'd have to bus to come over to my place. And damn demanding dinner lol I might just tell her Im busy this week. I mean, it was a bit of a quickie, she had work in like half hour so ya not the best it could've been
  24. I like that meth addicted squirrel analogy. I think she was attracted in person, she was super wet before we hooked up on our first date.. but ya, she has like a couple thousand followers on IG, and I have like 300 something.. Im decent looking, artistic/musician type, but financially at the moment I am far from where I want to be , but working on it. The question is, you don't think I should mention that I feel less like going on dates when she takes 3 days to reply? I've been trying to invest less mentally in to her but I'm kind of attached of a fantasy that I want a woman to fill. But when Im ignored, it triggers pain. If I go on a date with her and don't mention her taking long to reply, then Ill be suppressing my feelings, but sounds like its necessary. Wouldn't be the first time I suppress it. Ive been trying to keep my mind occupied, but after 24 hours ignored, it is in the back of my mind a lot. Not sure how to make it stop but I'll take all the advice in this thread into consideration. Yes, talking to other women does take my mind off of it temporarily but I need to make a decision whether to take her out tonight or tomorrow, and may say Im busy this week. Thanks guys