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Everything posted by Lila9
😂 That's totally unfair.
There was the Oslo Agreement in which Israel provides water for the West Bank and Gaza. If they deliberately break the agreement, as they did on October 7, Israel would pause the water supply. If Gaza really suffers from a water shortage, despite the money poured into Gaza and the billions for leaders like Mashal, Haniya, and Abbas, they could buy water from Israel, as Jordan has been doing for years, instead of investing in weapons and real estate in Qatar and Turkey. Apparently, weapons are considered more important than water in their priorities. Gaza (Hamas and their supporters, those who were happy about dead Israelis) wants to harm innocent Israelis while expecting free water from them. They can't have both. Sorry, life doesn't work that way. It's not that I don't care about Palestinians lacking water, it's just that your information seems narrow and biased, not fully loyal to reality and lack in many important details.
I don't deny that Israel (as a state, government, army, and culture) has dark sides. The criticism is valid, and there is room to address it. However, the discussion here often becomes disproportionate, demonizing Israel while overlooking the flaws and mistakes of the other side in the conflict and their responsibility in this conflict. It's not obvious to everyone here that Hamas is a terror organization, apparently. Some users deny the severity of the massacre, ridicule it, compare Hamas to the IDF, dispute Hamas being a terror organization, reject the responsibility of Hamas and other terrorist groups for the poor and radicalized conditions of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, justify the massacre, and spread misinformation about it.
There are people here who seem to simp for Hamas or, at the very least, not address Hamas' faults and legitimately criticize it.
No doubt that Niv is an intelligent guy who sees things both from a stage Yellow and the Israeli perspective and I glad that you value his opinion, it's a positive sign that there is a movement towards more high quality discussions. I understand that I might come as too self-biased, but I want to empathize that I don't completely deny mistreatment of Israelies, which are often radical settlers, towards Palestinians, I'm very aware to that and believe me or not, it always was in the realm of my concerns. There is a place for criticism and improvement. However, when you share data that is either too biased and ignore the complete picture, or simply share data that is incorrect, I wouldn't accept it and would point to you the other perspective to make you see the whole picture. By your posts, you are very biased towards Palestinians and validly concerned with the mistreatment of Israelies towards Palestinians but you deliberately choose to ignore, the actions Palestinians do which led to this response from Israel and insist of seeing Israel as someone who hurt Palestinians without any reason or for arbitrary reasons, which is not the case. If you really interested in the complete picture and not only information that suits your bias, you need to understand how Palestinians are raised, how they are groomed since a very young age by terrorist organizations with violent and antisemitic doctrine and be critical of it as well. You need to understand that Israeli people live in fear from terror attacks coming from the Palestinian territories, that they have killed Israeli people by committing surprising terror attacks, especially in occasions when we are the most vulnarble like holidays and internal conflicts within ourselves. It seems that you don't have compassion towards the Israeli perspective and you are fully dismissive of it.
This. It seems that there is more talk about going meta and finger-pointing than actually making attempts to do so.
This post summes the situation of Israel so well. It's a frustrating situation. This is so true, they are masters at marketing.
There is a significant bias here in favor of Palestine, with extensive demonization of Israel and misinformation. Why are you blind to that? Of course, if I see someone consuming and sharing incorrect data, I will correct them and explain the other perspective. Don't expect me to support incorrect and misinformed posts just to appear more unbiased for you.
It tells a lot.
For Israel's defense, because Israel is American proxy in the Middle East, an ally, a strategical tool for US. Relax, I'm not your enemy, I speak what I know. Take it or leave it.
This satire is spot on 😳
Criticism of 'Save the Children’s Misleading Report on Detention of Palestinians' https://www.ngo-monitor.org/reports/save-the-childrens-misleading-report-on-detention-of-palestinians/
The thing is that these organizations' data can't be trusted. Especially Save the Children, there is a lot of critisicm about the credibility of their data and about their true intentions in protecting and advocating for children. They claim to be not biased by they are biased as hell. This organization has been researched by NGO monitor which reaserch non-profit organizations such as STC. https://www.ngo-monitor.org/ngos/save_the_children_fund/ Some of their conclusions:
If there was an approved data that isn't made up by some biased organizations and social media accounts it was another story but here it's not the case. Just a talk with no ground in reality. Yes and it's crazy that some people buy so easily into this stage red manipulation. Especially westerns. They are probably the types who get easily scammed by criminals.
Israel has the right to defend itself. It's if Israel limits the access, there is a reason for that, it doesn't come out of no where. Please stop pretending that the people there are innocent victims who never had bad intentions and all they want is to have peace with Israel, it's not correct. Bruh, Israel was occupied by the Arabic empire a while ago, who is the occupier? I doubt that it was happened. No, it's because there are much worse problems in the world and that people understand that most of these claims about mistreatment of Palestinians are incorrect and made up.
You should look at the Palestinian government, who governs then? They are governed by terrorists. These people receive so much money frim all over the world, why don't they use it to improve the lives of the Palestinians? They radicalize their own people, first and foremost.
I don't agree that this definition of ethnical cleansing applies either, or at least, I would say that it's too early to use this term. I don't think that you can call evacuation of people to save their lives as ethnical cleansing. Would you prefer them to be bombed and killed instead? And we haven't know yet how this evacuation would end, chances they will return to this territory, not immediately thought, but it's very likely. It seems that people seek to use these big words, and when they actually use this, they do that in a disproportionate manner. The thing is that there are attempts to bring hostages back through military operation. A very few of them were successful, others not. It's not easy and it puts the hostages lives at risk. Some people who returned back from the captivity said that they hoped the military wouldn't try to save them through military operation because they constantly were near Hamas terrorists who threatened to kill them if they suspected the military is too close. Yes I agree that Israel has some responsibility in Hamas radicalization, there are some chain events which helped to Hamas become more radical, but this is not necessarily negative chain events like puting more pressure on Palestinians or worsening their conditions, like many people in your position probably assume. In fact it was the quite opposite, the letinant approach of Israel, the indifference to the terror, the naivity at the beginning of Hamas when it only formed itself, are the mistakes and the chain events which led to this radicalization. Many stupid and naive mistakes of the Israeli government, the pride and the underestimation of the capabilities and intentions of their enemy. This is a classic mistake, the underestimation of the enemy. Israel has responsibility, chain events Israel was part of but not the chain events that you might think it was, as I explained above. In a war there are no winners, only losers, and we are all losers, both the Israelies and the Palestinians, of this conflict. We are the victims of our Karma, our mistakes, our bad choices, beliefs and same are the Palestinians, they are the victims of their Karma, their mistakes, their bad choices and beliefs. This is only up to us to resolve our Karma, same as this is only up to them to resolve their Karma.
Thank you 🌹
This population always was radicalized. You think that you can apply here logic without taking into account toxic ideology which is an emotional attachment to certain beliefs. Antisemitic and anti Israel beliefs which was much before Israel's establishment. This is far from being a genocide, to scream that this is a genocide in every opportunity is highly biased and irrational. This is a well planned military operation given the Israel's development limitations, a war between two parties which Israel didn't start. Just because you judge black and white thinking doesn't mean you are immune to that.
The thing is that there were attacks on Jews during these years prior to Israel's establishment, therefore it wouldn't be correct to say that they were welcomed by Arabs with open arms, because they didn't. And it's not like there were Arabs once attacking Jews and it's ended after Israel's established and the occupation of the WB, these attacks have never ended, they have gotten worse during the years and Israel responded to these attacks. You criticize the mistreatment of Israel of the Palestinians which is valid, but what you are missing is that the Palestinians in the WB are not innocent. It was another thing if they were innocent, and if it was the case, and they were like the Jews in the gettos in the holocaust, I would have been the first to advocate for them. But in reality they live just fine, they have quality of life, they are not starving, they have cool businesses there, many of them are working in Israel. Yet, many of them still constantly try to kill and terrorize Israelies, and they come with creative ideas each time which require the soliders to be more paranoid and alert each time. They exploit good or fair treatment to commit terror. There were so many times where Palestinian women went to the checkpoints with a belly that appears pregnant and requested to pass into Israel in order to get treatment and later it has been found that she is not pregnant but carry an exploitive device or knife with the purpose to stab as many people as she could. That's why checkpoints are the way they are, everyday some Palestinians are trying to pass to Israel with ill intentions of killing. Not to mention how many times Palestinians killed settlers or just random Israeli people who mistakenly got to the WB because of disruptions in GPS, they are usually welcomed with a mass of people throwing rocks on their cars and they are lucky if they ending up alive. When we are talking about rocks we are not talking about little stones but about heavy rocks, this area in particular is full of these and they are a dangerous weapon like any other weapon. And all the times Palestinians managed to enter to the Israeli territory and committed terror attacks and suicidal attacks, against random Israeli people. So the picture is much more nuanced than Israelies not treating well Palestinians because they are being 'evil occupiers' and rasicts, or the claim that Palestinians are like the Jews in gettos in the Holocaust. Which is a complete distortion of the reality. If I or any random Israeli person want to go to the WB, there is no promise that we will end up alive or not injured, while if a Palestinian enters to the Israeli territory, which happens everyday because there are many workers from Palestine, it's more likely that they will return back to their homes in the Palestinian territories safely and alive.
I understand that you have bias of avoiding aggression and violence. I don't think that I'm pro it either. This is normal. The last thing that I want is to be in a situation of a war. What I'm trying to say is that we have entered to this war because of this severe expression of violence and aggression towards us and if many in Israel previously believed that this conflict can be resolved peacefully and comfortably, this time there is collective realization or awakening that we don't have an ally for a peaceful and comfortable resolutions, we are dealing with psychopaths who can't tolerate our mere existence that would have eliminate us if they only could, with great pride. It's not that simple, if you deal with stage red mentality you have to show power, you can't be an hippie seeking comfort. It has been tried many times, didn't work. Made things worse. You assume that we should avoid being agressive in all costs to solve agression. But there are situations when agression is necessary, especially if it prevents even bigger aggression and violence.
@BlueOak I don't need you to condemn Hamas just to make me feel good if you don't genuinely feel that way. It doesn't matter, it won't change anything. You are entitled to your opinions. Say what you want to say, and I will express my perspective. You shared your thoughts on what Israel should have done, and I responded from my point of view. You can agree or disagree. I understand that you value your perspective more because you identify as stage yellow, capable of considering various perspectives. You might be right, wrong, or a mix of both. Whatever. I want to emphasize again that what you see from a distance may not necessarily reflect what is happening here, for better or worse. Be open to the possibility that your distance can be both a disadvantage and an advantage.