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Everything posted by Lila9

  1. I share the same vision with you, of unity and disappearance of identities. I wish it wasn't an issue in our world. However, from merely observing the middle east, Israel which is associated with Jewish people is more democratic and liberal than countries associated with Islam, so I would say that Jews overall are pushing towards that direction more than Muslims in the middle east. It's only recently that Israeli's government became that extreme, it wasn't that before and I believe that the majority of Israeli people don't support this government. Israel as a modern country is new. However, it's a continuity of ancient Jews tribes who lived on this land for a thousands of years.
  2. It didn't took them 12 hours to come, it might have taken 12 hours to fight and catch the terrorists in the entire Israeli area close to Gaza but the forces came much earlier than that. Yes they were surprised and shocked and of course unprepared and unaware of the how great the event is. Hamas are really bad savages and they exist and get stronger as long as Israel keeps being letinant with them. Yes, both want 100% of Israel and both are two stubborn egos. However, I would say that it's safer for Muslim Arabs to live under Israel government rather than for Jews to live under an Islamic government. There is no simple solution to that. It's different because Muslim Arabs have bunch of countries. While Jews has only one which is a place that is genetically and culturally connected to them. Yes, Jews could immerse into other people but they didn't, why they have to? Does anyone expect Arab, French or German people to do that? Then why Jews have to do that? They have the right to have their culture and live peacefully. Jews historically lived in their closed communities and didn't touched anyone. History proves that Jews are one of the most scapegoated nation of humanity. As a relatively conscious person I'm aware that it's not ok at all and I wouldn't support that. It's very cool to hate Jews, but no one asks why or provide a good explanation for that. Only excuses such:"Jews think that they are the chosen by God and it's so annoying". So what? Is that justifying holocaust or any terror against them? Is that justifying them not having their safe place, safe country while other cultures have bunch of land and freedom to live according their views?
  3. No it's not. These innocent people just wanted to live, didn't bother anyone. Young people was peacefully partying, how the fuck they are a threat to Palestine? These "native" Palestinians sold their lands to Zionists, and also were encouraged by some of their Arab leaders to do that, telling them that they will throw Jews to the sea afterwards to get their territory back. It seems for me like Arabs did business with Zionists and now when they see that they cannot undo the transaction, they claim that it was stolen. It's not the same. This cutting is a sanction as a result of the Hamas crime against Israel, until then, they were supplied with water and electricity. What is really Nazi is to kill innocent people the way Hamas did, merely because they are Israeli or Jewish. Canaanites are the ancestors of most Jews and Arabs in Israel: However, Judaism in Israel is much more ancient than Arabic Islam in Israel. Ancient Hebrew language was one of the most common languages of the Canaanites with other languages similar to ancient Hebrew. I'm not Jewish but you might be a Muslim. I suppose you hate Jews because you were raised so? You may want to think with yourself if your hatred distorts your perception of truth?
  4. @jimwell The people who lived before Jews haven't claimed this territory yet, maybe because they have already immersed into Jews population and doesn't exist as a culture anymore. The conflict now is between Jews and Muslim Arabs and if there is one who's more historically entitled to this land, in my opinion and common sense, those are Jews. There is nothing immature in wanting a land if you are a culture without a land. This is the most reasonable thing to do if you are a culture with no land, especially if your culture is pursued by lots of enemies. I respect Gabor Mate but he sees this from a stage green naive perspective, and as a Jew who lives a safe life not in Israel and not under constant attack from terrorists like Hamas. It doesn't mean that the destruction of Palestinians is good or ok, it's sad and painful, but I believe that Israel has in general more mercy and good intentions towards innocent Palestinians than vice versa. Israel's army literally told Palestinians to be evacuated so they will be able to destroy the terrorists without destroying innocent civilians, this is pretty noble in my opinion. Hamas, on the other hand believes in killing innocent Israeli and Jews as much as possible. History proves that the more letinant Israel with Hamas is, the worse. Israel's big mistake is to be to naive, believing that it's possible to make peace with antisemitic radical Muslims.
  5. Israeli army was unprepared and too carefree, they didn't imagine that this could ever happened. I heard that most of the military forces were in the west bank because there were attacks from there. I know that Hamas was training and planning this for a year, the Israel army knew about that but didn't connected the dots, they thought that it would be something minor like it always was. They under estimated Hamas. The Israeli right wing government is also responsible to this oversight, I think someone in the government have already admitted that. I know that the army received information at 3:00 am Saturday about something that may happen from Gaza in the morning, the senior officers of the army discussed it on the phone and decided to further discuss it on 8:00 am. They didn't expect that it will happen in 3 hours, at 6:00 am. Why Israel occupies the territory? I'm not the one to ask, but I assume that it wants to survive and thrive like any other country, and if it wasn't occupy Palestine, it wouldn't survive because Palestine isn't interested in co existence but in total occupation either at the expense of Jews lives. Both sides want 100% of Israel/Palestine territory. It's a question of what side is entitled to the land more. I recognize that Palestinians lived in Israel in the past hundreds of years but I do believe that Israel is more entitled to this land because Jews lived there prior to Muslim Arabs and for longer. People forget that someone occupied Jews and took their homes in Israel/Palestine before Zionists did this to the Palestinians. From Israeli perspective, they returned to the land that someone have stolen from them a thousands years ago.
  6. Everything is justified to "free palestine" even performing such violence towards innocent Israeli Jewish people, doing second holocaust to them. That certainly will free Palestine. Don't you know? All the Jewish and Israeli people deserve to die by torture, because Palestine should be free. It's a legitimate way to defend Palestine. Killing babies, burning people alive and raping women. There are no limits to what we are entitled to do against Jewish people because our goal to free Palestine justify everything. Everything. So what if Hamas causes Palestine great suffer, more than Israel can ever cause, it's much more convenient to hate Israel and Jews. It always was. Who cares about Israeli people and their life? Their lives are cheap. More important is to free palestine which means to erase all the Israeli and Jews from Israel aka Palestine. Don't they have other place to go? Fuck them, who cares, we need more Arab and Muslim countries in the world, there are not enough Muslim and Arab countries in this world.
  7. This is so convenient to hate Jews. This is a long hatred since Muhammad's days. If Palestine was "occupied" by Muslim Arabs from Lebanon, Jordan or Egypt they would never called this "occupation" and there were no need to "free Palestine". My condolences to Israel and Jewish people that they have to deal with this shit, being one against all these Muslim countries that hate them so irrationally and consistently for merely existing.
  8. This is what you are actually doing right now: believing everything that the media says. And it's funny that you base your beliefs on an AI detector generated by a pro-Palestinian biased account. This website, claiming that the burned baby picture is AI-generated, seems more fake than the burned baby picture, which unfortunately appears to be real—too real. It seems that they are trying to cover and deny Hamas' cruelty because it portrays them as savages, and they don't want to look like savages in front of Westerners, as the savages that they truly are. They want to appear as victims so that naive Westerners will support them. This is not the only picture of a burned baby, unfortunately, there are many of them, and not only babies. You don't even understand the level of cruelty that Hamas is capable of. You think that they are innocent fighters for freedom, and you believe that your support of Palestinians and Hamas means something to them. However, as long as you are a Western woman, a non-Muslim woman without radical Islamic beliefs, you better stay as far away from them as possible. They don't care about your peaceful ideas, you are a sinner to them who deserves death and torture. They are Islamic radicals who would harm anyone who doesn't share their beliefs. They don't care about life, freedom, humanity, or rights, they care about their ideology and living a radical Muslim lifestyle while having control over Al-Aqsa, even if it means killing innocent Jews and sacrificing innocent Palestinians along the way. What would you have done if these kinds of radicals were attacking you and your family? Would you still support them and see them as victims? You keep being naive because you cannot imagine living near such bloodthirsty savages. Nothing can justify their cruel actions, no matter how much land Israel occupies. What Hamas did to innocent Israeli people is a new level of devilry, especially after Israel made numerous attempts to achieve peace with Palestinians and Hamas. Israel is the civilized country that made efforts to pursue peace, but unfortunately, those attempts were consistently rejected by Palestine and Hamas. If they were genuinely interested in peace, there could have been a resolution, and this conflict might not have persisted.
  9. This guy says what millions of Palestinians are afraid to say. Hamas causes more damage to Palestinians than Israel ever could. Hamas sacrifices Palestinians and sees this as a legitimate thing to do in the name of Allah and their radical Islamic beliefs.
  10. Israel is not fighting against Palestinians and innocent civilians, it's fighting against the terrorists who lead these innocent people, namely Hamas. These terrorists receive a significant amount of money to improve the lives of the Palestinians, but they use it for weapons, targeting innocent Israeli/Jewish people. Hamas deliberately locates themselves and their weapons in civilian homes, schools, and hospitals in Gaza so if Israel attacking Hamas, it will harm innocent people on the way. They don't care about Palestinians. Instead, they cynically exploit their deaths to receive support and mercy from the West, and it really works. Israel ensures it informs citizens before attacking the Hamas basements in the citizens' buildings, providing them with time to escape and save their lives. Israel is not perfect, but it does what it can to avoid harming innocent people. Unlike Hamas, which brutally kills innocent Israelis, committing acts such as violent assaults on Israeli women, beheading babies, burning people alive, shooting unarmed individuals without any means to defend themselves, and cutting the belly of a pregnant Israeli woman. These are just a few examples of their brutality. Some argue that they are more brutal than ISIS. I have never heard of the Israeli people or army committing such cruel acts against Palestinians. Nothing can justify what Hamas has done to Israeli people. Israel does not want to kill or harm Palestinians, it simply aims to defend itself. Hamas does want to harm Israeli innocent people, and it does it deliberately and believes that there is value and heroism in doing that, in killing innocent Israeli population. From Hamas's POV, it's very lucrative to be a terrorist, especially against Israel. If you are a terrorist and you're caught alive by Israelis, you will be imprisoned, but you will live like a king in the prison, literally like a king because they receive such good conditions. You even have the opportunity to get an education. If you are a terrorist and you die, by Islamic belief, you will enjoy intimacy with 72 virgins and will be defined as a "Shaheed", you will be remembered as a hero, and your family will receive lots of respect. Now Israel has informed the residents of North Gaza to evacuate to the south of Gaza because Hamas has their basements in the north. Israel wants to destroy the leadership of Hamas because it's fed up with its brutality. This demonstrates that Israel's primary objective is to target terrorists, not innocent Palestinians. On the other hand, Hamas told the residents of North Gaza to stay because Hamas wants them to die as a result of Israel attacking North Gaza, as their deaths serve Hamas by bringing more support to Palestine, which means more money for Hamas to carry out their actions. The enemy of Palestinians is not Israel but Hamas and radical Islam, first and foremost. I've watched a video about Palestinians cursing Hamas for what they have done to them. The interest should be to eliminate terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah and not modern and integrated countries like Israel. Israel is the most democratic, conscious, developed, and sane country in the Middle East. It has such integrity that it hospitalizes terrorists who killed Israeli people in excellent hospitals in Israel, which is insane. I don't know about other countries that do the same to people who are trying to destroy it. The reality in Israel is even scarier than the reality in Gaza because, as an Israeli, you don't know when the next attack from Hamas is coming. You can be at the beach, at home sleeping, at a party with friends, and a terrorist can try to kill you by surprise at any moment, or by a rocket randomly and unexpectedly launched at your home. Your life and the lives of your loved ones are too fragile. No matter what you do or where you go, you always have to carry in your mind the chance that you and your family/friends will get hurt or die in a terror attack, at the hands of someone who deliberately wants to kill you and will take great pride in it. You have to be super alert. If you are a Palestinian in Gaza, at least you get the chance to be informed that in an hour, your home will be bombed because there is a Hamas basement on the roof of the building you are living in, so you have the opportunity to escape and save your life. The Israeli people don't have this privilege. Yes, some radicals in Israel wants to occupy more land, but it doesn't justify brutally killing them by Hamas. Most of Israeli citizens don't want to occupy more land. Even if they wanted, that's fair in my opinion. Jewish people have only one country while Muslims have more than 50 countries. More than 50 countries. But ironically, Muslims are so conflicted between eachother. No Muslim country wants Palestinians in their territory.
  11. This is so cruel. Look at what Hamas did in Israel. They deliberately slaughtered the heads of babies. Raped women. Killed old people. Burned people alive. They have performed devilry equal to medieval times. They did this with intention and great laughter and happiness. They would have continued if they hadn't been stopped by the Israeli army. They are fueled by pure hatred towards Israel and the Jewish people. They are terrorists, and nothing can justify what they have done. Nothing. This is pure cruelty. Hamas is a corrupted organization that doesn't care about Palestine or Palestinians. They are religious fanatics. Gaza receives so much money from the world to improve the lives of Palestinian people, but Hamas uses it to create more weapons to kill people, and they use their people as shields. If not for Hamas, maybe Israel and Palestine could find some resolution. Maybe. Maybe innocent people wouldn't have been killed. It's amazing that Palestinian terrorists (who killed Israeli people, families, children) receive such good treatment in Israel, including medical care in the best hospitals and good prison conditions, yet the world still complains about Israel's integrity. Israel is the only and the most integrated country in the Middle East. Instead of supporting it, they support Palestinian terrorists and Islamic radical fundamentalists who have convinced them that they are the biggest victims.
  12. There are approximately 50 Muslim-majority countries in the world. There is only one Jewish-majority country in the world. Why are Hamas and Palestinians so obsessed with this small piece of land? Probably for religious reasons, there are sacred places to Islam in Israel, like the Al Aqsa Mosque. I think this situation between Israel and Palestine is complex and messed up, with both sides sharing responsibility. However, I do believe that Israel has more historical legitimacy for this land than the Palestinians. No one can negate this legitimacy. Historically, Jews have faced persecution. Muslims, on the other hand, have a different approach, they may be intolerant of those who disagree with their religion. Islam has a history of conflicts and wars, with Muhammad himself believing in fighting against those who threatened Islam, even to the death. Gaza is influenced by individuals with extreme Islamic ideologies since birth, harboring intense hatred for Jewish people. They believe that all Jews should be killed, akin to Nazi ideology but with less power. If they had more power, they might perpetrate a more terrible Holocaust against Jewish people than the actual Nazis did. With such enemies, I don't envy the Jewish people at all. Israel is dealing with a dangerous and underdeveloped population, still carrying the collective trauma of the Holocaust and the wounds of anti-Semitism. This is why I don't expect Israel to act nobly towards Palestine if its survival is at stake. Yet, Israel do it's best to be noble as much as it can, given the circumstances. If it were the US, France, Britain, or any other country, chances are they would have much less tolerance towards Gaza and Palestine in general. Israel is not perfect, and there are underdeveloped radical right-wing individuals too. However, I can relate more to their point of view than to the radical Islam that fuels terrorists in Gaza. Israel also exhibits more tolerance toward Arabs and Muslims than Muslims and Arabs have shown for Jewish people. Most people in Israel are willing to live with Arabs and Muslims in the same country as long as they are not a threat. However, I doubt that Muslims and Arabs have the same level of tolerance towards Jewish people. I think that it's naive to negotiate peace with people who wants to remove you of the planet. Maybe in 100 years this would be possible, maybe then, when Gaza/Palestine would be controlled by more development and civilized leadership. This is why I find Western thinking and and Westerns who support Palestine and demonize Israel, so odd. This is where the stage green thinking is more harmful and misleading than effective or practical. Because it can be too simplistic, black and white and lack in nuance. Like with Sweden and their immigrants from Muslim countries. You can't be too nice with someone in too low developmental stage. With such people, you have to keep some bounderies and work hard for your right to exist.
  13. According to this study, women prefer specifically benevolent sexism for the reason that it implies about traits in men like investment, giving, protecting, unlike the non-benevolent sexism. Women' need for men investment is strong because men investment is crucial for the survival of the women and the children. This is why most women, feminist and non feminist are more attracted to gentleman behaviors that linked to benevolent sexism like paying in dates and helping to carry heavy things over men who don't pay in dates, don't help with heavy things and don't have gentleman attitude towards women. Our attraction for behaviors that implies about protecting, giving, loving and caring personality in men is so strong that we would prefer it even if it comes from a sexist intention. In fact, it's not always clear for us when the men who treat us kindly do that because they are kind and want the best for us or because they are sexist and do that because they see us as inferior. Additionally, many men who define themselves as "woke" don't pay in dates or engage in gentleman behaviors not because they really believe in feminism or anti sexism, but because they are non benevolent sexists who use wokeness as excuse to mistreat women, not help women in need or in danger, not paying on dates, they actually keep being sexist without the benevolent sexist behaviors. They interpret equality between the genders as "every man for himself" attitude and say things like "you wanted equally? Here is equality for you, do it yourself" which implies about men who are not loving, giving and not ready to invest and this is obviously isn't attractive for women. Also, some men are genuinely woke but avoid gentleman behaviors because they are sensitive to women and feminism so much that they fear to offend women so they become too nervous to take any action which makes them more passive and is obviously not attractive for women. I also want to point that some men are pretty aware of women' need for investment and protection but they don't have these traits or intentions. What they do is that they manipulate women into believing that they have these traits and that they are serious while they are not, in order to get their needs met. They called players. Players don't attract women because they are players but because they convincingly manipulate women into believing that they are serious. Most of them are narcissists and psychopaths with shallow chrisma. When such type with shallow chrisma says to a woman beautiful words like, she is the one, that she is the prettiest, that he loves her, that he will do everything for her, that they will have 5 children together this can be highly convincing because most men don't say these things to women so confidently and passionately like players do. And maybe that's why it's so easy for them to show such a level of vulnerability and confidence in these statements, because they don't really mean them, unlike many other men who may be very serious and mean to that but they can't express this in the same confident way.
  14. Unfortunately it isn't written in this small and lame red pill pamphlet, you gotta investigate further.
  15. @Roy No. This place is very masculine and has a huge feminine shadow. You are mode and your posts are clearly anti women/femininity/feminism. And unfortunately you are not the only one. You have a huge problem of understanding how women operate which is not like men, and I won't get into the reasons for that, it can be biological or cultural, it doesn't matter. You expect women here to close their eyes to the women hatred, the constant judgement and misunderstanding, in your distorted and selfish view, only when we fawn to your hatred and disrespect towards us, we would be considered "good" and worthy, you expect us to act like nothing happens, as if non of you are a misogynist. Instead of taking responsibility and deeply contemplating about the reason that this place makes women run, you choose to blame women like a 5 years old boy. You intentions are not pure, you are driven by hatred and lot of unaddressed pain. If you talk about 50% of the population with such arrogance and contempt don't be surprised if it backfires at you. I will be here in the shadows to remind you that. Don't worry. Don't think that you can get rid of me by calling me bitter or angry lol.
  16. Lol you have no idea about female psychology and feminism. You are talking from ignorance.
  17. The polarity theory isn't accurate. It's actually a myth that the best relationships occur between people who are the complete opposite of each other. In reality, people tend to be attracted and have more successful relationships with similar people, with similar belief system and temperament and within this frame the natural femininity-masculinity balance takes a place but it may vary and change depends on the life situation.
  18. I think that they don't even experience this as a personal attack, they seem like they genuinely don't understand what's the big deal with their smoking, or maybe they pretend that they don't understand. I really don't know anymore. Imagine if most of humanity would act like this. wait.
  19. Unfortunately I understand your experience. I live in a shitty apartment in a shady area because this is what I can afford rn. And there are so many people smoking on their windows, sometimes in the same time and in the same hours, their smoke comes to my windows (especially mornings), and I can't even open windows at mornings which is frustrating. And I can't do nothing about it because many people don't understand that passive smoking is as dangerous as smoking. During my life I've tried to address it (since I gained brain and stopped smoking myself) to people but received stares implying that I'm the idiot who's overreacting. On one hand they can do whatever they want in their apartments and on the other hand what if whatever they want to do hurt others, and to be more precise, slowly killing their surroundings but they are too ignorant to even acknowledge it? What if someone actively killing people in their apartment? I'm sure that in that case no one would say "they can do whatever they want in their apartment".
  20. I apologize if this has already been shared here. I would like to share information about a 3 hour event of testimonies led by Dr. Steven Greer, a ufologist and retired physician who founded the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and the Disclosure Project, which aims to disclose alleged classified UFO information (Wikipedia). According to these testimonies, the existence of aliens is considered factual, and there is no doubt about it. Moreover, the question of whether aliens are dangerous or not is not a concern. The testimonies suggest that despite using highly advanced technology, such as folding space-time for travel (manipulate the laws of physics), these aliens are likely non-threatening. The reason to worry and the problem arises with certain human secret operations that have the authority and the governmental sponsorship to collect crashed extraterrestrial vehicles, (including the bodies of extraterrestrial beings inside these vehicles). These operations not only gather advanced vehicles but also replicate their advanced technologies. The issue is that they operate without supervision, without public knowledge, and even the government might not be fully aware of their actions. This poses a significant risk, as these technologies could potentially be misused against both humans and the aliens themselves, as it has reportedly happened in the past. I have not finished watching all of the testimonies yet, but I felt compelled to share this valuable information here. If you don't believe in the existence of aliens, you are not obligated to trust these testimonies, but I encourage you to approach them with an open mind and listen to them.
  21. It seems that she had some eating disorder in addition to her raw vegan diet. Eating disorders are the illness of the phsyche. It could have been any diet, it doesn't matter, once there is an eating disorder like that, the results are very likely to be the same. I suspect she suffered from anorexia which unfortunately it's not a rare disease and is pretty difficult to heal from. It's common for people who suffer from eating disorders to prone to the vegan diets or the raw vegan diets as a way to keep their weight under control. But it doesn't necessarily mean that vegan diet is unhealthy or dangerous. I don't know much about the raw vegan diet but I suspect that this is not as healthy as the regular vegan diet.
  22. If you are green in your values it would be difficult to live as green in a blue country. It's difficult for green to live in an orange country so blue is a real nightmare. Even if you find a community of green people in a blue country, the laws of a blue county would make it harder for you to thrive, you would be hardly judged and demonized, you wouldn't be free to be who you are, to dress how you would like, to behave how you would like, to speak the way you would like without someone's trying to limit you or shame you, or even kill you in the worst case scenario. The best place for green people is among orange-green, green, yellow and turquoise, this is a better environment to actually thrive for green and not only survive.
  23. For me as a minimalist, feminist and vegan I would prefer to live life with an average income in a green county rather than being rich in a blue county that is more patriarchal and conservative. Having lots of money doesn't bring me happiness if I live not according to my values.