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Everything posted by Lila9

  1. This is what you think about me? So rude. This can be said on the survivors of Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel. Children who grew up seeing Arabs killing their people in the most horrific ways will be the future soldiers who will do everything to eliminate them.
  2. No. I didn't ask that, nor I expect that. But you as a true loving person who embodies radical love should love all the biased humans despite of that, rather than judging us for not being radically loving. Otherwise, you are not really posses radical love and you are a biased human like most of us. And it's fine. Welcome to the club.
  3. I don't embody radical love. Like most humans. And this forum very far from being enlightened. Yes it's open-minded place but not enlightened or radically loving.
  4. It seems that Israelies are fond of Palestinians more than Hamas fond of them or other Arab countries fond of them.
  5. What about all the Jews who were explled at this time from the Arabic Muslim countries? Jews people also lived in these Muslim countries for centuries after they were explled from Israel. Would it be weird if Jews would come back the Muslim countries like Yemen they were explled from and commit suicidal terror attacks against innocent civilians? The land was called Palestine by the Roman empire, but it's just a name to the land, there wasn't an Arab Muslim country there, it belonged to the British Mandate. Everyone who was born in this land before 1948 was called Palestinian, no matter if it was a Muslim, Jew or Christian.
  6. I'm not Israeli, not Jewish. From my understanding it's only lately the government became more inclined to the radical right and I don't support this. However, Israel is still the most democratic nation in the middle east and that would be sad to lose it for another Islamic dictatorship where women are killed for ridiculous reasons and animals don't have rights. I've seen a documentary a few years ago about how many dogs, sheep, cows, horses and various injured animals Israeli animal rights organizations save from the West bank. These people have no respect to animals. There was stories like raping, burning, cutting animals and causing them serious damage, and this is normal in this kind of mentality when animals equal to 0.
  7. It's not a stolen land as Zionists bought terertories from Arabs (even though it wasn't allowed). They believed in claiming the land peacefully. These people have already experienced an horrific genocide in Europe, they came to this land traumatized but hopeful, not will ill intentions. Arabs didn't like that they are coming, legitimately, and attacked them for that and of course these Zionists defended themselves. Don't forget there were already Jews from the Jesus days on this land, especially in Jerusalem, are the Jews who came from Europe also stole the land from the Jews who were already there? This land belonged to the British Mandate at that time and they decided to divide it to Israel and Palestine, how it counts as stealing I don't understand? This narrative that there was a Palestinian country that was occupied violently by Jews is not correct.
  8. Even on the relative level, there are so many reasons entangled with eachother in such a complex way that if you focus only on one of the reasons in a particular time frame, it would be a small portion of the truth.
  9. The issue is that it's even not the root cause. Just humans being humans. And it's not necessarily absolutely good or bad. it's good to someone, bad to someone else.
  10. Because I'm a biased human and I honor the level of where I am at right now. I'm not in place to pretend that I share love with radical Islamic terrorists or that I support Islamic dictatorship at the expense of Jewish democracy. It doesn't mean that I'm blind to the suffering of Palestinians or want them to suffer.
  11. This is the human evulotion. Humans always played Gods, it didn't start on the 20th century. Balming US and USSR for all the problems of humanity is pretty silly. We will see.
  12. Hamas kill innocent civilians, commits suicidal crimes against innocent civilians, lunch rockets against innocent civilians. Israel attacks Hamas when it gets attacked by it, this is factual. Israel doesn't oppress Gaza and yet, the biggest attack came from there. Hamas terrorism happens no matter what Israel does. Hamas is a radical, antisemitic, Islamistic terrorist organization, it's not a nationalistic organization who cares about creating something good for Palestinians. They planned this terror attack for a year with the intention to kill as much innocent Israelites as possible. If you think that they are innocent fighters for freedom, you are highly deluded.
  13. Seemingly they were bombing some Hamas terrorists when were attacked, they never thought about eliminating Hamas and this is the problem, that they wasn't ruthless enough with Hamas, which made Hamas stronger. Now as a result of what is happened, after they sew how ISIS alike Hamas are, this is very reasonable to eliminate them. No. Their own people are Palestinians. Hamas are Palestinians who first and for most treating other Palestinians like a shit. This should be addressed that most of Palestinian misery comes from their own fellows. Is this a blame game?
  14. You are being hypocrite as well, by criticizing Israel for defending itself against terrorists while you would probably do the same to save your ass. They never bombed for the sake of bombing. They reacted to attacks from anyone who attacks them. And these oppressed people are oppressed first and for most by their own people, you gotta bear it in your mind if you honor truth. Yes it's really a shame that this is what you believe.
  15. Because they don't have other Jewish countries, because their religion and long historical connection to this land, because they had kingdoms there for thousands of years.
  16. Yes I know. I also know that I'm the 6 million Jews who were murdered.
  17. I'm not going to answer this question because the comparison between South Korea and Palestine is irrelevant. It's like comparing Switzerland to Egypt. In fact, South Korea has more in common with Israel as both stuck with hostile neighbors. We have our beloved Kim. You too. You don't know what it's like to be fearful of suicidal terrorists or rockets from Hamas to anywhere you go, do you? There are many crazy antisemitic people in Europe and US, Jews people are in real danger right now, in all around the world. Even before the war, I heard every once in a while about some hater burning a synagogue or something. Because history proved Jews that even if Europe seems safe, it's not actually safe. And yes, they are safer within their own country with their own strong army. So what you suggest? They have roots in Israel, long history in Israel, their religion and bible stating they are belong to Israel. It's even written in Koran that Israel is for Jews.
  18. It doesn't justify commiting horrible crimes against innocent Israeli people. There are plenty refugees in the world and they don't do such things. People have to be accountable to their crimes regardless their level of development. Don't you see how happy Palestinians were when Hamas committed the attack against Israel? When they prided this dead poor Israeli dead woman? Is that OK? Of course. Where is your criticism of Palestine and Hamas? you criticized me for taking one side but where is your diverse point of view? They are not the first people who were explled in our history. People always were expelled during the history and they just moved on with their lives. They didn't bitch about it for 70 years, especially when they have so many other options. Jews on the other side are persecuted people, you know what is a persecuted people? So persecuted that 6 millions of them were killed in the most horrific ways while the world were silent, don't they deserve one tiny safe place which is historically connected to them by blood? You seem very emotional and aggressive. Chill out, and stop talking like an idiot. Don't make it personal. I'm not your enemy just because I think differently than you, I have the right to have my own opinions, I don't have to think like you. Understood?
  19. What you are missing is that Palestinians are victims of their own mentality, leadership and level of development before they are victims of Israel and the west. Their egos cling to this view and not only theirs. There is pattern in the middle east that keeps them stuck with undeveloped leadership and underdeveloped societies. Who cares who lived there 70 years ago? Why to cling to a land which your grandfather was expelled from 70 years ago if you have 50 other Muslim countries to live in?
  20. I agree, citisicm from the West is valid. The expectations are valid as well. However, when I see antisemitic attacks around the world, I doubt that people can differentiate between Israel and Jews, in my intuition, it seems that they ride on this war to fuel their antisemitism even more and because of that, they are throwing a triminology that wouldn't be thrown so easily if it was another country in Israel's place.
  21. My perspective comes to oppose the voices who blame Israel and see it as the one who's responsible to this conflict, which is isn't the whole truth. The reality is more complex that that. The Zionists who built Israel used to be the natives who were expelled from this land 2000 years ago so this is not the classical case of a strong European empire occupying aggressively lands, as it portrayed so many times. And there is also no evidence that Zionists violently occupied the land. Yes there were fights between Jews and Arabs but not by any means genocide or massacre systematically against Muslim Arabs. I don't think that Palestinians are Hamas by any means, but they chose Hamas so it may say something about them, especially about the way the see Jews. Also, often, when people mention the poor conditions of the Palestinians, they are automatically put the blame on Israel while in reality, the Palestinian leadership takes a huge part in it. They own Billions and invest millions, supported by Iran, in attacking Israel while they could have created a heaven with this money to Palestinians.
  22. Israel is very traumatized and some leaders talk impulsively because they themselves feel surprised and lost. It doesn't mean that they actually commit genocide. What about Hamas threats for years to kill Jews and eliminate Israel? What about Iran's threats for years? What about Hezbollah threats, for years? They do this for years and nobody cares.
  23. Hey dude, chill out I'm not a Jewish/Israeli. I'm just a woman with some common sense. Israel already exists. This is a modern, democratic and a western country with human rights, women rights, animals rights, LGBTQ+++ rights, religious freedom. Look at the Nova party there, where Hamas did massacre, these people could be people from this forum, liberal and open minded. Are you ok with replacing it with an another Islamic dictatorship in the middle east? Another place like Iran where there are no human rights and 1000000 restrictions? A place that delay the human consciousness development rather than supports it? What do you think Palestine would look like under the leadership of Islamic terrorists? It would be North Korea in the best case scenario. Are you ready working towards replacing Israel by building another Islamic dictatorship in the middle east? You are very invited, I heard that Hamas is active on Telegram, you may contact them and ask them how you can join?