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Everything posted by Lila9

  1. An Israeli Arab woman, Sophia Shramko, about the claims Israel is an Aparthid or commiting ethnical genocide:
  2. Hamas admitted it's not their job to protect civilians but it's the duty of UN.
  3. It's probably gonna be in the hard way, very likely. To get to the integration of Red it requires some shadow work and I don't know if it will happen soon. Most people don't care about such things.
  4. If Muslim Arabs in particular can't tolerate one Jewish state while they have many, that's not normal, this is not love. Yes, Jews and Arabs co-existed and still co-existing in Israel, but it doesn't cancel the hostility the Muslims countries has towards a one Jewish country. Wanting co-existing with Jews only if it's under Muslim dictatorship or Muslim terms (like charging Jews extra taxes) is not love for Jews. Love is freedom, freedom for the Jews in their one tiny small piece of land (compared to the vast middle east), that is historically, strongly related to them, with their own rules. The freedom to be Jews in Israel. Muslim Arab countries are very hostile for Jews and Europeans, it's not like they are welcomed. At least Israel has some sort of democracy and the freedom for Arabs living there their own lives according to their beliefs. And Arabs who want to become Jews can convert to Judaism. There is a famous singer in Israel who did that: This option is available for all the Arabs in Israel, not many Muslim Arabs want to be Jews though. I doubt that a Jew can just go to Egypt or Lebanon or Syria and be welcomed as an equal citizen and be openly Jew.
  5. Hamas admitted it's not their job to protect civilians but it's the duty of UN, lol. Terrorists don't give a shit about anyone but themselves and their curropted ideology.
  6. Fear of speaking Hebrew in Germany:
  7. Israeli Arabs who know both Arabic and Hebrew don't afraid to speak Arabic when they are abord, they afraid to speak Hebrew because there are so many antisemitic and anti-Israelies people who tend to be hostile and violent.
  8. There shouldn't be tolerance for terrorists like Hamas.
  9. Hamas kills Palestinian civilians, Hamas kills Israeli civilians and the world keeps blaming Israel. People are too fool to fall into the trap of Hamas. Hamas are good with manipulation, no doubt. Horrible, unbelievable that naive people in the west justify this barbaric behavior. "Freedom fighters" lol.
  10. You ask the wrong question dude. Better for you to ask is why the Palestinians in Gaza, which are constantly being bombed by Israel, 24/7, per the mainstream media, have the time (and acting skills?) to act in the growing industry of Pallywood?
  11. If you don't understand the difference I don't know how I can help you.
  12. There were attempts to set two states but it hasn't been successful. It doesn't work then one will have to give up.
  13. Now I am racist for saying that there is only one Jewish country vs many Muslims countries? I don't understand how from this you understand that I want to kill Muslims? Your fantasies and projections are stronger than yourself dude.
  14. They have proof as seculars that their ancestors lived in Israel (archaeological, historical, DNA) for them it's a good enough reason to return back to it. The notion of Messiah can be arguable, each sector in Judaism believes in a different form of it. People can claim that the Messiah of the secular Zionists was Thodor Herzl sent by God to inspire Jews returning to Israel happen.
  15. So you swallow everything you see on the media without making your own research? Like a robot? And no, people are still suffering in North Korea, the fact that you don't hear about it everyday doesn't mean that their suffer disappeared.
  16. It was the religious explanation that was given to that but the original historical cause was conquest by a foreign empire.
  17. The civilians war in Syria hasn't been over yet. The abuse of 26,000,000 civilians in North Korea and violation of human rights is still happening. The communist China has been killing and stealing organs from millions of Chinese people ONLY because they practice Falun Gong. They are still doing this. Where are all the protesters?
  18. Jews lived in this land for thousands of years, have been explled twice. Their connection to this land is mentioned in the Bible, the Koran and the Thora. There is bunch of archeology in Israel which is related to Jews. Saying they have little to no tie is delusional. It's not like there are 20 Jews lands, there is only one while Muslims have dozens. Expecting Jews to give up on their one land for Muslims who have bunch of it is really fucked up.
  19. Nice. Have you thought to compose this historical piece of poetry?
  20. Israel is not an apartheid. Its situation is too complex to be considered an apartheid.
  21. What happens in North Korea goes decades without end. Syria? Decades without end. China? Decades without end. Iran? Same. No, it's not an apartheid.
  22. Except Jews and everyone who is a non Palestinian refugee in the west bank and Gaza. Where all the protesters for the crimes against humanity happen in North Korea, China, Russia, Iran, Syria?