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They do the bare minimum to keep them alive. The hostages who were realesed came back with 5-10 kg less weight (it's a lot for 50 days). It's not like Hamas spoils them there lol. Hamas did execute some hostages (and blamed Israel) we don't know how much of them are still alive. According to the evidence of the hostages who were released, Hamas threatened them with guns to their heads during their period in the captivity, including children. They were forced to whisper and slept on chairs or on the floor. Why Hamas keeps hostages alive? Because they can get more Palestinian prisoners (terrorists) in exchange to living hostages. Hostages who are alive has more value than dead hostages. That's it, there is no compassion or mercy, only interests.
They are amazing.
Don't forget that Zionists who returned to Israel and settled were mostly non religious, atheists. If they were religious they would have wait until the masshiah comes. Since they are not religious, they settled in Israel but not because this is what stated in the bible. Since Judaism is not only a religion but also an ethnicity, they rebuilt a Jewish state (rebuilt because there were two Jewish states thousands years ago) in Israel because: 1. Their ancestors lived in Israel and formed themselves as an ethnical group in Israel (there are archeological evidence in Israel that supports it). 2. They suffered pogroms and persecution in both European and Muslim territories, so they did the most rational thing they could do which is to re-create a Jewish state in a land that is historically related to them. At that time Israel wasn't anyone's state, just a land, a piece of territory so they aren't "occupiers". There was a war on the land between the Jews and the Arabs of Israel and other Arab countries and Jews won.
Lila9 replied to Whitney Edwards's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
A great video of Kidology about the hype around Bin Laden's letter (hour+). -
Lila9 replied to Whitney Edwards's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
😂 -
https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-11-27/ty-article/russian-israeli-hostage-escaped-hamas-captivity-hid-in-gaza-before-locals-caught-him/0000018c-1121-dd2e-a5ae-d36bfcc40000 This Israeli man has managed to escape Hamas captivity and got lost in Gaza while trying to find the border in order to cross it back to Israel. Gaza people which treated by the world as separate from Hamas, have seen him and what do you think they did? Did they help him? Did they ignore him? No, he was handed over to Hamas by the people of Gaza. What is that telling us about the people of Gaza?
She tried to commit unsuccessful suecidal attack against Jews which left her alive with burned face. Al Jazeera frames it as if she were innocently driving and "suddenly" exploded, what a bs. And people in the comments support her as if she is some hero for trying to kill Jews or treat her and many other Palestinians prisoned criminals as if they are hostages while all of them are terrorists who killed or tried to kill Jews. Al Jazeera and its fans are never cease to surprise me with their radical distortion of reality, the antisemitism and hatred of Israel. The real hostages are the Israeli kidnapped people including children at the age of less than a year and elderly people more than 70 years old whose only crime was to be born a Jewish in Israel. What a crazy world.
Lila9 replied to Whitney Edwards's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
In short, Islam Sharia is superior, America is the ultimate devil, Israel belongs to Palestinians and not to Jews, Muslim countries are innocent victims and more crap. There is hype around this letter in America now🤦🏼♀️ Did they forget the 9/11 tragedy and what Islamic terrorists are capable of? -
Lol, I see 😂
Hamas excecuted yesterday 3 Palestinians in the the West Bank because they suspected these people were spying for Israel. The excecution is brutal like in the middle ages, a drama show to the mass, the view of the people with their smartphones to document this as if it's some entertainment makes me sick. Stage red mentality at its finest. https://m.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-775019 This is why there is no chance for a moderate Palestinian leadership as long as they are under the control of Hamas and terrorists organizations alike, because as soon as there will be a moderate leadership who will be cool with peace with Israel, he would be executed. Hamas is more than a physical entity, it's a ideology and the majority of the Arab world, including Palestinians, support it.
He is a total joke 🙄
I read that a group of Israelies have purchased the domain hamas.com and made it on the surface to appear like a Hamas fans website but actually shows videos of the butchery done by Hamas on October 7. I don't recommend checking this, I checked this and this is very graphic.
Hamas released a few hostages in exchange to a ceasefire and releasing prisoners by Israel. Pro-Palestinians: "Hamas is so humane, see?" Israel after all the abuse it received by Hamas since 1986 including the October 7 attack:"🙄🤦🏼♀️"
⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪💙⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ ⚪⚪⚪💙⚪💙⚪💙⚪💙⚪⚪⚪ ⚪⚪⚪⚪💙⚪⚪⚪💙⚪⚪⚪⚪ ⚪⚪⚪💙⚪💙⚪💙⚪💙⚪⚪⚪ ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪💙⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪
Lila9 replied to Parallax Mind's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Palestinians never wanted peace with Israel, since the beginning of Israel's existence, even the most moderate leadership was pro terrorising innocent Israeli people with the purpose to get the entire land. No matter how much Israel tried to have peace with Palestine, they always rejected it. This is enough to support Israel. It's not only a democracy, a light in the draknes of the middle east which indifferent to human rights are get violated by husband's towards their wives in the name of the religion, but a country which tried to have peace with its enemy, despite their hatred and antisemitism. It's sad that many people in the west justify the horrible massacre by Hamas in Israel by the claim that this is because they are occupied. People don't understabd what Hamas is and what are their goals, they even never bothered to read Hamas charter which openly expressing Muslim superiority and antisemitism. When I read Hamas charter I was shocked that this actually what the west is protecting and justifying, awarengly, but mostly out of ignorance. A short summary of Hamas Charter (from Wikipedia): Quotes from the charter translated from Arabic to English: Goals of Hamas- On the destruction of Israel- The Exclusive Moslem Nature of the Area: The Call to Jihad: Rejection of a Negotiated Peace Settlement: Condemnation of the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty: Anti-Semitic Incitement: Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamas_Charter?wprov=sfla1 https://irp.fas.org/world/para/docs/880818a.htm -
If you look at the big picture, it's a war between Western and non Western values. Democracy vs Dictatorship mentality. North Korea, Iran and Qatar financing Hamas. Syria, China, Russia also support Hamas and Palestine. Why? Because they share the same values and they all have a common enemy which is US, Europe, the West and Western values. It's a war between Western values such as liberalism, democracy, human rights and between conservatism, dictatorship, violence and human rights violation. Why would America support Palestine and Hamas if it's supported by countries who hate America and want to eliminate it? Kim Jong Un said himself openly that North Korea would like to eliminate US. He is very passionate about it. I don't know if he is really capable of it alone that's another question. Also, Israel is the only America's ally in the middle east, which is beneficial strategically to US because Israel serves as proxy if required. This is why no US president with minimal brain will ever cease to support Israel. Even Trump supported Israel. Countries with certain values naturally incline to support countries who share the same values. The issue with Western liberals is that they don't see the big picture and easily fall to stupid compassion and manipulation by Hamas who knows how to market themselves and use the western nativity to gain support in order to promote their radical Islamic, anti-american, anti western, antisemitic, homophobic and myogenic ideology. They literally believe to everything Hamas says because they assume that Hamas is just like themselves.
If there is such a torture, why the population not decreasing but only growing with the years? Why there is no normal education to be a civilizied human being instead of being radical antisemitic Islamist depsite all the money poured to there? Gaza isn't occupied by Israel for 20 years why it's still stuck regardless the enomourous financial support it receives from the world and Israel? Why Palestinians resist the two state solution, peace with Israel?
Luckily Israel's existence doesn't depend on people who don't even know where Israel is on the map or discovered this only a month ago 😊 If Israel's existence was dependent on their opinions, shallow understanding and empty definitions like 'occupation', Israel would've existed. There is Israel, and there will be Israel despite their evil wishes, they can be angry and sad as much as they want. It's their luck that they live in safety and no one is threatening their lives and people don't blame them while they are trying to defend themselves. I wish they had the wisdom to appreciate it.
UN is biased AF against Israel. If you think UN is objective this is hilarious. It fails to condomn Hamas crimes which are a real threat for humanity. And it's not only me who's thinking that, a person who grew up with Hamas and was one of them says it in his speech to UN.
Criticism is always necessary. However, when it comes in a disproportionate amount with questioning the right of Jews to exist in Israel, despite their strong history and connection to this place, despite being explled from dozens of countries due to irrational antisemitism, despite Muslim Arabs have so many countries, disproportionate blaming on Israel without condomning savages more dangerous than Nazis like Hamas, it's very clear that it's antisemitism. Any attempt to deny antisemitism and say that there is no antisemitism involved in this conflict, is gaslighting. Jews also were expelled by Muslims in the Muslim countries, after they escaped to Muslim countries from Europe so painting an image that Muslims are more tolerant towards Jews would be a joke. There are barely any Jews in Muslim countries. This is why having Israel is so important for Jews. History proved no place is safe for Jews. Even in Israel they prescued by radical antisemitic entities like Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas but at least they have army to defend themselves.
Lol, you compare Arabs in Israel to Jews in a concentration camp. This is so disconnected from reality and doesn't respect holocaust survivors who actually were in concentration camps nor Arabs in Israel who live decently, with religious freedom and better than most Arabs in the world. Additionally, it's more difficult for Arabs in Israel to admit how good their lives in Israel are since Arabs in the world and even radicals in their community can see this as betrayal. This is your problem that you don't take it seriously, only because you believe in some delusional reality of Arabs in Israel due to your bias and demonization of Israel without spending one day in Israel, doesn't mean it's the truth.
They have problem with Hamas and their leadership as well. If someone is occupying them is their leaders. The main reason for 7 October attack or any attack on Israel, by Hamas Hezbollah, Iran or whatever country in the ME is antisemitism. It's stated in Hamas doctrine that their goal is to eliminate Jews. Not only Israel, not Zionists, but Jews. Like Hitler. When someone hate Jews because they are Jews, which is irrational by itself, it cannot be understood rationally. The cause and effect rule doesn't apply in this case. They attack Jews because they hate them and want to eliminate them. That's it. It's not even close to the hatred Palestinian children are raised towards Jews. It's literally integrated in their school program. They are humans, developed doesn't mean perfect. It's better to live in a developed country rather than in not so developed. It's better and safer for Muslims to live under a Jewish leadership rather than for Jews under a Muslim leadership.
This is not true, you selectively choose people in Israel who expressed it, some PM of Israel 70 years ago and some radical settler but history proves Israel doesn't care about having two states as long as it promises peace. Israel gave up on Sinai for peace with Egypt and Israel gave up on Gaza for peace with Palestine. Is that work? No, instead of investing in Gaza and WB and building a beautiful state of Palestinian, they invested in weapon against Israel. Israel doesn't remove the Al-Aqsa mosque and rebuild the Jewish temple there was prior to the mosque, only because it values peace with the Arab world. Even though this place considered the holliest place for Jews and only the 3rd holiest place for Islam. Prior to attack, Israel tried to form Peace with Saudia. Israel is the most peaceful state in the ME region.
Young people usually immigrate to US or Europe for education purposes. And the rest... why would they immegrate? Most of them are Muslims who love their culture, their country and living around Muslims, they are not fond of the west and western values, especially the older generations. They would tolerate curropted leadership and less human rights and democracy rather than starting everything in a new country and living as a foreigner in a new country with secularism, LGBTQ and feminism, women with short pants and transgenders which doesn't suit their values. If they have no problem with Israel governing them, why you should have a problem? So Hamas is stage green? Gotcha. Now seriously, for the Arab world to evolve to green they should first integrate orange, you know, science, accepting the evulotion theory, logic, human rights and individual freedom over religion. But they are still very deep into Islam and dismissive of evolution, the idea that we are family with monkeys is probably triggering for the majority of them. Israel is really developed in comparison to the Arab world. And if the Arab world should give up on Israel it's not necessarily because Israel is more developed but more because Muslim Arabs have so much territory.
The Palestinian authority never wanted or believed in two state solution. This is their core value in their doctrine, they wouldn't compromise on less than 100%. That is why they will never be satisfied with Gaza and the WB alone and will keep doing attacks on Israel until they get 100% of the land. There is a change of two states if there will be a paradigm shift in the Palestinian consciousness, to accept the right of Jews to have a Jewish country in the Jewish historical land and stop fighting and trying to kill Jews. Then it will be possible to negotiate some peaceful solution. Otherwise it would be suicidal of Israel to negotiate such thing with someone that antisemitic.